Bjørn Erik Pedersen f9978ed164
Image resource refactor
This commit pulls most of the image related logic into its own package, to make it easier to reason about and extend.

This is also a rewrite of the transformation logic used in Hugo Pipes, mostly to allow constructs like the one below:

    {{ ($myimg | fingerprint ).Width }}

Fixes #5903
Fixes #6234
Fixes #6266
2019-08-26 15:00:44 +02:00

277 lines
7.2 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package images
import (
const (
defaultJPEGQuality = 75
defaultResampleFilter = "box"
var (
imageFormats = map[string]imaging.Format{
".jpg": imaging.JPEG,
".jpeg": imaging.JPEG,
".png": imaging.PNG,
".tif": imaging.TIFF,
".tiff": imaging.TIFF,
".bmp": imaging.BMP,
".gif": imaging.GIF,
// Add or increment if changes to an image format's processing requires
// re-generation.
imageFormatsVersions = map[imaging.Format]int{
imaging.PNG: 2, // Floyd Steinberg dithering
// Increment to mark all processed images as stale. Only use when absolutely needed.
// See the finer grained smartCropVersionNumber and imageFormatsVersions.
mainImageVersionNumber = 0
// Increment to mark all traced SVGs as stale.
traceVersionNumber = 0
var anchorPositions = map[string]imaging.Anchor{
strings.ToLower("Center"): imaging.Center,
strings.ToLower("TopLeft"): imaging.TopLeft,
strings.ToLower("Top"): imaging.Top,
strings.ToLower("TopRight"): imaging.TopRight,
strings.ToLower("Left"): imaging.Left,
strings.ToLower("Right"): imaging.Right,
strings.ToLower("BottomLeft"): imaging.BottomLeft,
strings.ToLower("Bottom"): imaging.Bottom,
strings.ToLower("BottomRight"): imaging.BottomRight,
var imageFilters = map[string]imaging.ResampleFilter{
strings.ToLower("NearestNeighbor"): imaging.NearestNeighbor,
strings.ToLower("Box"): imaging.Box,
strings.ToLower("Linear"): imaging.Linear,
strings.ToLower("Hermite"): imaging.Hermite,
strings.ToLower("MitchellNetravali"): imaging.MitchellNetravali,
strings.ToLower("CatmullRom"): imaging.CatmullRom,
strings.ToLower("BSpline"): imaging.BSpline,
strings.ToLower("Gaussian"): imaging.Gaussian,
strings.ToLower("Lanczos"): imaging.Lanczos,
strings.ToLower("Hann"): imaging.Hann,
strings.ToLower("Hamming"): imaging.Hamming,
strings.ToLower("Blackman"): imaging.Blackman,
strings.ToLower("Bartlett"): imaging.Bartlett,
strings.ToLower("Welch"): imaging.Welch,
strings.ToLower("Cosine"): imaging.Cosine,
func ImageFormatFromExt(ext string) (imaging.Format, bool) {
f, found := imageFormats[ext]
return f, found
func DecodeConfig(m map[string]interface{}) (Imaging, error) {
var i Imaging
if err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(m, &i); err != nil {
return i, err
if i.Quality == 0 {
i.Quality = defaultJPEGQuality
} else if i.Quality < 0 || i.Quality > 100 {
return i, errors.New("JPEG quality must be a number between 1 and 100")
if i.Anchor == "" || strings.EqualFold(i.Anchor, SmartCropIdentifier) {
i.Anchor = SmartCropIdentifier
} else {
i.Anchor = strings.ToLower(i.Anchor)
if _, found := anchorPositions[i.Anchor]; !found {
return i, errors.New("invalid anchor value in imaging config")
if i.ResampleFilter == "" {
i.ResampleFilter = defaultResampleFilter
} else {
filter := strings.ToLower(i.ResampleFilter)
_, found := imageFilters[filter]
if !found {
return i, fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid resample filter", filter)
i.ResampleFilter = filter
return i, nil
func DecodeImageConfig(action, config string, defaults Imaging) (ImageConfig, error) {
var (
c ImageConfig
err error
c.Action = action
if config == "" {
return c, errors.New("image config cannot be empty")
parts := strings.Fields(config)
for _, part := range parts {
part = strings.ToLower(part)
if part == SmartCropIdentifier {
c.AnchorStr = SmartCropIdentifier
} else if pos, ok := anchorPositions[part]; ok {
c.Anchor = pos
c.AnchorStr = part
} else if filter, ok := imageFilters[part]; ok {
c.Filter = filter
c.FilterStr = part
} else if part[0] == 'q' {
c.Quality, err = strconv.Atoi(part[1:])
if err != nil {
return c, err
if c.Quality < 1 || c.Quality > 100 {
return c, errors.New("quality ranges from 1 to 100 inclusive")
} else if part[0] == 'r' {
c.Rotate, err = strconv.Atoi(part[1:])
if err != nil {
return c, err
} else if strings.Contains(part, "x") {
widthHeight := strings.Split(part, "x")
if len(widthHeight) <= 2 {
first := widthHeight[0]
if first != "" {
c.Width, err = strconv.Atoi(first)
if err != nil {
return c, err
if len(widthHeight) == 2 {
second := widthHeight[1]
if second != "" {
c.Height, err = strconv.Atoi(second)
if err != nil {
return c, err
} else {
return c, errors.New("invalid image dimensions")
if c.Width == 0 && c.Height == 0 {
return c, errors.New("must provide Width or Height")
if c.FilterStr == "" {
c.FilterStr = defaults.ResampleFilter
c.Filter = imageFilters[c.FilterStr]
if c.AnchorStr == "" {
c.AnchorStr = defaults.Anchor
if !strings.EqualFold(c.AnchorStr, SmartCropIdentifier) {
c.Anchor = anchorPositions[c.AnchorStr]
return c, nil
// ImageConfig holds configuration to create a new image from an existing one, resize etc.
type ImageConfig struct {
Action string
// Quality ranges from 1 to 100 inclusive, higher is better.
// This is only relevant for JPEG images.
// Default is 75.
Quality int
// Rotate rotates an image by the given angle counter-clockwise.
// The rotation will be performed first.
Rotate int
Width int
Height int
Filter imaging.ResampleFilter
FilterStr string
Anchor imaging.Anchor
AnchorStr string
func (i ImageConfig) Key(format imaging.Format) string {
k := strconv.Itoa(i.Width) + "x" + strconv.Itoa(i.Height)
if i.Action != "" {
k += "_" + i.Action
if i.Quality > 0 {
k += "_q" + strconv.Itoa(i.Quality)
if i.Rotate != 0 {
k += "_r" + strconv.Itoa(i.Rotate)
anchor := i.AnchorStr
if anchor == SmartCropIdentifier {
anchor = anchor + strconv.Itoa(smartCropVersionNumber)
k += "_" + i.FilterStr
if strings.EqualFold(i.Action, "fill") {
k += "_" + anchor
if v, ok := imageFormatsVersions[format]; ok {
k += "_" + strconv.Itoa(v)
if mainImageVersionNumber > 0 {
k += "_" + strconv.Itoa(mainImageVersionNumber)
return k
// Imaging contains default image processing configuration. This will be fetched
// from site (or language) config.
type Imaging struct {
// Default image quality setting (1-100). Only used for JPEG images.
Quality int
// Resample filter used. See
ResampleFilter string
// The anchor used in Fill. Default is "smart", i.e. Smart Crop.
Anchor string