Bjørn Erik Pedersen 9185e11eff Reimplement archetypes
The old implementation had some issues, mostly related to the context (e.g. name, file paths) passed to the template.

This new implementation is using the exact same code path for evaluating the pages as in a regular build.

This also makes it more robust and easier to reason about in a multilingual setup.

Now, if you are explicit about the target path, Hugo will now always pick the correct mount and language:

hugo new content/en/posts/

Fixes #9032
Fixes #7589
Fixes #9043
Fixes #9046
Fixes #9047
2021-10-16 15:22:03 +02:00

795 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package filesystems provides the fine grained file systems used by Hugo. These
// are typically virtual filesystems that are composites of project and theme content.
package filesystems
import (
var filePathSeparator = string(filepath.Separator)
// BaseFs contains the core base filesystems used by Hugo. The name "base" is used
// to underline that even if they can be composites, they all have a base path set to a specific
// resource folder, e.g "/my-project/content". So, no absolute filenames needed.
type BaseFs struct {
// SourceFilesystems contains the different source file systems.
// The project source.
SourceFs afero.Fs
// The filesystem used to publish the rendered site.
// This usually maps to /my-project/public.
PublishFs afero.Fs
theBigFs *filesystemsCollector
// TODO(bep) we can get regular files in here and that is fine, but
// we need to clean up the naming.
func (fs *BaseFs) WatchDirs() []hugofs.FileMetaInfo {
var dirs []hugofs.FileMetaInfo
for _, dir := range fs.AllDirs() {
if dir.Meta().Watch {
dirs = append(dirs, dir)
return dirs
func (fs *BaseFs) AllDirs() []hugofs.FileMetaInfo {
var dirs []hugofs.FileMetaInfo
for _, dirSet := range [][]hugofs.FileMetaInfo{
// fs.Resources.Dirs,
} {
dirs = append(dirs, dirSet...)
return dirs
// RelContentDir tries to create a path relative to the content root from
// the given filename. The return value is the path and language code.
func (b *BaseFs) RelContentDir(filename string) string {
for _, dir := range b.SourceFilesystems.Content.Dirs {
dirname := dir.Meta().Filename
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, dirname) {
rel := path.Join(dir.Meta().Path, strings.TrimPrefix(filename, dirname))
return strings.TrimPrefix(rel, filePathSeparator)
// Either not a content dir or already relative.
return filename
// AbsProjectContentDir tries to create a TODO1
func (b *BaseFs) AbsProjectContentDir(filename string) (string, string) {
isAbs := filepath.IsAbs(filename)
for _, dir := range b.SourceFilesystems.Content.Dirs {
meta := dir.Meta()
if meta.Module != "project" {
if isAbs {
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, meta.Filename) {
return strings.TrimPrefix(filename, meta.Filename), filename
} else {
contentDir := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(meta.Filename, meta.BaseDir), filePathSeparator)
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, contentDir) {
relFilename := strings.TrimPrefix(filename, contentDir)
absFilename := filepath.Join(meta.Filename, relFilename)
return relFilename, absFilename
if !isAbs {
// A filename on the form "posts/", put it inside
// the first content folder, usually <workDir>/content.
// The Dirs are ordered with the most important last, so pick that.
contentDirs := b.SourceFilesystems.Content.Dirs
firstContentDir := contentDirs[len(contentDirs)-1].Meta().Filename
return filename, filepath.Join(firstContentDir, filename)
return "", ""
// ResolveJSConfigFile resolves the JS-related config file to a absolute
// filename. One example of such would be postcss.config.js.
func (fs *BaseFs) ResolveJSConfigFile(name string) string {
// First look in assets/_jsconfig
fi, err := fs.Assets.Fs.Stat(filepath.Join(files.FolderJSConfig, name))
if err == nil {
return fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo).Meta().Filename
// Fall back to the work dir.
fi, err = fs.Work.Stat(name)
if err == nil {
return fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo).Meta().Filename
return ""
// SourceFilesystems contains the different source file systems. These can be
// composite file systems (theme and project etc.), and they have all root
// set to the source type the provides: data, i18n, static, layouts.
type SourceFilesystems struct {
Content *SourceFilesystem
Data *SourceFilesystem
I18n *SourceFilesystem
Layouts *SourceFilesystem
Archetypes *SourceFilesystem
Assets *SourceFilesystem
// Writable filesystem on top the project's resources directory,
// with any sub module's resource fs layered below.
