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GeekOops is a collection of awesome sysops utilities for automated deployment with a strong focus on openSUSE. Depending on your mood it' pronounced Geeko-Ops or Geek Oops, both is just fine.

The project mainly lives on GitHub and consists of a set of ansible roles for automated deployment of certain services. The roles are written to be easily usable, tested, minimal yet configurable.

Simplicity is key for GeekOops. Each role is aimed to be self-sufficient, without crazy and sometimes unsolvable dependency chains. Roles are in general automatically tested to ensure, that they remain functional over time.

GeekOops was started in SUSE Hackweek 20 and continued in SUSE Hack Week 21 and Hackweek 22.

Most importantly: Have a lot of fun!

Getting started

Checkout the nginx tutorial post for getting your hands dirty in a step-by-step guide. A more complete how-to is the example webserver post, where we're setting up a simple nginx+php-fpm webserver on openSUSE Leap.


This project is open for contributions. Feel free to open issues, pull requests or even create new repositories within the project.

Checkout the Contribute page for more information.


Visit the roles page or go to GitHub for an overview of all available roles.