Bjørn Erik Pedersen dea71670c0
Add Hugo Piper with SCSS support and much more
Before this commit, you would have to use page bundles to do image processing etc. in Hugo.

This commit adds

* A new `/assets` top-level project or theme dir (configurable via `assetDir`)
* A new template func, `resources.Get` which can be used to "get a resource" that can be further processed.

This means that you can now do this in your templates (or shortcodes):

{{ $sunset := (resources.Get "images/sunset.jpg").Fill "300x200" }}

This also adds a new `extended` build tag that enables powerful SCSS/SASS support with source maps. To compile this from source, you will also need a C compiler installed:

HUGO_BUILD_TAGS=extended mage install

Note that you can use output of the SCSS processing later in a non-SCSSS-enabled Hugo.

The `SCSS` processor is a _Resource transformation step_ and it can be chained with the many others in a pipeline:

{{ $css := resources.Get "styles.scss" | resources.ToCSS | resources.PostCSS | resources.Minify | resources.Fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Digest }}" media="screen">

The transformation funcs above have aliases, so it can be shortened to:

{{ $css := resources.Get "styles.scss" | toCSS | postCSS | minify | fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Digest }}" media="screen">

A quick tip would be to avoid the fingerprinting part, and possibly also the not-superfast `postCSS` when you're doing development, as it allows Hugo to be smarter about the rebuilding.

Documentation will follow, but have a look at the demo repo in

New functions to create `Resource` objects:

* `resources.Get` (see above)
* `resources.FromString`: Create a Resource from a string.

New `Resource` transformation funcs:

* `resources.ToCSS`: Compile `SCSS` or `SASS` into `CSS`.
* `resources.PostCSS`: Process your CSS with PostCSS. Config file support (project or theme or passed as an option).
* `resources.Minify`: Currently supports `css`, `js`, `json`, `html`, `svg`, `xml`.
* `resources.Fingerprint`: Creates a fingerprinted version of the given Resource with Subresource Integrity..
* `resources.Concat`: Concatenates a list of Resource objects. Think of this as a poor man's bundler.
* `resources.ExecuteAsTemplate`: Parses and executes the given Resource and data context (e.g. .Site) as a Go template.

