2022-05-08 02:02:06 -04:00

805 lines
22 KiB

// +build ignore
package main
import (
func main() {
// Use local types and functions in order to avoid name conflicts with additional magefiles.
type arguments struct {
Verbose bool // print out log statements
List bool // print out a list of targets
Help bool // print out help for a specific target
Timeout time.Duration // set a timeout to running the targets
Args []string // args contain the non-flag command-line arguments
parseBool := func(env string) bool {
val := os.Getenv(env)
if val == "" {
return false
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("warning: environment variable %s is not a valid bool value: %v", env, val)
return false
return b
parseDuration := func(env string) time.Duration {
val := os.Getenv(env)
if val == "" {
return 0
d, err := time.ParseDuration(val)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("warning: environment variable %s is not a valid duration value: %v", env, val)
return 0
return d
args := arguments{}
fs := flag.FlagSet{}
// default flag set with ExitOnError and auto generated PrintDefaults should be sufficient
fs.BoolVar(&args.Verbose, "v", parseBool("MAGEFILE_VERBOSE"), "show verbose output when running targets")
fs.BoolVar(&args.List, "l", parseBool("MAGEFILE_LIST"), "list targets for this binary")
fs.BoolVar(&args.Help, "h", parseBool("MAGEFILE_HELP"), "print out help for a specific target")
fs.DurationVar(&args.Timeout, "t", parseDuration("MAGEFILE_TIMEOUT"), "timeout in duration parsable format (e.g. 5m30s)")
fs.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, `
%s [options] [target]
-l list targets in this binary
-h show this help
-h show description of a target
-t <string>
timeout in duration parsable format (e.g. 5m30s)
-v show verbose output when running targets
`[1:], filepath.Base(os.Args[0]))
if err := fs.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
// flag will have printed out an error already.
args.Args = fs.Args()
if args.Help && len(args.Args) == 0 {
// color is ANSI color type
type color int
// If you add/change/remove any items in this constant,
// you will need to run "stringer -type=color" in this directory again.
// NOTE: Please keep the list in an alphabetical order.
const (
black color = iota
// AnsiColor are ANSI color codes for supported terminal colors.
var ansiColor = map[color]string{
black: "\u001b[30m",
red: "\u001b[31m",
green: "\u001b[32m",
yellow: "\u001b[33m",
blue: "\u001b[34m",
magenta: "\u001b[35m",
cyan: "\u001b[36m",
white: "\u001b[37m",
brightblack: "\u001b[30;1m",
brightred: "\u001b[31;1m",
brightgreen: "\u001b[32;1m",
brightyellow: "\u001b[33;1m",
brightblue: "\u001b[34;1m",
brightmagenta: "\u001b[35;1m",
brightcyan: "\u001b[36;1m",
brightwhite: "\u001b[37;1m",
const _color_name = "blackredgreenyellowbluemagentacyanwhitebrightblackbrightredbrightgreenbrightyellowbrightbluebrightmagentabrightcyanbrightwhite"
var _color_index = [...]uint8{0, 5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 30, 34, 39, 50, 59, 70, 82, 92, 105, 115, 126}
colorToLowerString := func (i color) string {
if i < 0 || i >= color(len(_color_index)-1) {
return "color(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")"
return _color_name[_color_index[i]:_color_index[i+1]]
// ansiColorReset is an ANSI color code to reset the terminal color.
const ansiColorReset = "\033[0m"
// defaultTargetAnsiColor is a default ANSI color for colorizing targets.
// It is set to Cyan as an arbitrary color, because it has a neutral meaning
var defaultTargetAnsiColor = ansiColor[cyan]
getAnsiColor := func(color string) (string, bool) {
colorLower := strings.ToLower(color)
for k, v := range ansiColor {
colorConstLower := colorToLowerString(k)
if colorConstLower == colorLower {
return v, true
return "", false
// Terminals which don't support color:
// TERM=vt100
// TERM=cygwin
// TERM=xterm-mono
var noColorTerms = map[string]bool{
"vt100": false,
"cygwin": false,
"xterm-mono": false,
// terminalSupportsColor checks if the current console supports color output
// Supported:
// linux, mac, or windows's ConEmu, Cmder, putty, git-bash.exe, pwsh.exe
// Not supported:
// windows cmd.exe, powerShell.exe
terminalSupportsColor := func() bool {
envTerm := os.Getenv("TERM")
if _, ok := noColorTerms[envTerm]; ok {
return false
return true
// enableColor reports whether the user has requested to enable a color output.
enableColor := func() bool {
b, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("MAGEFILE_ENABLE_COLOR"))
return b
// targetColor returns the ANSI color which should be used to colorize targets.
