Bjørn Erik Pedersen ba45da9d03 Squashed 'docs/' changes from 44fe0285..32356e4e
32356e4e Fix typo in header of
c8f1a2d2 Correct code example for index template function
bfa6a55d Escape code fencing
ff8b2f99 Fix typos in deployment with wercker tutorial
557c36e8 theme: Merge commit '7fbb4bed25001182bfeb91f79db0f0c1936582ee'
7fbb4bed Squashed 'themes/gohugoioTheme/' changes from 7dd8a302..ca53082d
ce31cee0 Add "See Also" config
158cee1b Make the tags into keywords
61600be6 Add a note to the related section
49edb5a2 Relase 0.27.1
c9bbc001 releaser: Add release notes to /docs for release of 0.27.1
213c6c3b Add bugs poster
8b4590cd Add KeyCDN integration tutorial
2b277859 Add tutorial videos to several docs pages
950fef1f Update roadmap to link to the correct milestones page
496f5bf6 Rename relnotes
d6f9378d Bump Netlify versions to 0.27
087fde7f Update 0.27 release notes
603f94ae docs: Document Related Content
3790f6a3 releaser: Bump versions for release of 0.27
0948868c releaser: Add release notes to /docs for release of 0.27

git-subtree-dir: docs
git-subtree-split: 32356e4eabe357ae914f4d1d59e8ae31ce936723
2017-09-21 19:03:00 +02:00

9.3 KiB

title linktitle description date publishdate lastmod categories keywords draft menu weight sections_weight aliases toc
Page Variables Page-level variables are defined in a content file's front matter, derived from the content's file location, or extracted from the content body itself. 2017-02-01 2017-02-01 2017-02-01
variables and params
parent weight
variables 20
20 20

The following is a list of page-level variables. Many of these will be defined in the front matter, derived from file location, or extracted from the content itself.

{{% note ".Scratch" %}} See .Scratch for page-scoped, writable variables. {{% /note %}}

Page Variables

contains all alternative formats for a given page; this variable is especially useful link rel list in your site's <head>. (See Output Formats.)
the content itself, defined below the front matter.
the data specific to this type of page.
the date associated with the page; .Date pulls from the date field in a content's front matter. See also .ExpiryDate, .PublishDate, and .Lastmod.
the description for the page.
a boolean, true if the content is marked as a draft in the front matter.
the date on which the content is scheduled to expire; .ExpiryDate pulls from the expirydate field in a content's front matter. See also .PublishDate, .Date, and .Lastmod.
the approximate number of words in the content.
see Hugo Variables.
true in the context of the homepage.
always false for regular content pages.
always true for regular content pages.
true if there are translations to display.
the meta keywords for the content.
the page's kind. Possible return values are page, home, section, taxonomy, or taxonomyTerm. Note that there are also RSS, sitemap, robotsTXT, and 404 kinds, but these are only available during the rendering of each of these respective page's kind and therefore not available in any of the Pages collections.
language taken from the language extension notation.
a language object that points to the language's definition in the site config.
the date the content was last modified; .Lastmod pulls from the lastmod field in a content's front matter. If lastmod is not set, Hugo will default to the date field. See also .ExpiryDate, .Date, and .PublishDate.
access when creating links to the content. If set, Hugo will use the linktitle from the front matter before title.
pointer to the following content (based on the publishdate field in front matter).
pointer to the following content within the same section (based on publishdate field in front matter).
contains all formats, including the current format, for a given page. Can be combined the with .Get function to grab a specific format. (See Output Formats.)
a collection of associated pages. This value will be nil for regular content pages. .Pages is an alias for .Data.Pages.
the Permanent link for this page; see Permalinks
the Page content stripped of HTML tags and presented as a string.
the Page content stripped of HTML as a []string using Go's strings.Fields to split .Plain into a slice.
Pointer to the previous content (based on publishdate in front matter).
Pointer to the previous content within the same section (based on publishdate in front matter). For example, {{if .PrevInSection}}{{.PrevInSection.Permalink}}{{end}}.
the date on which the content was or will be published; .Publishdate pulls from the publishdate field in a content's front matter. See also .ExpiryDate, .Date, and .Lastmod.
link to the taxonomies' RSS link.
raw markdown content without the front matter. Useful with
the estimated time, in minutes, it takes to read the content.
returns the permalink for a given reference (e.g., .Ref ""). .Ref does not handle in-page fragments correctly. See Cross References.
the relative permanent link for this page.
returns the relative permalink for a given reference (e.g., RelRef ""). .RelRef does not handle in-page fragments correctly. See Cross References.
the section this content belongs to.
see Site Variables.
a generated summary of the content for easily showing a snippet in a summary view. The breakpoint can be set manually by inserting <!--more--> at the appropriate place in the content page. See Content Summaries for more details.
the rendered table of contents for the page.
the title for this page.
a list of translated versions of the current page. See Multilingual Mode for more information.
a boolean, true if the .Summary is truncated. Useful for showing a "Read more..." link only when necessary. See Summaries for more information.
the content type of the content (e.g., post).
the URL for the page relative to the web root. Note that a url set directly in front matter overrides the default relative URL for the rendered page.
the MD5-checksum of the content file's path.
assigned weight (in the front matter) to this content, used in sorting.
the number of words in the content.

Page-level Params

Any other value defined in the front matter in a content file, including taxonomies, will be made available as part of the .Params variable.

title: My First Post
date: date: 2017-02-20T15:26:23-06:00
categories: [one]
tags: [two,three,four]

With the above front matter, the tags and categories taxonomies are accessible via the following:

  • .Params.tags
  • .Params.categories

{{% note "Casing of Params" %}} Page-level .Params are only accessible in lowercase. {{% /note %}}

The .Params variable is particularly useful for the introduction of user-defined front matter fields in content files. For example, a Hugo website on book reviews could have the following front matter in /content/review/

affiliatelink: ""
recommendedby: "My Mother"

These fields would then be accessible to the /themes/yourtheme/layouts/review/single.html template through .Params.affiliatelink and .Params.recommendedby, respectively.

Two common situations where this type of front matter field could be introduced is as a value of a certain attribute like href="" or by itself to be displayed as text to the website's visitors.

{{< code file="/themes/yourtheme/layouts/review/single.html" >}}

Buy this book

It was recommended by {{ .Params.recommendedby }}.

{{< /code >}}

This template would render as follows, assuming you've set uglyURLs to false in your site config:

{{< output file="yourbaseurl/review/book01/index.html" >}}

Buy this book

It was recommended by my Mother.

{{< /output >}}

{{% note %}} See Archetypes for consistency of Params across pieces of content. {{% /note %}}

The .Param Method

In Hugo, you can declare params in individual pages and globally for your entire website. A common use case is to have a general value for the site param and a more specific value for some of the pages (i.e., a header image):

{{ $.Param "header_image" }}

The .Param method provides a way to resolve a single value according to it's definition in a page parameter (i.e. in the content's front matter) or a site parameter (i.e., in your config).

Access Nested Fields in Front Matter

When front matter contains nested fields like the following:

  given_name: John
  family_name: Feminella
  display_name: John Feminella

.Param can access these fields by concatenating the field names together with a dot:

{{ $.Param "author.display_name" }}

If your front matter contains a top-level key that is ambiguous with a nested key, as in the following case:

favorites.flavor: vanilla
  flavor: chocolate

The top-level key will be preferred. Therefore, the following method, when applied to the previous example, will print vanilla and not chocolate:

{{ $.Param "favorites.flavor" }}
=> vanilla