ResourcesCache afero.Fs
// The project folder.
Work afero.Fs
// When in multihost we have one static filesystem per language. The sync
// static files is currently done outside of the Hugo build (where there is
// a concept of a site per language).
// When in non-multihost mode there will be one entry in this map with a blank key.
Static map[string]*SourceFilesystem
// All the /static dirs (including themes/modules).
StaticDirs []hugofs.FileMetaInfo
// FileSystems returns the FileSystems relevant for the change detection
// in server mode.
// Note: This does currently not return any static fs.
func (s *SourceFilesystems) FileSystems() []*SourceFilesystem {
return []*SourceFilesystem{
// TODO(bep) static
// A SourceFilesystem holds the filesystem for a given source type in Hugo (data,
// i18n, layouts, static) and additional metadata to be able to use that filesystem
// in server mode.
type SourceFilesystem struct {
// Name matches one in files.ComponentFolders
Name string
// This is a virtual composite filesystem. It expects path relative to a context.
Fs afero.Fs
// This filesystem as separate root directories, starting from project and down
// to the themes/modules.
Dirs []hugofs.FileMetaInfo
// When syncing a source folder to the target (e.g. /public), this may
// be set to publish into a subfolder. This is used for static syncing
// in multihost mode.
PublishFolder string
// ContentStaticAssetFs will create a new composite filesystem from the content,
// static, and asset filesystems. The site language is needed to pick the correct static filesystem.
// The order is content, static and then assets.
// TODO(bep) check usage
func (s SourceFilesystems) ContentStaticAssetFs(lang string) afero.Fs {
staticFs := s.StaticFs(lang)
base := afero.NewCopyOnWriteFs(s.Assets.Fs, staticFs)
return afero.NewCopyOnWriteFs(base, s.Content.Fs)
// StaticFs returns the static filesystem for the given language.
// This can be a composite filesystem.
func (s SourceFilesystems) StaticFs(lang string) afero.Fs {
var staticFs afero.Fs = hugofs.NoOpFs
if fs, ok := s.Static[lang]; ok {
staticFs = fs.Fs
} else if fs, ok := s.Static[""]; ok {
staticFs = fs.Fs
return staticFs
// StatResource looks for a resource in these filesystems in order: static, assets and finally content.
// If found in any of them, it returns FileInfo and the relevant filesystem.
// Any non os.IsNotExist error will be returned.
// An os.IsNotExist error wil be returned only if all filesystems return such an error.
// Note that if we only wanted to find the file, we could create a composite Afero fs,
// but we also need to know which filesystem root it lives in.
func (s SourceFilesystems) StatResource(lang, filename string) (fi os.FileInfo, fs afero.Fs, err error) {
for _, fsToCheck := range []afero.Fs{s.StaticFs(lang), s.Assets.Fs, s.Content.Fs} {
fs = fsToCheck
fi, err = fs.Stat(filename)
if err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Not found.
// IsStatic returns true if the given filename is a member of one of the static
// filesystems.
func (s SourceFilesystems) IsStatic(filename string) bool {
for _, staticFs := range s.Static {
if staticFs.Contains(filename) {
return true
return false
// IsContent returns true if the given filename is a member of the content filesystem.
func (s SourceFilesystems) IsContent(filename string) bool {
return s.Content.Contains(filename)
// IsLayout returns true if the given filename is a member of the layouts filesystem.
func (s SourceFilesystems) IsLayout(filename string) bool {
return s.Layouts.Contains(filename)
// IsData returns true if the given filename is a member of the data filesystem.
func (s SourceFilesystems) IsData(filename string) bool {
return s.Data.Contains(filename)
// IsAsset returns true if the given filename is a member of the asset filesystem.
func (s SourceFilesystems) IsAsset(filename string) bool {
return s.Assets.Contains(filename)
// IsI18n returns true if the given filename is a member of the i18n filesystem.
func (s SourceFilesystems) IsI18n(filename string) bool {
return s.I18n.Contains(filename)
// MakeStaticPathRelative makes an absolute static filename into a relative one.
