2019-05-03 17:58:40 +02:00

309 lines
8.7 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deploy
import (
func TestDeploy_FindDiffs(t *testing.T) {
hash1 := []byte("hash 1")
hash2 := []byte("hash 2")
makeLocal := func(path string, size int64, hash []byte) *localFile {
return &localFile{Path: path, UploadSize: size, md5: hash}
makeRemote := func(path string, size int64, hash []byte) *blob.ListObject {
return &blob.ListObject{Key: path, Size: size, MD5: hash}
tests := []struct {
Description string
Local []*localFile
Remote []*blob.ListObject
Force bool
WantUpdates []*fileToUpload
WantDeletes []string
Description: "empty -> no diffs",
Description: "local == remote -> no diffs",
Local: []*localFile{
makeLocal("aaa", 1, hash1),
makeLocal("bbb", 2, hash1),
makeLocal("ccc", 3, hash2),
Remote: []*blob.ListObject{
makeRemote("aaa", 1, hash1),
makeRemote("bbb", 2, hash1),
makeRemote("ccc", 3, hash2),
Description: "local == remote with force flag true -> diffs",
Local: []*localFile{
makeLocal("aaa", 1, hash1),
makeLocal("bbb", 2, hash1),
makeLocal("ccc", 3, hash2),
Remote: []*blob.ListObject{
makeRemote("aaa", 1, hash1),
makeRemote("bbb", 2, hash1),
makeRemote("ccc", 3, hash2),
Force: true,
WantUpdates: []*fileToUpload{
{makeLocal("aaa", 1, nil), reasonForce},
{makeLocal("bbb", 2, nil), reasonForce},
{makeLocal("ccc", 3, nil), reasonForce},
Description: "local == remote with route.Force true -> diffs",
Local: []*localFile{
{Path: "aaa", UploadSize: 1, matcher: &matcher{Force: true}, md5: hash1},
makeLocal("bbb", 2, hash1),
Remote: []*blob.ListObject{
makeRemote("aaa", 1, hash1),
makeRemote("bbb", 2, hash1),
WantUpdates: []*fileToUpload{
{makeLocal("aaa", 1, nil), reasonForce},
Description: "extra local file -> upload",
Local: []*localFile{
makeLocal("aaa", 1, hash1),
makeLocal("bbb", 2, hash2),
Remote: []*blob.ListObject{
makeRemote("aaa", 1, hash1),
WantUpdates: []*fileToUpload{
{makeLocal("bbb", 2, nil), reasonNotFound},
Description: "extra remote file -> delete",
Local: []*localFile{
makeLocal("aaa", 1, hash1),
Remote: []*blob.ListObject{
makeRemote("aaa", 1, hash1),
makeRemote("bbb", 2, hash2),
WantDeletes: []string{"bbb"},
Description: "diffs in size or md5 -> upload",
Local: []*localFile{
makeLocal("aaa", 1, hash1),
makeLocal("bbb", 2, hash1),
makeLocal("ccc", 1, hash2),
Remote: []*blob.ListObject{
makeRemote("aaa", 1, nil),
makeRemote("bbb", 1, hash1),
makeRemote("ccc", 1, hash1),
WantUpdates: []*fileToUpload{
{makeLocal("aaa", 1, nil), reasonMD5Missing},
{makeLocal("bbb", 2, nil), reasonSize},
{makeLocal("ccc", 1, nil), reasonMD5Differs},
Description: "mix of updates and deletes",
Local: []*localFile{
makeLocal("same", 1, hash1),
makeLocal("updated", 2, hash1),
makeLocal("updated2", 1, hash2),
makeLocal("new", 1, hash1),
makeLocal("new2", 2, hash2),
Remote: []*blob.ListObject{
makeRemote("same", 1, hash1),
makeRemote("updated", 1, hash1),
makeRemote("updated2", 1, hash1),
makeRemote("stale", 1, hash1),
makeRemote("stale2", 1, hash1),
WantUpdates: []*fileToUpload{
{makeLocal("new", 1, nil), reasonNotFound},
{makeLocal("new2", 2, nil), reasonNotFound},
{makeLocal("updated", 2, nil), reasonSize},
{makeLocal("updated2", 1, nil), reasonMD5Differs},
WantDeletes: []string{"stale", "stale2"},
for _, tc := range tests {
t.Run(tc.Description, func(t *testing.T) {
local := map[string]*localFile{}
for _, l := range tc.Local {
local[l.Path] = l
remote := map[string]*blob.ListObject{}
for _, r := range tc.Remote {
remote[r.Key] = r
gotUpdates, gotDeletes := findDiffs(local, remote, tc.Force)
sort.Slice(gotUpdates, func(i, j int) bool { return gotUpdates[i].Local.Path < gotUpdates[j].Local.Path })
sort.Slice(gotDeletes, func(i, j int) bool { return gotDeletes[i] < gotDeletes[j] })
if diff := cmp.Diff(gotUpdates, tc.WantUpdates, cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported(localFile{})); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("updates differ:\n%s", diff)
if diff := cmp.Diff(gotDeletes, tc.WantDeletes); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("deletes differ:\n%s", diff)
func TestDeploy_LocalFile(t *testing.T) {
const (
content = "hello world!"
