2023-05-27 17:02:23 +02:00

127 lines
3 KiB

title: sort
description: Sorts slices, maps, and page collections.
categories: [functions]
signature: ["sort COLLECTION [KEY] [ORDER]"]
parent: functions
keywords: [ordering,sorting,lists]
toc: true
The `KEY` is optional when sorting slices in ascending order, otherwise it is required. When sorting slices, use the literal `value` in place of the `KEY`. See examples below.
The `ORDER` may be either `asc` (ascending) or `desc` (descending). The default sort order is ascending.
## Sort a slice
The examples below assume this site configuration:
{{< code-toggle file="hugo" copy=false >}}
grades = ['b','a','c']
{{< /code-toggle >}}
### Ascending order {#slice-ascending-order}
Sort slice elements in ascending order using either of these constructs:
{{< code file="layouts/_default/single.html" copy=false >}}
{{ sort site.Params.grades }} → [a b c]
{{ sort site.Params.grades "value" "asc" }} → [a b c]
{{< /code >}}
In the examples above, `value` is the `KEY` representing the value of the slice element.
### Descending order {#slice-descending-order}
Sort slice elements in descending order:
{{< code file="layouts/_default/single.html" copy=false >}}
{{ sort site.Params.grades "value" "desc" }} → [c b a]
{{< /code >}}
In the example above, `value` is the `KEY` representing the value of the slice element.
## Sort a map
The examples below assume this site configuration:
{{< code-toggle file="hugo" copy=false >}}
firstName = "Marius"
lastName = "Pontmercy"
firstName = "Victor"
lastName = "Hugo"
firstName = "Jean"
lastName = "Valjean"
{{< /code-toggle >}}
{{% note %}}
When sorting maps, the `KEY` argument must be lowercase.
{{% /note %}}
### Ascending order {#map-ascending-order}
Sort map objects in ascending order using either of these constructs:
{{< code file="layouts/_default/single.html" copy=false >}}
{{ range sort site.Params.authors "firstname" }}
{{ .firstName }}
{{ end }}
{{ range sort site.Params.authors "firstname" "asc" }}
{{ .firstName }}
{{ end }}
{{< /code >}}
These produce:
Jean Marius Victor
### Descending order {#map-descending-order}
Sort map objects in descending order:
{{< code file="layouts/_default/single.html" copy=false >}}
{{ range sort site.Params.authors "firstname" "desc" }}
{{ .firstName }}
{{ end }}
{{< /code >}}
This produces:
Victor Marius Jean
## Sort a page collection
Although you can use the `sort` function to sort a page collection, Hugo provides [built-in methods for sorting page collections] by:
- weight
- linktitle
- title
- front matter parameter
- date
- expiration date
- last modified date
- publish date
- length
In this contrived example, sort the site's regular pages by `.Type` in descending order:
{{< code file="layouts/_default/home.html" copy=false >}}
{{ range sort site.RegularPages "Type" "desc" }}
<h2><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></h2>
{{ end }}
{{< /code >}}
[built-in methods for sorting page collections]: /templates/lists/#order-content