2023-05-22 16:47:07 +02:00

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ref Returns the absolute permalink to a page.
cross references
ref . PAGE

This function takes two parameters:

  • The context of the page from which to resolve relative paths, typically the current page (.)
  • The path to a page, with or without a file extension, with or without an anchor. A path without a leading / is first resolved relative to the given context, then to the remainder of the site.
{{ ref . "about" }}
{{ ref . "about#anchor" }}
{{ ref . "" }}
{{ ref . "" }}
{{ ref . "#anchor" }}
{{ ref . "/blog/my-post" }}
{{ ref . "/blog/" }}

To return the absolute permalink to another language version of a page:

{{ ref . (dict "path" "" "lang" "fr") }}

To return the absolute permalink to another Output Format of a page:

{{ ref . (dict "path" "" "outputFormat" "rss") }}

Hugo emits an error or warning if the page cannot be uniquely resolved. The error behavior is configurable; see Ref and RelRef Configuration.

This function is used by Hugo's built-in ref shortcode. For a detailed explanation of how to leverage this shortcode for content management, see Links and Cross References.