2023-11-27 10:52:33 +01:00

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title description categories keywords action
transform.XMLEscape Returns the given string, removing disallowed characters then escaping the result to its XML equivalent.
aliases related returnType signatures
transform.XMLEscape INPUT

The transform.XMLEscape function removes disallowed characters as defined in the XML specification, then escapes the result by replacing the following characters with HTML entities:

  • ""
  • ''
  • &&
  • <&lt;
  • >&gt;
  • \t&#x9;
  • \n&#xA;
  • \r&#xD;

For example:

transform.XMLEscape "<p>abc</p>" → &lt;p&gt;abc&lt;/p&gt;

When using transform.XMLEscape in a template rendered by Go's html/template package, declare the string to be safe HTML to avoid double escaping. For example, in an RSS template:

{{< code file="layouts/_default/rss.xml" >}} {{ .Summary | transform.XMLEscape | safeHTML }} {{< /code >}}