contentBytes := []byte(content)
contentLen := int64(len(contentBytes))
contentMD5 := md5.Sum(contentBytes)
var buf bytes.Buffer
gz := gzip.NewWriter(&buf)
if _, err := gz.Write(contentBytes); err != nil {
gzBytes := buf.Bytes()
gzLen := int64(len(gzBytes))
gzMD5 := md5.Sum(gzBytes)
tests := []struct {
Description string
Path string
Matcher *matcher
WantContent []byte
WantSize int64
WantMD5 []byte
WantContentType string // empty string is always OK, since content type detection is OS-specific
WantCacheControl string
WantContentEncoding string
Description: "file with no suffix",
Path: "foo",
WantContent: contentBytes,
WantSize: contentLen,
WantMD5: contentMD5[:],
Description: "file with .txt suffix",
Path: "foo.txt",
WantContent: contentBytes,
WantSize: contentLen,
WantMD5: contentMD5[:],
Description: "CacheControl from matcher",
Path: "foo.txt",
Matcher: &matcher{CacheControl: "max-age=630720000"},
WantContent: contentBytes,
WantSize: contentLen,
WantMD5: contentMD5[:],
WantCacheControl: "max-age=630720000",
Description: "ContentEncoding from matcher",
Path: "foo.txt",
Matcher: &matcher{ContentEncoding: "foobar"},
WantContent: contentBytes,
WantSize: contentLen,
WantMD5: contentMD5[:],
WantContentEncoding: "foobar",
Description: "ContentType from matcher",
Path: "foo.txt",
Matcher: &matcher{ContentType: "foo/bar"},
WantContent: contentBytes,
WantSize: contentLen,
WantMD5: contentMD5[:],
WantContentType: "foo/bar",
Description: "gzipped content",
Path: "foo.txt",
Matcher: &matcher{Gzip: true},
WantContent: gzBytes,
WantSize: gzLen,
WantMD5: gzMD5[:],
WantContentEncoding: "gzip",
for _, tc := range tests {
t.Run(tc.Description, func(t *testing.T) {
fs := new(afero.MemMapFs)
if err := afero.WriteFile(fs, tc.Path, []byte(content), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
lf, err := newLocalFile(fs, tc.Path, tc.Matcher)
if err != nil {
if got := lf.UploadSize; got != tc.WantSize {
t.Errorf("got size %d want %d", got, tc.WantSize)
if got := lf.MD5(); !bytes.Equal(got, tc.WantMD5) {
t.Errorf("got MD5 %x want %x", got, tc.WantMD5)
if got := lf.CacheControl(); got != tc.WantCacheControl {
t.Errorf("got CacheControl %q want %q", got, tc.WantCacheControl)
if got := lf.ContentEncoding(); got != tc.WantContentEncoding {
t.Errorf("got ContentEncoding %q want %q", got, tc.WantContentEncoding)
if tc.WantContentType != "" {
if got := lf.ContentType(); got != tc.WantContentType {
t.Errorf("got ContentType %q want %q", got, tc.WantContentType)
// Verify the content reader last to ensure the
// previous operations don't interfere with it.
gotContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(lf.UploadContentReader)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(gotContent, tc.WantContent) {
t.Errorf("got content %q want %q", string(gotContent), string(tc.WantContent))