Bjørn Erik Pedersen c790029e1d
Consider root and current section's content type if set in front matter
This should allow for less duplication of templates. Before this commit it was possible to override the content page of a given page/section, but only one page at a time.

Full "template sets" can now be inherited by setting `type: blog` etc. in the section content page's front matter, and that type will be considered when looking for layouts for all pages in that section.

For nested sections, it will use consider both `type` set in the current section first, then `type` set in the first section below home, e.g. `/docs`.

This commit also adds a new Page method: `FirstSection`. This navigates up to the first section below home (e.g. `/docs`). For the home page it will return itself.

Fixes #4891
2018-06-30 13:10:04 +02:00

363 lines
8.8 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
radix ""
// Sections returns the top level sections.
func (s *SiteInfo) Sections() Pages {
home, err := s.Home()
if err == nil {
return home.Sections()
return nil
// Home is a shortcut to the home page, equivalent to .Site.GetPage "home".
func (s *SiteInfo) Home() (*Page, error) {
return s.GetPage(KindHome)
// Parent returns a section's parent section or a page's section.
// To get a section's subsections, see Page's Sections method.
func (p *Page) Parent() *Page {
return p.parent
// CurrentSection returns the page's current section or the page itself if home or a section.
// Note that this will return nil for pages that is not regular, home or section pages.
func (p *Page) CurrentSection() *Page {
v := p
if v.origOnCopy != nil {
v = v.origOnCopy
if v.IsHome() || v.IsSection() {
return v
return v.parent
// FirstSection returns the section on level 1 below home, e.g. "/docs".
// For the home page, this will return itself.
func (p *Page) FirstSection() *Page {
v := p
if v.origOnCopy != nil {
v = v.origOnCopy
if v.parent == nil || v.parent.IsHome() {
return v
parent := v.parent
for {
current := parent
parent = parent.parent
if parent == nil || parent.IsHome() {
return current
// InSection returns whether the given page is in the current section.
// Note that this will always return false for pages that are
// not either regular, home or section pages.
func (p *Page) InSection(other interface{}) (bool, error) {
if p == nil || other == nil {
return false, nil
pp, err := unwrapPage(other)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if pp == nil {
return false, nil
return pp.CurrentSection() == p.CurrentSection(), nil
// IsDescendant returns whether the current page is a descendant of the given page.
// Note that this method is not relevant for taxonomy lists and taxonomy terms pages.
func (p *Page) IsDescendant(other interface{}) (bool, error) {
pp, err := unwrapPage(other)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if pp.Kind == KindPage && len(p.sections) == len(pp.sections) {
// A regular page is never its section's descendant.
return false, nil
return helpers.HasStringsPrefix(p.sections, pp.sections), nil
// IsAncestor returns whether the current page is an ancestor of the given page.
// Note that this method is not relevant for taxonomy lists and taxonomy terms pages.
func (p *Page) IsAncestor(other interface{}) (bool, error) {
pp, err := unwrapPage(other)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if p.Kind == KindPage && len(p.sections) == len(pp.sections) {
// A regular page is never its section's ancestor.
return false, nil
return helpers.HasStringsPrefix(pp.sections, p.sections), nil
// Eq returns whether the current page equals the given page.
// Note that this is more accurate than doing `{{ if eq $page $otherPage }}`
// since a Page can be embedded in another type.
func (p *Page) Eq(other interface{}) bool {
pp, err := unwrapPage(other)
if err != nil {
return false
return p == pp
func unwrapPage(in interface{}) (*Page, error) {
if po, ok := in.(*PageOutput); ok {
in = po.Page
pp, ok := in.(*Page)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T not supported", in)
return pp, nil
// Sections returns this section's subsections, if any.
// Note that for non-sections, this method will always return an empty list.