Fixes #4381
Fixes #4903
Fixes #4858
2018-07-06 11:46:12 +02:00

339 lines
7.7 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package commands
import (
type commandeerHugoState struct {
hugo *hugolib.HugoSites
fsCreate sync.Once
type commandeer struct {
// Currently only set when in "fast render mode". But it seems to
// be fast enough that we could maybe just add it for all server modes.
changeDetector *fileChangeDetector
// We need to reuse this on server rebuilds.
destinationFs afero.Fs
h *hugoBuilderCommon
ftch flagsToConfigHandler
visitedURLs *types.EvictingStringQueue
doWithCommandeer func(c *commandeer) error
// We watch these for changes.
configFiles []string
// Used in cases where we get flooded with events in server mode.
debounce func(f func())
serverPorts []int
languagesConfigured bool
languages langs.Languages
configured bool
func (c *commandeer) Set(key string, value interface{}) {
if c.configured {
panic("commandeer cannot be changed")
c.Cfg.Set(key, value)
func (c *commandeer) initFs(fs *hugofs.Fs) error {
c.destinationFs = fs.Destination
c.DepsCfg.Fs = fs
return nil
func newCommandeer(mustHaveConfigFile, running bool, h *hugoBuilderCommon, f flagsToConfigHandler, doWithCommandeer func(c *commandeer) error, subCmdVs ...*cobra.Command) (*commandeer, error) {
var rebuildDebouncer func(f func())
if running {
// The time value used is tested with mass content replacements in a fairly big Hugo site.
// It is better to wait for some seconds in those cases rather than get flooded
// with rebuilds.
rebuildDebouncer, _, _ = debounce.New(4 * time.Second)
c := &commandeer{
h: h,
ftch: f,
commandeerHugoState: &commandeerHugoState{},
doWithCommandeer: doWithCommandeer,
visitedURLs: types.NewEvictingStringQueue(10),
debounce: rebuildDebouncer,
return c, c.loadConfig(mustHaveConfigFile, running)
type fileChangeDetector struct {
current map[string]string
prev map[string]string
irrelevantRe *regexp.Regexp
func (f *fileChangeDetector) OnFileClose(name, md5sum string) {
defer f.Unlock()
f.current[name] = md5sum
func (f *fileChangeDetector) changed() []string {
if f == nil {
return nil
defer f.Unlock()
var c []string
for k, v := range f.current {
vv, found := f.prev[k]
if !found || v != vv {
c = append(c, k)
return f.filterIrrelevant(c)
func (f *fileChangeDetector) filterIrrelevant(in []string) []string {
var filtered []string
for _, v := range in {
if !f.irrelevantRe.MatchString(v) {
filtered = append(filtered, v)
return filtered
func (f *fileChangeDetector) PrepareNew() {
if f == nil {
defer f.Unlock()
if f.current == nil {
f.current = make(map[string]string)
f.prev = make(map[string]string)
f.prev = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range f.current {
f.prev[k] = v
f.current = make(map[string]string)
func (c *commandeer) loadConfig(mustHaveConfigFile, running bool) error {
if c.DepsCfg == nil {
c.DepsCfg = &deps.DepsCfg{}
cfg := c.DepsCfg
c.configured = false
cfg.Running = running
var dir string
if c.h.source != "" {
dir, _ = filepath.Abs(c.h.source)
} else {
dir, _ = os.Getwd()
var sourceFs afero.Fs = hugofs.Os
if c.DepsCfg.Fs != nil {
sourceFs = c.DepsCfg.Fs.Source
doWithConfig := func(cfg config.Provider) error {
if c.ftch != nil {
cfg.Set("workingDir", dir)
return nil
doWithCommandeer := func(cfg config.Provider) error {
c.Cfg = cfg
if c.doWithCommandeer == nil {
return nil
err := c.doWithCommandeer(c)
return err
config, configFiles, err := hugolib.LoadConfig(
hugolib.ConfigSourceDescriptor{Fs: sourceFs, Path: c.h.source, WorkingDir: dir, Filename: c.h.cfgFile},
if err != nil {
if mustHaveConfigFile {
return err
if err != hugolib.ErrNoConfigFile {
return err
c.configFiles = configFiles
if l, ok := c.Cfg.Get("languagesSorted").(langs.Languages); ok {
c.languagesConfigured = true
c.languages = l
// This is potentially double work, but we need to do this one more time now
// that all the languages have been configured.
if c.doWithCommandeer != nil {
if err := c.doWithCommandeer(c); err != nil {
return err
logger, err := c.createLogger(config)
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.Logger = logger
createMemFs := config.GetBool("renderToMemory")
if createMemFs {
// Rendering to memoryFS, publish to Root regardless of publishDir.
config.Set("publishDir", "/")
c.fsCreate.Do(func() {
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(sourceFs, config)
if c.destinationFs != nil {
// Need to reuse the destination on server rebuilds.
fs.Destination = c.destinationFs
} else if createMemFs {
// Hugo writes the output to memory instead of the disk.
fs.Destination = new(afero.MemMapFs)
doLiveReload := !c.h.buildWatch && !config.GetBool("disableLiveReload")
fastRenderMode := doLiveReload && !config.GetBool("disableFastRender")
if fastRenderMode {
// For now, fast render mode only. It should, however, be fast enough
// for the full variant, too.
changeDetector := &fileChangeDetector{
// We use this detector to decide to do a Hot reload of a single path or not.
// We need to filter out source maps and possibly some other to be able
// to make that decision.
irrelevantRe: regexp.MustCompile(`\.map$`),
fs.Destination = hugofs.NewHashingFs(fs.Destination, changeDetector)
c.changeDetector = changeDetector
err = c.initFs(fs)
if err != nil {
var h *hugolib.HugoSites
h, err = hugolib.NewHugoSites(*c.DepsCfg)
c.hugo = h
if err != nil {
return err
cacheDir := config.GetString("cacheDir")
if cacheDir != "" {
if helpers.FilePathSeparator != cacheDir[len(cacheDir)-1:] {
cacheDir = cacheDir + helpers.FilePathSeparator
isDir, err := helpers.DirExists(cacheDir, sourceFs)
utils.CheckErr(cfg.Logger, err)
if !isDir {
config.Set("cacheDir", cacheDir)
} else {
config.Set("cacheDir", helpers.GetTempDir("hugo_cache", sourceFs))
cfg.Logger.INFO.Println("Using config file:", config.ConfigFileUsed())
themeDir := c.hugo.PathSpec.GetFirstThemeDir()
if themeDir != "" {
if _, err := sourceFs.Stat(themeDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return newSystemError("Unable to find theme Directory:", themeDir)
themeVersionMismatch, minVersion := c.isThemeVsHugoVersionMismatch(sourceFs)
if themeVersionMismatch {
cfg.Logger.ERROR.Printf("Current theme does not support Hugo version %s. Minimum version required is %s\n",
helpers.CurrentHugoVersion.ReleaseVersion(), minVersion)
return nil