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Git Info Variables Git Variables Get the last Git revision information for every content file. 2017-03-12 2017-03-12 2017-03-12
variables and params
parent weight
variables 70
70 70
false false

{{% note ".GitInfo Performance Considerations" %}} Hugo's Git integrations should be fairly performant but can increase your build time. This will depend on the size of your Git history. {{% /note %}}

.GitInfo Prerequisites

  1. The Hugo site must be in a Git-enabled directory.
  2. The Git executable must be installed and in your system PATH.
  3. The .GitInfo feature must be enabled in your Hugo project by passing --enableGitInfo flag on the command line or by setting enableGitInfo to true in your site's configuration file.

The .GitInfo Object

The GitInfo object contains the following fields:

the abbreviated commit hash (e.g., 866cbcc)
the author's name, respecting .mailmap
the author's email address, respecting .mailmap
the author date
the commit hash (e.g., 866cbccdab588b9908887ffd3b4f2667e94090c3)
commit message subject (e.g., tpl: Add custom index function)