Felix Niederwanger 121ab40b02
Add possibility for priviledge drop
Adds the `uid` and `gid` settings in the main configuration file, which
allows weblug to run under a unprivileged user account. This comes with
the limitation, that unless the program runs as root, custom webhook
`uid/gid` settings are not possible.
2023-06-05 17:00:30 +02:00
blackbox.sh Add possibility for priviledge drop 2023-06-05 17:00:30 +02:00
checkenv Add env sanitation 2023-05-28 11:44:42 +02:00
test.yaml Add env sanitation 2023-05-28 11:44:42 +02:00
test_uid.yaml Add possibility for priviledge drop 2023-06-05 17:00:30 +02:00