targetColor := func() string {
s, exists := os.LookupEnv("MAGEFILE_TARGET_COLOR")
if exists == true {
if c, ok := getAnsiColor(s); ok == true {
return c
return defaultTargetAnsiColor
// store the color terminal variables, so that the detection isn't repeated for each target
var enableColorValue = enableColor() && terminalSupportsColor()
var targetColorValue = targetColor()
printName := func(str string) string {
if enableColorValue {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", targetColorValue, str, ansiColorReset)
} else {
return str
list := func() error {
targets := map[string]string{
"check": "Run tests and linters",
"docker": "Build hugo Docker container",
"fmt": "Run gofmt linter",
"genDocsHelper": "Generate docs helper",
"generate": "autogen packages",
"hugo": "Build hugo binary",
"hugoNoGitInfo": "Build hugo without git info",
"hugoRace": "Build hugo binary with race detector enabled",
"install": "hugo binary",
"lint": "Run golint linter",
"test": "Run tests",
"test386": "Run tests in 32-bit mode Note that we don't run with the extended tag.",
"testCoverHTML": "Generate test coverage report",
"testRace": "Run tests with race detector",
"uninstall": "hugo binary",
"vet": "Run go vet linter",
keys := make([]string, 0, len(targets))
for name := range targets {
keys = append(keys, name)
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 4, 4, ' ', 0)
for _, name := range keys {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %v\t%v\n", printName(name), targets[name])
err := w.Flush()
return err
var ctx context.Context
var ctxCancel func()
getContext := func() (context.Context, func()) {
if ctx != nil {
return ctx, ctxCancel
if args.Timeout != 0 {
ctx, ctxCancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), args.Timeout)
} else {
ctx = context.Background()
ctxCancel = func() {}
return ctx, ctxCancel
runTarget := func(fn func(context.Context) error) interface{} {
var err interface{}
ctx, cancel := getContext()
d := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
defer func() {
err := recover()
d <- err
err := fn(ctx)
d <- err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
e := ctx.Err()
fmt.Printf("ctx err: %v\n", e)
return e
case err = <-d:
return err
// This is necessary in case there aren't any targets, to avoid an unused
// variable error.
_ = runTarget
handleError := func(logger *log.Logger, err interface{}) {
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("Error: %+v\n", err)
type code interface {
ExitStatus() int
if c, ok := err.(code); ok {
_ = handleError
// Set MAGEFILE_VERBOSE so mg.Verbose() reflects the flag value.
if args.Verbose {
os.Setenv("MAGEFILE_VERBOSE", "1")
} else {
os.Setenv("MAGEFILE_VERBOSE", "0")
if !args.Verbose {
logger := log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)
if args.List {
if err := list(); err != nil {
if args.Help {
if len(args.Args) < 1 {
logger.Println("no target specified")
switch strings.ToLower(args.Args[0]) {
case "check":
fmt.Println("Run tests and linters")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage check\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "docker":
fmt.Println("Build hugo Docker container")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage docker\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "fmt":
fmt.Println("Run gofmt linter")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage fmt\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "gendocshelper":
fmt.Println("Generate docs helper")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage gendocshelper\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "generate":
fmt.Println("Generate autogen packages")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage generate\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "hugo":
fmt.Println("Build hugo binary")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage hugo\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "hugonogitinfo":
fmt.Println("Build hugo without git info")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage hugonogitinfo\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "hugorace":
fmt.Println("Build hugo binary with race detector enabled")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage hugorace\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "install":
fmt.Println("Install hugo binary")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage install\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "lint":
fmt.Println("Run golint linter")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage lint\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "test":
fmt.Println("Run tests")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage test\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "test386":
fmt.Println("Run tests in 32-bit mode Note that we don't run with the extended tag. Currently not supported in 32 bit.")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage test386\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "testcoverhtml":
fmt.Println("Generate test coverage report")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage testcoverhtml\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "testrace":
fmt.Println("Run tests with race detector")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage testrace\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "uninstall":
fmt.Println("Uninstall hugo binary")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage uninstall\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
case "vet":
fmt.Println("Run go vet linter")
fmt.Print("Usage:\n\n\tmage vet\n\n")
var aliases []string
if len(aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Aliases: %s\n\n", strings.Join(aliases, ", "))
logger.Printf("Unknown target: %q\n", args.Args[0])
if len(args.Args) < 1 {
if err := list(); err != nil {
logger.Println("Error:", err)
for x := 0; x < len(args.Args); {
target := args.Args[x]
// resolve aliases
switch strings.ToLower(target) {
switch strings.ToLower(target) {
case "check":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Check\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Check")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "docker":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Docker\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Docker")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Docker()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "fmt":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Fmt\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Fmt")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Fmt()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "gendocshelper":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"GenDocsHelper\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "GenDocsHelper")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return GenDocsHelper()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "generate":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Generate\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Generate")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Generate()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "hugo":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Hugo\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Hugo")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Hugo()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "hugonogitinfo":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"HugoNoGitInfo\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "HugoNoGitInfo")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return HugoNoGitInfo()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "hugorace":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"HugoRace\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "HugoRace")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return HugoRace()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "install":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Install\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Install")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Install()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "lint":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Lint\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Lint")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Lint()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "test":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Test\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Test")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Test()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "test386":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Test386\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Test386")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Test386()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "testcoverhtml":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"TestCoverHTML\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "TestCoverHTML")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return TestCoverHTML()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "testrace":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"TestRace\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "TestRace")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return TestRace()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "uninstall":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Uninstall\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Uninstall")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Uninstall()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
case "vet":
expected := x + 0
if expected > len(args.Args) {
// note that expected and args at this point include the arg for the target itself
// so we subtract 1 here to show the number of args without the target.
logger.Printf("not enough arguments for target \"Vet\", expected %v, got %v\n", expected-1, len(args.Args)-1)
if args.Verbose {
logger.Println("Running target:", "Vet")
wrapFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Vet()
ret := runTarget(wrapFn)
handleError(logger, ret)
logger.Printf("Unknown target specified: %q\n", target)