// It will return an empty string if the filename is not a member of a static filesystem.
func (s SourceFilesystems) MakeStaticPathRelative(filename string) string {
for _, staticFs := range s.Static {
rel, _ := staticFs.MakePathRelative(filename)
if rel != "" {
return rel
return ""
// MakePathRelative creates a relative path from the given filename.
func (d *SourceFilesystem) MakePathRelative(filename string) (string, bool) {
for _, dir := range d.Dirs {
meta := dir.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo).Meta()
currentPath := meta.Filename
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, currentPath) {
rel := strings.TrimPrefix(filename, currentPath)
if mp := meta.Path; mp != "" {
rel = filepath.Join(mp, rel)
return strings.TrimPrefix(rel, filePathSeparator), true
return "", false
func (d *SourceFilesystem) RealFilename(rel string) string {
fi, err := d.Fs.Stat(rel)
if err != nil {
return rel
if realfi, ok := fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo); ok {
return realfi.Meta().Filename
return rel
// Contains returns whether the given filename is a member of the current filesystem.
func (d *SourceFilesystem) Contains(filename string) bool {
for _, dir := range d.Dirs {
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, dir.Meta().Filename) {
return true
return false
// Path returns the mount relative path to the given filename if it is a member of
// of the current filesystem, an empty string if not.
func (d *SourceFilesystem) Path(filename string) string {
for _, dir := range d.Dirs {
meta := dir.Meta()
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, meta.Filename) {
p := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(filename, meta.Filename), filePathSeparator)
if mountRoot := meta.MountRoot; mountRoot != "" {
return filepath.Join(mountRoot, p)
return p
return ""
// RealDirs gets a list of absolute paths to directories starting from the given
// path.
func (d *SourceFilesystem) RealDirs(from string) []string {
var dirnames []string
for _, dir := range d.Dirs {
meta := dir.Meta()
dirname := filepath.Join(meta.Filename, from)
_, err := meta.Fs.Stat(from)
if err == nil {
dirnames = append(dirnames, dirname)
return dirnames
// WithBaseFs allows reuse of some potentially expensive to create parts that remain
// the same across sites/languages.
func WithBaseFs(b *BaseFs) func(*BaseFs) error {
return func(bb *BaseFs) error {
bb.theBigFs = b.theBigFs
bb.SourceFilesystems = b.SourceFilesystems
return nil
// NewBase builds the filesystems used by Hugo given the paths and options provided.NewBase
func NewBase(p *paths.Paths, logger loggers.Logger, options ...func(*BaseFs) error) (*BaseFs, error) {
fs := p.Fs
if logger == nil {
logger = loggers.NewWarningLogger()
publishFs := hugofs.NewBaseFileDecorator(afero.NewBasePathFs(fs.Destination, p.AbsPublishDir))
sourceFs := hugofs.NewBaseFileDecorator(afero.NewBasePathFs(fs.Source, p.WorkingDir))
b := &BaseFs{
SourceFs: sourceFs,
PublishFs: publishFs,
for _, opt := range options {
if err := opt(b); err != nil {
return nil, err
if b.theBigFs != nil && b.SourceFilesystems != nil {
return b, nil
builder := newSourceFilesystemsBuilder(p, logger, b)
sourceFilesystems, err := builder.Build()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "build filesystems")
b.SourceFilesystems = sourceFilesystems
b.theBigFs = builder.theBigFs
return b, nil
type sourceFilesystemsBuilder struct {
logger loggers.Logger
p *paths.Paths
sourceFs afero.Fs
result *SourceFilesystems
