Bjørn Erik Pedersen f9978ed164
Image resource refactor
This commit pulls most of the image related logic into its own package, to make it easier to reason about and extend.

This is also a rewrite of the transformation logic used in Hugo Pipes, mostly to allow constructs like the one below:

    {{ ($myimg | fingerprint ).Width }}

Fixes #5903
Fixes #6234
Fixes #6266
2019-08-26 15:00:44 +02:00

338 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package resources
import (
qt ""
var eq = qt.CmpEquals(
cmp.Comparer(func(p1, p2 *resourceAdapter) bool {
return p1.resourceAdapterInner == p2.resourceAdapterInner
cmp.Comparer(func(p1, p2 *genericResource) bool { return p1 == p2 }),
cmp.Comparer(func(m1, m2 media.Type) bool {
return m1.Type() == m2.Type()
func TestImageTransformBasic(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
image := fetchSunset(c)
fileCache := image.(specProvider).getSpec().FileCaches.ImageCache().Fs
assertWidthHeight := func(img resource.Image, w, h int) {
c.Assert(img, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(img.Width(), qt.Equals, w)
c.Assert(img.Height(), qt.Equals, h)
c.Assert(image.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/sunset.jpg")
c.Assert(image.ResourceType(), qt.Equals, "image")
assertWidthHeight(image, 900, 562)
resized, err := image.Resize("300x200")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(image != resized, qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(image, qt.Not(eq), resized)
assertWidthHeight(resized, 300, 200)
assertWidthHeight(image, 900, 562)
resized0x, err := image.Resize("x200")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
assertWidthHeight(resized0x, 320, 200)
assertFileCache(c, fileCache, resized0x.RelPermalink(), 320, 200)
resizedx0, err := image.Resize("200x")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
assertWidthHeight(resizedx0, 200, 125)
assertFileCache(c, fileCache, resizedx0.RelPermalink(), 200, 125)
resizedAndRotated, err := image.Resize("x200 r90")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
assertWidthHeight(resizedAndRotated, 125, 200)
assertFileCache(c, fileCache, resizedAndRotated.RelPermalink(), 125, 200)
assertWidthHeight(resized, 300, 200)
c.Assert(resized.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/sunset_hu59e56ffff1bc1d8d122b1403d34e039f_90587_300x200_resize_q68_linear.jpg")
fitted, err := resized.Fit("50x50")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(fitted.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/sunset_hu59e56ffff1bc1d8d122b1403d34e039f_90587_625708021e2bb281c9f1002f88e4753f.jpg")
assertWidthHeight(fitted, 50, 33)
// Check the MD5 key threshold
fittedAgain, _ := fitted.Fit("10x20")
fittedAgain, err = fittedAgain.Fit("10x20")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(fittedAgain.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/sunset_hu59e56ffff1bc1d8d122b1403d34e039f_90587_3f65ba24dc2b7fba0f56d7f104519157.jpg")
assertWidthHeight(fittedAgain, 10, 6)
filled, err := image.Fill("200x100 bottomLeft")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(filled.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/sunset_hu59e56ffff1bc1d8d122b1403d34e039f_90587_200x100_fill_q68_linear_bottomleft.jpg")
assertWidthHeight(filled, 200, 100)
assertFileCache(c, fileCache, filled.RelPermalink(), 200, 100)
smart, err := image.Fill("200x100 smart")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(smart.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, fmt.Sprintf("/a/sunset_hu59e56ffff1bc1d8d122b1403d34e039f_90587_200x100_fill_q68_linear_smart%d.jpg", 1))
assertWidthHeight(smart, 200, 100)
assertFileCache(c, fileCache, smart.RelPermalink(), 200, 100)
// Check cache
filledAgain, err := image.Fill("200x100 bottomLeft")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(filled, eq, filledAgain)
assertFileCache(c, fileCache, filledAgain.RelPermalink(), 200, 100)
func TestImageTransformLongFilename(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
image := fetchImage(c, "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm5to6eeeeee7via8eleph.jpg")
c.Assert(image, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
resized, err := image.Resize("200x")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(resized, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(resized.Width(), qt.Equals, 200)
c.Assert(resized.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/_hu59e56ffff1bc1d8d122b1403d34e039f_90587_65b757a6e14debeae720fe8831f0a9bc.jpg")
resized, err = resized.Resize("100x")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(resized, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(resized.Width(), qt.Equals, 100)
c.Assert(resized.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/_hu59e56ffff1bc1d8d122b1403d34e039f_90587_c876768085288f41211f768147ba2647.jpg")
// Issue 6137
func TestImageTransformUppercaseExt(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
image := fetchImage(c, "sunrise.JPG")
resized, err := image.Resize("200x")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(resized, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(resized.Width(), qt.Equals, 200)