func (p *Page) Sections() Pages {
return p.subSections
func (s *Site) assembleSections() Pages {
var newPages Pages
if !s.isEnabled(KindSection) {
return newPages
// Maps section kind pages to their path, i.e. "my/section"
sectionPages := make(map[string]*Page)
// The sections with content files will already have been created.
for _, sect := range s.findPagesByKind(KindSection) {
sectionPages[path.Join(sect.sections...)] = sect
const (
sectKey = "__hs"
sectSectKey = "_a" + sectKey
sectPageKey = "_b" + sectKey
var (
inPages = radix.New().Txn()
inSections = radix.New().Txn()
undecided Pages
home := s.findFirstPageByKindIn(KindHome, s.Pages)
for i, p := range s.Pages {
if p.Kind != KindPage {
if len(p.sections) == 0 {
// Root level pages. These will have the home page as their Parent.
p.parent = home
sectionKey := path.Join(p.sections...)
sect, found := sectionPages[sectionKey]
if !found && len(p.sections) == 1 {
// We only create content-file-less sections for the root sections.
sect = s.newSectionPage(p.sections[0])
sectionPages[sectionKey] = sect
newPages = append(newPages, sect)
found = true
if len(p.sections) > 1 {
// Create the root section if not found.
_, rootFound := sectionPages[p.sections[0]]
if !rootFound {
sect = s.newSectionPage(p.sections[0])
sectionPages[p.sections[0]] = sect
newPages = append(newPages, sect)
if found {
pagePath := path.Join(sectionKey, sectPageKey, strconv.Itoa(i))
inPages.Insert([]byte(pagePath), p)
} else {
undecided = append(undecided, p)
// Create any missing sections in the tree.
// A sub-section needs a content file, but to create a navigational tree,
// given a content file in /content/a/b/c/, we cannot create just
// the c section.
for _, sect := range sectionPages {
for i := len(sect.sections); i > 0; i-- {
sectionPath := sect.sections[:i]
sectionKey := path.Join(sectionPath...)
sect, found := sectionPages[sectionKey]
if !found {
sect = s.newSectionPage(sectionPath[len(sectionPath)-1])
sect.sections = sectionPath
sectionPages[sectionKey] = sect
newPages = append(newPages, sect)
for k, sect := range sectionPages {
inPages.Insert([]byte(path.Join(k, sectSectKey)), sect)
inSections.Insert([]byte(k), sect)
var (
currentSection *Page
children Pages
rootSections = inSections.Commit().Root()
for i, p := range undecided {
// Now we can decide where to put this page into the tree.
sectionKey := path.Join(p.sections...)
_, v, _ := rootSections.LongestPrefix([]byte(sectionKey))
sect := v.(*Page)
pagePath := path.Join(path.Join(sect.sections...), sectSectKey, "u", strconv.Itoa(i))
inPages.Insert([]byte(pagePath), p)
var rootPages = inPages.Commit().Root()
rootPages.Walk(func(path []byte, v interface{}) bool {
p := v.(*Page)
if p.Kind == KindSection {
if currentSection != nil {
// A new section
currentSection = p
children = make(Pages, 0)
return false
// Regular page
p.parent = currentSection
children = append(children, p)
return false
if currentSection != nil {
// Build the sections hierarchy
for _, sect := range sectionPages {
if len(sect.sections) == 1 {
sect.parent = home
} else {
parentSearchKey := path.Join(sect.sections[:len(sect.sections)-1]...)
_, v, _ := rootSections.LongestPrefix([]byte(parentSearchKey))
p := v.(*Page)
sect.parent = p
if sect.parent != nil {
sect.parent.subSections = append(sect.parent.subSections, sect)
var (
sectionsParamId = "mainSections"
sectionsParamIdLower = strings.ToLower(sectionsParamId)
mainSections interface{}
mainSectionsFound bool
maxSectionWeight int
mainSections, mainSectionsFound = s.Info.Params[sectionsParamIdLower]
for _, sect := range sectionPages {
if sect.parent != nil {
for i, p := range sect.Pages {
if i > 0 {
p.NextInSection = sect.Pages[i-1]
if i < len(sect.Pages)-1 {
p.PrevInSection = sect.Pages[i+1]
if !mainSectionsFound {
weight := len(sect.Pages) + (len(sect.Sections()) * 5)
if weight >= maxSectionWeight {
mainSections = []string{sect.Section()}
maxSectionWeight = weight
// Try to make this as backwards compatible as possible.
s.Info.Params[sectionsParamId] = mainSections
s.Info.Params[sectionsParamIdLower] = mainSections
return newPages
func (p *Page) setPagePages(pages Pages) {
p.Pages = pages
p.Data = make(map[string]interface{})
p.Data["Pages"] = pages