theBigFs *filesystemsCollector
func newSourceFilesystemsBuilder(p *paths.Paths, logger loggers.Logger, b *BaseFs) *sourceFilesystemsBuilder {
sourceFs := hugofs.NewBaseFileDecorator(p.Fs.Source)
return &sourceFilesystemsBuilder{p: p, logger: logger, sourceFs: sourceFs, theBigFs: b.theBigFs, result: &SourceFilesystems{}}
func (b *sourceFilesystemsBuilder) newSourceFilesystem(name string, fs afero.Fs, dirs []hugofs.FileMetaInfo) *SourceFilesystem {
return &SourceFilesystem{
Name: name,
Fs: fs,
Dirs: dirs,
func (b *sourceFilesystemsBuilder) Build() (*SourceFilesystems, error) {
if b.theBigFs == nil {
theBigFs, err := b.createMainOverlayFs(b.p)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "create main fs")
b.theBigFs = theBigFs
createView := func(componentID string) *SourceFilesystem {
if b.theBigFs == nil || b.theBigFs.overlayMounts == nil {
return b.newSourceFilesystem(componentID, hugofs.NoOpFs, nil)
dirs := b.theBigFs.overlayDirs[componentID]
return b.newSourceFilesystem(componentID, afero.NewBasePathFs(b.theBigFs.overlayMounts, componentID), dirs)
b.result.Archetypes = createView(files.ComponentFolderArchetypes)
b.result.Layouts = createView(files.ComponentFolderLayouts)
b.result.Assets = createView(files.ComponentFolderAssets)
b.result.ResourcesCache = b.theBigFs.overlayResources
// Data, i18n and content cannot use the overlay fs
dataDirs := b.theBigFs.overlayDirs[files.ComponentFolderData]
dataFs, err := hugofs.NewSliceFs(dataDirs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.result.Data = b.newSourceFilesystem(files.ComponentFolderData, dataFs, dataDirs)
i18nDirs := b.theBigFs.overlayDirs[files.ComponentFolderI18n]
i18nFs, err := hugofs.NewSliceFs(i18nDirs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.result.I18n = b.newSourceFilesystem(files.ComponentFolderI18n, i18nFs, i18nDirs)
contentDirs := b.theBigFs.overlayDirs[files.ComponentFolderContent]
contentBfs := afero.NewBasePathFs(b.theBigFs.overlayMountsContent, files.ComponentFolderContent)
contentFs, err := hugofs.NewLanguageFs(b.p.LanguagesDefaultFirst.AsOrdinalSet(), contentBfs)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "create content filesystem")
b.result.Content = b.newSourceFilesystem(files.ComponentFolderContent, contentFs, contentDirs)
b.result.Work = afero.NewReadOnlyFs(b.theBigFs.overlayFull)
// Create static filesystem(s)
ms := make(map[string]*SourceFilesystem)
b.result.Static = ms
b.result.StaticDirs = b.theBigFs.overlayDirs[files.ComponentFolderStatic]
if b.theBigFs.staticPerLanguage != nil {
// Multihost mode
for k, v := range b.theBigFs.staticPerLanguage {
sfs := b.newSourceFilesystem(files.ComponentFolderStatic, v, b.result.StaticDirs)
sfs.PublishFolder = k
ms[k] = sfs
} else {
bfs := afero.NewBasePathFs(b.theBigFs.overlayMountsStatic, files.ComponentFolderStatic)
ms[""] = b.newSourceFilesystem(files.ComponentFolderStatic, bfs, b.result.StaticDirs)
return b.result, nil
func (b *sourceFilesystemsBuilder) createMainOverlayFs(p *paths.Paths) (*filesystemsCollector, error) {
var staticFsMap map[string]afero.Fs
if b.p.Cfg.GetBool("multihost") {
staticFsMap = make(map[string]afero.Fs)
collector := &filesystemsCollector{
sourceProject: b.sourceFs,
sourceModules: hugofs.NewNoSymlinkFs(b.sourceFs, b.logger, false),
overlayDirs: make(map[string][]hugofs.FileMetaInfo),
staticPerLanguage: staticFsMap,
mods := p.AllModules
if len(mods) == 0 {
return collector, nil
modsReversed := make([]mountsDescriptor, len(mods))
// The theme components are ordered from left to right.
