2021-01-20 12:48:39 +01:00

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JavaScript Building Hugo Pipes can process JavaScript files with [ESBuild]( 2020-07-20 2020-07-20 2020-07-20
asset management
parent weight
pipes 45
45 45 false

Any JavaScript resource file can be transpiled and "tree shaken" using js.Build which takes for argument either a string for the filepath or a dict of options listed below.


targetPath [string]
If not set, the source path will be used as the base target path. Note that the target path's extension may change if the target MIME type is different, e.g. when the source is TypeScript.
params [map or slice] {{< new-in "0.78.0" >}}
Params that can be imported as JSON in your JS files, e.g.:
{{ $js := resources.Get "js/main.js" | js.Build (dict "params" (dict "api" "")) }}

And then in your JS file:

import * as params from '@params';

Note that this is meant for small data sets, e.g. config settings. For larger data, please put/mount the files into /assets and import them directly.

minify [bool]
Let js.Build handle the minification.
avoidTDZ {{< new-in "0.78.0" >}}
There is/was a bug in WebKit with severe performance issue with the tracking of TDZ checks in JavaScriptCore. Enabling this flag removes the TDZ and const assignment checks and may improve performance of larger JS codebases until the WebKit fix is in widespread use. See
target [string]
The language target. One of: es5, es2015, es2016, es2017, es2018, es2019, es2020 or esnext. Default is esnext.
externals [slice]
External dependencies. If a dependency should not be included in the bundle (Ex. library loaded from a CDN.), it should be listed here.
{{ $externals := slice "react" "react-dom" }}

Marking a package as external doesn't imply that the library can be loaded from a CDN. It simply tells Hugo not to expand/include the package in the JS file.

defines [map]
Allow to define a set of string replacement to be performed when building. Should be a map where each key is to be replaced by its value.
{{ $defines := dict "process.env.NODE_ENV" `"development"` }}
format [string] {{< new-in "0.74.3" >}}
The output format. One of: iife, cjs, esm. Default is iife, a self-executing function, suitable for inclusion as a