func TestImagePermalinkPublishOrder(t *testing.T) {
for _, checkOriginalFirst := range []bool{true, false} {
name := "OriginalFirst"
if !checkOriginalFirst {
name = "ResizedFirst"
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
spec := newTestResourceOsFs(c)
check1 := func(img resource.Image) {
resizedLink := "/a/sunset_hu59e56ffff1bc1d8d122b1403d34e039f_90587_100x50_resize_q75_box.jpg"
c.Assert(img.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, resizedLink)
assertImageFile(c, spec.PublishFs, resizedLink, 100, 50)
check2 := func(img resource.Image) {
c.Assert(img.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/sunset.jpg")
assertImageFile(c, spec.PublishFs, "a/sunset.jpg", 900, 562)
orignal := fetchImageForSpec(spec, c, "sunset.jpg")
c.Assert(orignal, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
if checkOriginalFirst {
resized, err := orignal.Resize("100x50")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
if !checkOriginalFirst {
func TestImageTransformConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
c := qt.New(t)
spec := newTestResourceOsFs(c)
image := fetchImageForSpec(spec, c, "sunset.jpg")
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
go func(id int) {
defer wg.Done()
for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
img := image
for k := 0; k < 2; k++ {
r1, err := img.Resize(fmt.Sprintf("%dx", id-k))
if err != nil {
if r1.Width() != id-k {
t.Errorf("Width: %d:%d", r1.Width(), j)
r2, err := r1.Resize(fmt.Sprintf("%dx", id-k-1))
if err != nil {
img = r2
}(i + 20)
func TestImageWithMetadata(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
image := fetchSunset(c)
meta := []map[string]interface{}{
"title": "My Sunset",
"name": "Sunset #:counter",
"src": "*.jpg",
c.Assert(AssignMetadata(meta, image), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(image.Name(), qt.Equals, "Sunset #1")
resized, err := image.Resize("200x")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(resized.Name(), qt.Equals, "Sunset #1")
func TestImageResize8BitPNG(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
image := fetchImage(c, "gohugoio.png")
c.Assert(image.MediaType().Type(), qt.Equals, "image/png")
c.Assert(image.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/gohugoio.png")
c.Assert(image.ResourceType(), qt.Equals, "image")
resized, err := image.Resize("800x")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(resized.MediaType().Type(), qt.Equals, "image/png")
c.Assert(resized.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/gohugoio_hu0e1b9e4a4be4d6f86c7b37b9ccce3fbc_73886_800x0_resize_linear_2.png")
c.Assert(resized.Width(), qt.Equals, 800)
func TestImageResizeInSubPath(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
image := fetchImage(c, "sub/gohugoio2.png")
fileCache := image.(specProvider).getSpec().FileCaches.ImageCache().Fs
c.Assert(image.MediaType(), eq, media.PNGType)
c.Assert(image.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/sub/gohugoio2.png")
c.Assert(image.ResourceType(), qt.Equals, "image")
resized, err := image.Resize("101x101")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(resized.MediaType().Type(), qt.Equals, "image/png")
c.Assert(resized.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/sub/gohugoio2_hu0e1b9e4a4be4d6f86c7b37b9ccce3fbc_73886_101x101_resize_linear_2.png")
c.Assert(resized.Width(), qt.Equals, 101)
assertFileCache(c, fileCache, resized.RelPermalink(), 101, 101)
publishedImageFilename := filepath.Clean(resized.RelPermalink())
spec := image.(specProvider).getSpec()
assertImageFile(c, spec.BaseFs.PublishFs, publishedImageFilename, 101, 101)
c.Assert(spec.BaseFs.PublishFs.Remove(publishedImageFilename), qt.IsNil)
// Cleare mem cache to simulate reading from the file cache.
resizedAgain, err := image.Resize("101x101")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(resizedAgain.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/a/sub/gohugoio2_hu0e1b9e4a4be4d6f86c7b37b9ccce3fbc_73886_101x101_resize_linear_2.png")
c.Assert(resizedAgain.Width(), qt.Equals, 101)
assertFileCache(c, fileCache, resizedAgain.RelPermalink(), 101, 101)
assertImageFile(c, image.(specProvider).getSpec().BaseFs.PublishFs, publishedImageFilename, 101, 101)
func TestSVGImage(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
spec := newTestResourceSpec(specDescriptor{c: c})
svg := fetchResourceForSpec(spec, c, "circle.svg")
c.Assert(svg, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
func TestSVGImageContent(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
spec := newTestResourceSpec(specDescriptor{c: c})
svg := fetchResourceForSpec(spec, c, "circle.svg")
c.Assert(svg, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
content, err := svg.Content()
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(content, hqt.IsSameType, "")
c.Assert(content.(string), qt.Contains, `<svg height="100" width="100">`)
func BenchmarkResizeParallel(b *testing.B) {
c := qt.New(b)
img := fetchSunset(c)
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
w := rand.Intn(10) + 10
resized, err := img.Resize(strconv.Itoa(w) + "x")
if err != nil {
_, err = resized.Resize(strconv.Itoa(w-1) + "x")
if err != nil {