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Configure markup Configure rendering of markup to HTML.
getting started
parent weight
getting-started 50
50 configuration-markup true

Default handler

By default, Hugo uses Goldmark to render markdown to HTML.

{{< code-toggle file=hugo copy=false >}} [markup] defaultMarkdownHandler = 'goldmark' {{< /code-toggle >}}

Files with the .md or .markdown extension are processed as markdown, provided that you have not specified a different content format using the markup field in front matter.

To use a different renderer for markdown files, specify one of asciidocext, org, pandoc, or rst in your site configuration.

defaultMarkdownHandler Description
asciidocext AsciiDoc
goldmark Goldmark
org Emacs Org Mode
pandoc Pandoc
rst reStructuredText

To use Asciidoc, Pandoc, or reStructuredText you must install the relevant renderer and update your security policy.

{{% note %}} Unless you need a unique capability provided by one of the alternate markdown handlers, we strongly recommend that you use the default setting. Goldmark is fast, well maintained, conforms to the CommonMark specification, and is compatible with GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM).

{{% /note %}}


This is the default configuration for the Goldmark markdown renderer:

{{< code-toggle config="markup.goldmark" />}}

For details on the extensions, refer to this section of the Goldmark documentation

Some settings explained:

By default, Goldmark ignores newlines within a paragraph. Set to true to render newlines as <br> elements.
By default, Goldmark does not render raw HTML and potentially dangerous links. If you have lots of inline HTML and/or JavaScript, you may need to turn this on.
The typographer extension replaces certain character combinations with HTML entities as specified below:
Markdown Replaced by Description
... &hellip; horizontal ellipsis
' &rsquo; apostrophe
-- &ndash; en dash
--- &mdash; em dash
« &laquo; left angle quote
&ldquo; left double quote
&lsquo; left single quote
» &raquo; right angle quote
&rdquo; right double quote
&rsquo; right single quote
Enable custom attribute support for titles and blocks by adding attribute lists inside single curly brackets ({.myclass class="class1 class2" }) and placing it after the Markdown element it decorates, on the same line for titles and on a new line directly below for blocks.

Hugo supports adding attributes (e.g. CSS classes) to Markdown blocks, e.g. tables, lists, paragraphs etc.

A blockquote with a CSS class:

> foo
> bar

There are some current limitations: For tables you can currently only apply it to the full table, and for lists the ul/ol-nodes only, e.g.:

* Fruit
  * Apple
  * Orange
  * Banana
* Dairy
  * Milk
  * Cheese

Note that attributes in code fences must come after the opening tag, with any other highlighting processing instruction, e.g.:

```go {.myclass linenos=table,hl_lines=[8,"15-17"],linenostart=199}
// ... code
autoHeadingIDType ("github")
The strategy used for creating auto IDs (anchor names). Available types are github, github-ascii and blackfriday. github produces GitHub-compatible IDs, github-ascii will drop any non-Ascii characters after accent normalization, and blackfriday will make the IDs compatible with Blackfriday, the default Markdown engine before Hugo 0.60. Note that if Goldmark is your default Markdown engine, this is also the strategy used in the anchorize template func.


This is the default configuration for the AsciiDoc markdown renderer:

{{< code-toggle config="markup.asciidocExt" />}}

(map) Variables to be referenced in your AsciiDoc file. This is a list of variable name/value maps. See Asciidoctors attributes.
(string) Dont change this unless you know what you are doing.
([]string) Possible extensions are asciidoctor-html5s, asciidoctor-bibtex, asciidoctor-diagram, asciidoctor-interdoc-reftext, asciidoctor-katex, asciidoctor-latex, asciidoctor-mathematical, and asciidoctor-question.
(string) The minimum logging level that triggers a non-zero exit code (failure).
(bool) Output an embeddable document, which excludes the header, the footer, and everything outside the body of the document. Dont change this unless you know what you are doing.
(bool) By default, Hugo removes the table of contents generated by Asciidoctor and provides it through the built-in variable .TableOfContents to enable further customization and better integration with the various Hugo themes. This option can be set to true to preserve Asciidoctors TOC in the generated page.
(string) Safe mode level unsafe, safe, server, or secure. Dont change this unless you know what you are doing.
(bool) Auto-number section titles.
(bool) Include backtrace information on errors.
(bool) Verbosely print processing information and configuration file checks to stderr.
(bool) Sets the working directory to be the same as that of the AsciiDoc file being processed, so that include will work with relative paths. This setting uses the asciidoctor cli parameter --base-dir and attribute outdir=. For rendering diagrams with asciidoctor-diagram, workingFolderCurrent must be set to true.

Notice that for security concerns only extensions that do not have path separators (either \, / or .) are allowed. That means that extensions can only be invoked if they are in the Ruby's $LOAD_PATH (ie. most likely, the extension has been installed by the user). Any extension declared relative to the website's path will not be accepted.

Example of how to set extensions and attributes:

    extensions = ["asciidoctor-html5s", "asciidoctor-diagram"]
    workingFolderCurrent = true
        my-base-url = ""
        my-attribute-name = "my value"

In a complex Asciidoctor environment it is sometimes helpful to debug the exact call to your external helper with all parameters. Run Hugo with -v. You will get an output like

INFO 2019/12/22 09:08:48 Rendering book-as-pdf.adoc with C:\Ruby26-x64\bin\asciidoctor.bat using asciidoc args [--no-header-footer -r asciidoctor-html5s -b html5s -r asciidoctor-diagram --base-dir D:\prototypes\hugo_asciidoc_ddd\docs -a outdir=D:\prototypes\hugo_asciidoc_ddd\build -] ...


This is the default highlight configuration. Note that some of these settings can be set per code block, see Syntax Highlighting.

{{< code-toggle config="markup.highlight" />}}

For style, see these galleries:

For CSS, see Generate Syntax Highlighter CSS.

Table of contents

{{< code-toggle config="markup.tableOfContents" />}}

These settings only works for the Goldmark renderer:

The heading level, values starting at 1 (h1), to start render the table of contents.
The heading level, inclusive, to stop render the table of contents.
If true, generates an ordered list instead of an unordered list.

Render hooks

See Markdown Render Hooks.