2023-12-04 15:24:01 +01:00

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title description categories keywords action related aliases
collections.Sort Sorts slices, maps, and page collections.
aliases returnType signatures
collections.Sort COLLECTION [KEY] [ORDER]

The KEY is optional when sorting slices in ascending order, otherwise it is required. When sorting slices, use the literal value in place of the KEY. See examples below.

The ORDER may be either asc (ascending) or desc (descending). The default sort order is ascending.

Sort a slice

The examples below assume this site configuration:

{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} [params] grades = ['b','a','c'] {{< /code-toggle >}}

Ascending order

Sort slice elements in ascending order using either of these constructs:

{{ sort site.Params.grades }} → [a b c]
{{ sort site.Params.grades "value" "asc" }} → [a b c]

In the examples above, value is the KEY representing the value of the slice element.

Descending order

Sort slice elements in descending order:

{{ sort site.Params.grades "value" "desc" }} → [c b a]

In the example above, value is the KEY representing the value of the slice element.

Sort a map

The examples below assume this site configuration:

{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} [params.authors.a] firstName = "Marius" lastName = "Pontmercy" [params.authors.b] firstName = "Victor" lastName = "Hugo" [params.authors.c] firstName = "Jean" lastName = "Valjean" {{< /code-toggle >}}

{{% note %}} When sorting maps, the KEY argument must be lowercase. {{% /note %}}

Ascending order

Sort map objects in ascending order using either of these constructs:

{{ range sort site.Params.authors "firstname" }}
  {{ .firstName }}
{{ end }}

{{ range sort site.Params.authors "firstname" "asc" }}
  {{ .firstName }}
{{ end }}

These produce:

Jean Marius Victor

Descending order

Sort map objects in descending order:

{{ range sort site.Params.authors "firstname" "desc" }}
  {{ .firstName }}
{{ end }}

This produces:

Victor Marius Jean

Sort a page collection

{{% note %}} Although you can use the sort function to sort a page collection, Hugo provides sorting and grouping methods as well.

{{% /note %}}

In this contrived example, sort the site's regular pages by .Type in descending order:

{{ range sort site.RegularPages "Type" "desc" }}
  <h2><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></h2>
{{ end }}