Bjørn Erik Pedersen f2946da9e8 Improve error messages, esp. when the server is running
* Add file context to minifier errors when publishing
* Misc fixes (see issues)
* Allow custom server error template in layouts/server/error.html

To get to this, this commit also cleans up and simplifies the code surrounding errors and files. This also removes the usage of ``, mostly because of -- but also because most of this is now built-in to Go.

Fixes #9852
Fixes #9857
Fixes #9863
2022-05-06 19:43:22 +02:00

418 lines
11 KiB

package hugolib
import (
qt ""
type testSiteBuildErrorAsserter struct {
name string
c *qt.C
func (t testSiteBuildErrorAsserter) getFileError(err error) herrors.FileError {
t.c.Assert(err, qt.Not(qt.IsNil), qt.Commentf(
fe := herrors.UnwrapFileError(err)
t.c.Assert(fe, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
return fe
func (t testSiteBuildErrorAsserter) assertLineNumber(lineNumber int, err error) {
fe := t.getFileError(err)
t.c.Assert(fe.Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, lineNumber, qt.Commentf(err.Error()))
func (t testSiteBuildErrorAsserter) assertErrorMessage(e1, e2 string) {
// The error message will contain filenames with OS slashes. Normalize before compare.
e1, e2 = filepath.ToSlash(e1), filepath.ToSlash(e2)
t.c.Assert(e2, qt.Contains, e1)
func TestSiteBuildErrors(t *testing.T) {
const (
yamlcontent = "yamlcontent"
tomlcontent = "tomlcontent"
jsoncontent = "jsoncontent"
shortcode = "shortcode"
base = "base"
single = "single"
// TODO(bep) add content tests after
// is implemented.
tests := []struct {
name string
fileType string
fileFixer func(content string) string
assertCreateError func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error)
assertBuildError func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error)
name: "Base template parse failed",
fileType: base,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, ".Title }}", ".Title }", 1)
// Base templates gets parsed at build time.
assertBuildError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
a.assertLineNumber(4, err)
name: "Base template execute failed",
fileType: base,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, ".Title", ".Titles", 1)
assertBuildError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
a.assertLineNumber(4, err)
name: "Single template parse failed",
fileType: single,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, ".Title }}", ".Title }", 1)
assertCreateError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
fe := a.getFileError(err)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 5)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().ColumnNumber, qt.Equals, 1)
a.assertErrorMessage("\"layouts/foo/single.html:5:1\": parse failed: template: foo/single.html:5: unexpected \"}\" in operand", fe.Error())
name: "Single template execute failed",
fileType: single,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, ".Title", ".Titles", 1)
assertBuildError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
fe := a.getFileError(err)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 5)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().ColumnNumber, qt.Equals, 14)
a.assertErrorMessage("\"layouts/_default/single.html:5:14\": execute of template failed", fe.Error())
name: "Single template execute failed, long keyword",
fileType: single,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, ".Title", ".ThisIsAVeryLongTitle", 1)
assertBuildError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
fe := a.getFileError(err)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 5)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().ColumnNumber, qt.Equals, 14)
a.assertErrorMessage("\"layouts/_default/single.html:5:14\": execute of template failed", fe.Error())
name: "Shortcode parse failed",
fileType: shortcode,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, ".Title }}", ".Title }", 1)
assertCreateError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
a.assertLineNumber(4, err)
name: "Shortcode execute failed",
fileType: shortcode,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, ".Title", ".Titles", 1)
assertBuildError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
fe := a.getFileError(err)
// Make sure that it contains both the content file and template
a.assertErrorMessage(`"content/": failed to render shortcode "sc": failed to process shortcode: "layouts/shortcodes/sc.html:4:22": execute of template failed: template: shortcodes/sc.html:4:22: executing "shortcodes/sc.html" at <.Page.Titles>: can't evaluate field Titles in type page.Page`, fe.Error())
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 7)
name: "Shortode does not exist",
fileType: yamlcontent,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, "{{< sc >}}", "{{< nono >}}", 1)
assertBuildError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
fe := a.getFileError(err)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 7)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().ColumnNumber, qt.Equals, 10)
