Bjørn Erik Pedersen 2c0d1ccdcd Squashed 'docs/' changes from b0470688..73f355ce
73f355ce Update theme
83ff50c2 Use in examples
71292134 Add alias news > release-notes
2e15f642 Update theme
8eef09d2 Add Pygments configuration
572b9e75 Clean up the code shortcode use
a1b2fd3b Remove the code fence language codes
1473b1d9 Remove redundant text
b92c2042 Update theme
8f439c28 Edit contributing section in README
8bcf8a19 Add contributing section to README
4c44ee1c Fix broken content file
2bdc7710 Clarify .Data.Pages sorting in
092271c2 Use infinitive mood for main titles
b9b8abef Update theme to reflect change to home page content
b897b71b Change copy to use sentence case
fd675ee5 Enable RSS feed for sections
060a5e27 Correct movie title in
6a5ca96a Update displayed site name for Hub
22f4b7a4 Add example of starting up the local server
d9612cb3 Update theme
a8c3988a Update theme
4198189d Update theme
12d6b016 Update theme
2b1c4197 Update theme
b6d90a1e Fix News release titles
cfe751db Add some build info to README

git-subtree-dir: docs
git-subtree-split: 73f355ce0dd88d032062ea70067431ab980cdd8d
2017-07-21 11:00:08 +02:00

4.9 KiB

title linktitle description date publishdate lastmod categories authors menu weight sections_weight draft toc aliases
Host on Bitbucket Host on Bitbucket You can use Bitbucket in conjunction with Aerobatic to build, deploy, and host a Hugo website. 2017-02-04 2017-02-04 2017-02-04
hosting and deployment
Jason Gowans
parent weight
hosting-and-deployment 50
50 50 false true

You can use Bitbucket and Aerobatic to build, deploy, and host a Hugo website. Aerobatic is a static hosting service that integrates with Bitbucket and provides a free hosting tier.


Install Aerobatic CLI

If you haven't previously used Aerobatic, you'll first need to install the Command Line Interface (CLI) and create an account. For a list of all commands available, see the Aerobatic CLI docs.

npm install aerobatic-cli -g
aero register

Create and Deploy Site

hugo new site my-new-hugo-site
cd my-new-hugo-site
cd themes; git clone
hugo -t liquorice
aero create                                           # create the Aerobatic site
hugo --baseURL  # build the site overriding baseURL
aero deploy -d public                                 # deploy output to Aerobatic

Version v1 deployment complete.
View now at

In the rendered page response, the https://__baseurl__ will be replaced with your actual site url (in this example, You can always rename your Aerobatic website with the aero rename command.

Push Hugo site to Bitbucket

We will now create a git repository and then push our code to Bitbucket. In Bitbucket, create a repository.

# initialize new git repository
git init

# set up our .gitignore file
echo -e "/public \n/themes \naero-deploy.tar.gz" >> .gitignore

# commit and push code to master branch
git add --all
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Continuous Deployment With Bitbucket Pipelines

In the example above, we pushed the compiled assets in the /public folder to Aerobatic. In the following example, we use Bitbucket Pipelines to continuously create and deploy the compiled assets to Aerobatic.

Step 1: Configure Bitbucket Pipelines

In your Hugo website's Bitbucket repo;

  1. Click the Pipelines link in the left nav menu of your Bitbucket repository.
  2. Click the Enable Pipelines button.
  3. On the next screen, leave the default template and click Next.
  4. In the editor, paste in the yaml contents below and click Commit.
image: beevelop/nodejs-python
      - step:
            - apt-get update -y && apt-get install wget
            - apt-get -y install git
            - wget
            - dpkg -i hugo*.deb
            - git clone themes/liquorice
            - hugo --theme=liquorice --baseURL https://__baseurl__ --buildDrafts
            - npm install -g aerobatic-cli
            - aero deploy

Step 2: Create AEROBATIC_API_KEY environment variable.

This step only needs to be done once per account. From the command line;

aero apikey
  1. Navigate to the Bitbucket account settings for the account that the website repo belongs to.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the left nav and click the Environment variables link in the PIPELINES section.
  3. Create a new environment variable called AEROBATIC_API_KEY with the value you got by running the aero apikey command. Be sure to click the Secured checkbox.

Step 3: Edit and Commit Code

hugo new post/
hugo server --buildDrafts -t liquorice #Check that all looks good

# commit and push code to master branch
git add --all
git commit -m "New blog post"
git push -u origin master

Your code will be committed to Bitbucket, Bitbucket Pipelines will run your build, and a new version of your site will be deployed to Aerobatic.

At this point, you can now create and edit blog posts directly in the Bitbucket UI.

Suggested next steps

The code for this example can be found in this Bitbucket repository. Aerobatic also provides a number of additional plugins such as auth and redirects that you can use for your Hugo site.