Bjørn Erik Pedersen f9978ed164
Image resource refactor
This commit pulls most of the image related logic into its own package, to make it easier to reason about and extend.

This is also a rewrite of the transformation logic used in Hugo Pipes, mostly to allow constructs like the one below:

    {{ ($myimg | fingerprint ).Width }}

Fixes #5903
Fixes #6234
Fixes #6266
2019-08-26 15:00:44 +02:00

198 lines
4.7 KiB

package resources
import (
qt ""
type specDescriptor struct {
baseURL string
c *qt.C
fs afero.Fs
func createTestCfg() *viper.Viper {
cfg := viper.New()
cfg.Set("resourceDir", "resources")
cfg.Set("contentDir", "content")
cfg.Set("dataDir", "data")
cfg.Set("i18nDir", "i18n")
cfg.Set("layoutDir", "layouts")
cfg.Set("assetDir", "assets")
cfg.Set("archetypeDir", "archetypes")
cfg.Set("publishDir", "public")
langs.LoadLanguageSettings(cfg, nil)
mod, err := modules.CreateProjectModule(cfg)
if err != nil {
cfg.Set("allModules", modules.Modules{mod})
return cfg
func newTestResourceSpec(desc specDescriptor) *Spec {
baseURL := desc.baseURL
if baseURL == "" {
baseURL = ""
afs := desc.fs
if afs == nil {
afs = afero.NewMemMapFs()
c := desc.c
cfg := createTestCfg()
cfg.Set("baseURL", baseURL)
imagingCfg := map[string]interface{}{
"resampleFilter": "linear",
"quality": 68,
"anchor": "left",
cfg.Set("imaging", imagingCfg)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(afs, cfg)
fs.Destination = hugofs.NewCreateCountingFs(fs.Destination)
s, err := helpers.NewPathSpec(fs, cfg, nil)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
filecaches, err := filecache.NewCaches(s)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
spec, err := NewSpec(s, filecaches, nil, output.DefaultFormats, media.DefaultTypes)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return spec
func newTargetPaths(link string) func() page.TargetPaths {
return func() page.TargetPaths {
return page.TargetPaths{
SubResourceBaseTarget: filepath.FromSlash(link),
SubResourceBaseLink: link,
func newTestResourceOsFs(c *qt.C) *Spec {
cfg := createTestCfg()
cfg.Set("baseURL", "")
workDir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "hugores")
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && !strings.HasPrefix(workDir, "/private") {
// To get the entry folder in line with the rest. This its a little bit
// mysterious, but so be it.
workDir = "/private" + workDir
cfg.Set("workingDir", workDir)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(hugofs.Os, cfg)
fs.Destination = &afero.MemMapFs{}
s, err := helpers.NewPathSpec(fs, cfg, nil)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
filecaches, err := filecache.NewCaches(s)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
spec, err := NewSpec(s, filecaches, nil, output.DefaultFormats, media.DefaultTypes)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return spec
func fetchSunset(c *qt.C) resource.Image {
return fetchImage(c, "sunset.jpg")
func fetchImage(c *qt.C, name string) resource.Image {
spec := newTestResourceSpec(specDescriptor{c: c})
return fetchImageForSpec(spec, c, name)
func fetchImageForSpec(spec *Spec, c *qt.C, name string) resource.Image {
r := fetchResourceForSpec(spec, c, name)
img := r.(resource.Image)
c.Assert(img, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(img.(specProvider).getSpec(), qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
return img
func fetchResourceForSpec(spec *Spec, c *qt.C, name string) resource.ContentResource {
src, err := os.Open(filepath.FromSlash("testdata/" + name))
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
out, err := helpers.OpenFileForWriting(spec.Fs.Source, name)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
_, err = io.Copy(out, src)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
factory := newTargetPaths("/a")
r, err := spec.New(ResourceSourceDescriptor{Fs: spec.Fs.Source, TargetPaths: factory, LazyPublish: true, SourceFilename: name})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return r.(resource.ContentResource)
func assertImageFile(c *qt.C, fs afero.Fs, filename string, width, height int) {
filename = filepath.Clean(filename)
f, err := fs.Open(filename)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
defer f.Close()
config, _, err := image.DecodeConfig(f)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(config.Width, qt.Equals, width)
c.Assert(config.Height, qt.Equals, height)
func assertFileCache(c *qt.C, fs afero.Fs, filename string, width, height int) {
assertImageFile(c, fs, filepath.Clean(filename), width, height)
func writeSource(t testing.TB, fs *hugofs.Fs, filename, content string) {
writeToFs(t, fs.Source, filename, content)
func writeToFs(t testing.TB, fs afero.Fs, filename, content string) {
if err := afero.WriteFile(fs, filepath.FromSlash(filename), []byte(content), 0755); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to write file: %s", err)