a.assertErrorMessage(`"content/": failed to extract shortcode: template for shortcode "nono" not found`, fe.Error())
name: "Invalid YAML front matter",
fileType: yamlcontent,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return `---
title: "My YAML Content"
foo bar
assertBuildError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
a.assertLineNumber(3, err)
name: "Invalid TOML front matter",
fileType: tomlcontent,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, "description = ", "description &", 1)
assertBuildError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
fe := a.getFileError(err)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 6)
name: "Invalid JSON front matter",
fileType: jsoncontent,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, "\"description\":", "\"description\"", 1)
assertBuildError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
fe := a.getFileError(err)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 3)
// See
name: "Panic in template Execute",
fileType: single,
fileFixer: func(content string) string {
return strings.Replace(content, ".Title", ".Parent.Parent.Parent", 1)
assertBuildError: func(a testSiteBuildErrorAsserter, err error) {
a.c.Assert(err, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
fe := a.getFileError(err)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 5)
a.c.Assert(fe.Position().ColumnNumber, qt.Equals, 21)
for _, test := range tests {
if != "Invalid JSON front matter" {
test := test
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
errorAsserter := testSiteBuildErrorAsserter{
c: c,
b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithSimpleConfigFile()
f := func(fileType, content string) string {
if fileType != test.fileType {
return content
return test.fileFixer(content)
b.WithTemplatesAdded("layouts/shortcodes/sc.html", f(shortcode, `SHORTCODE L1
SHORTCODE L4: {{ .Page.Title }}
b.WithTemplatesAdded("layouts/_default/baseof.html", f(base, `BASEOF L1
BASEOF L4{{ if .Title }}{{ end }}
{{block "main" .}}This is the main content.{{end}}
b.WithTemplatesAdded("layouts/_default/single.html", f(single, `{{ define "main" }}
SINGLE L5: {{ .Title }} {{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
b.WithTemplatesAdded("layouts/foo/single.html", f(single, `
SINGLE L5: {{ .Title }} {{ .Content }}
b.WithContent("", f(yamlcontent, `---
title: "The YAML"
Some content.
{{< sc >}}
Some more text.
The end.
b.WithContent("", f(tomlcontent, `+++
title = "The TOML"
p1 = "v"
p2 = "v"
p3 = "v"
description = "Descriptioon"
Some content.
b.WithContent("", f(jsoncontent, `{
"title": "This is a title",
"description": "This is a description."
Some content.
createErr := b.CreateSitesE()
if test.assertCreateError != nil {
test.assertCreateError(errorAsserter, createErr)
} else {
c.Assert(createErr, qt.IsNil)
if createErr == nil {
buildErr := b.BuildE(BuildCfg{})
if test.assertBuildError != nil {
test.assertBuildError(errorAsserter, buildErr)
} else {
c.Assert(buildErr, qt.IsNil)
// Issue 9852
func TestErrorMinify(t *testing.T) {
files := `
-- config.toml --
minify = true
-- layouts/index.html --
b, err := NewIntegrationTestBuilder(
T: t,
TxtarString: files,
fe := herrors.UnwrapFileError(err)
b.Assert(fe, qt.IsNotNil)
b.Assert(fe.Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 2)
b.Assert(fe.Position().ColumnNumber, qt.Equals, 9)
b.Assert(fe.Error(), qt.Contains, "unexpected = in expression on line 2 and column 9")
b.Assert(filepath.ToSlash(fe.Position().Filename), qt.Contains, "hugo-transform-error")
b.Assert(os.Remove(fe.Position().Filename), qt.IsNil)
func TestErrorNested(t *testing.T) {
files := `
-- config.toml --
-- layouts/index.html --
line 1
12{{ partial "foo.html" . }}
line 4
line 5
-- layouts/partials/foo.html --
line 1
line 2
123{{ .ThisDoesNotExist }}
line 4
b, err := NewIntegrationTestBuilder(
T: t,
TxtarString: files,
b.Assert(err, qt.IsNotNil)
errors := herrors.UnwrapFileErrorsWithErrorContext(err)
b.Assert(errors, qt.HasLen, 2)
b.Assert(errors[0].Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 2)
b.Assert(errors[0].Position().ColumnNumber, qt.Equals, 5)
b.Assert(errors[0].Error(), qt.Contains, filepath.FromSlash(`"/layouts/index.html:2:5": execute of template failed`))
b.Assert(errors[0].ErrorContext().Lines, qt.DeepEquals, []string{"line 1", "12{{ partial \"foo.html\" . }}", "line 4", "line 5"})
b.Assert(errors[1].Position().LineNumber, qt.Equals, 3)
b.Assert(errors[1].Position().ColumnNumber, qt.Equals, 6)
b.Assert(errors[1].ErrorContext().Lines, qt.DeepEquals, []string{"line 1", "line 2", "123{{ .ThisDoesNotExist }}", "line 4"})
func TestSiteBuildTimeout(t *testing.T) {
if !htesting.IsCI() {
//defer leaktest.CheckTimeout(t, 10*time.Second)()
b := newTestSitesBuilder(t)
b.WithConfigFile("toml", `
timeout = 5
b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/single.html", `
{{ .WordCount }}
`, "shortcodes/c.html", `
{{ range .Page.Site.RegularPages }}
{{ .WordCount }}
{{ end }}
for i := 1; i < 100; i++ {
b.WithContent(fmt.Sprintf("", i), `---
title: "A page"
{{< c >}}`)