// We need to revert it to get the
// overlay logic below working as expected, with the project on top.
j := 0
for i := len(mods) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
mod := mods[i]
dir := mod.Dir()
isMainProject := mod.Owner() == nil
modsReversed[j] = mountsDescriptor{
Module: mod,
dir: dir,
isMainProject: isMainProject,
err := b.createOverlayFs(collector, modsReversed)
return collector, err
func (b *sourceFilesystemsBuilder) isContentMount(mnt modules.Mount) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(mnt.Target, files.ComponentFolderContent)
func (b *sourceFilesystemsBuilder) isStaticMount(mnt modules.Mount) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(mnt.Target, files.ComponentFolderStatic)
func (b *sourceFilesystemsBuilder) createModFs(
collector *filesystemsCollector,
md mountsDescriptor) error {
var (
fromTo []hugofs.RootMapping
fromToContent []hugofs.RootMapping
fromToStatic []hugofs.RootMapping
absPathify := func(path string) (string, string) {
if filepath.IsAbs(path) {
return "", path
return md.dir, paths.AbsPathify(md.dir, path)
for _, mount := range md.Mounts() {
mountWeight := 1
if md.isMainProject {
base, filename := absPathify(mount.Source)
rm := hugofs.RootMapping{
From: mount.Target,
To: filename,
ToBasedir: base,
Module: md.Module.Path(),
Meta: &hugofs.FileMeta{
Watch: md.Watch(),
Weight: mountWeight,
Classifier: files.ContentClassContent,
isContentMount := b.isContentMount(mount)
lang := mount.Lang
if lang == "" && isContentMount {
lang = b.p.DefaultContentLanguage
rm.Meta.Lang = lang
if isContentMount {
fromToContent = append(fromToContent, rm)
} else if b.isStaticMount(mount) {
fromToStatic = append(fromToStatic, rm)
} else {
fromTo = append(fromTo, rm)
modBase := collector.sourceProject
if !md.isMainProject {
modBase = collector.sourceModules
sourceStatic := hugofs.NewNoSymlinkFs(modBase, b.logger, true)
rmfs, err := hugofs.NewRootMappingFs(modBase, fromTo...)
if err != nil {
return err
rmfsContent, err := hugofs.NewRootMappingFs(modBase, fromToContent...)
if err != nil {
return err
rmfsStatic, err := hugofs.NewRootMappingFs(sourceStatic, fromToStatic...)
if err != nil {
return err
// We need to keep the ordered list of directories for watching and
// some special merge operations (data, i18n).
if collector.staticPerLanguage != nil {
for _, l := range b.p.Languages {
lang := l.Lang
lfs := rmfsStatic.Filter(func(rm hugofs.RootMapping) bool {
rlang := rm.Meta.Lang
return rlang == "" || rlang == lang
bfs := afero.NewBasePathFs(lfs, files.ComponentFolderStatic)
sfs, found := collector.staticPerLanguage[lang]
if found {
collector.staticPerLanguage[lang] = afero.NewCopyOnWriteFs(sfs, bfs)
} else {
collector.staticPerLanguage[lang] = bfs
getResourcesDir := func() string {
if md.isMainProject {
return b.p.AbsResourcesDir
_, filename := absPathify(files.FolderResources)
return filename
if collector.overlayMounts == nil {
collector.overlayMounts = rmfs
collector.overlayMountsContent = rmfsContent
collector.overlayMountsStatic = rmfsStatic
collector.overlayFull = afero.NewBasePathFs(modBase, md.dir)
collector.overlayResources = afero.NewBasePathFs(modBase, getResourcesDir())
} else {
collector.overlayMounts = afero.NewCopyOnWriteFs(collector.overlayMounts, rmfs)
collector.overlayMountsContent = hugofs.NewLanguageCompositeFs(collector.overlayMountsContent, rmfsContent)
collector.overlayMountsStatic = hugofs.NewLanguageCompositeFs(collector.overlayMountsStatic, rmfsStatic)
collector.overlayFull = afero.NewCopyOnWriteFs(collector.overlayFull, afero.NewBasePathFs(modBase, md.dir))
collector.overlayResources = afero.NewCopyOnWriteFs(collector.overlayResources, afero.NewBasePathFs(modBase, getResourcesDir()))
return nil
func printFs(fs afero.Fs, path string, w io.Writer) {
if fs == nil {
afero.Walk(fs, path, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
var filename string
if fim, ok := info.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo); ok {
filename = fim.Meta().Filename
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %q %q\n", path, filename)
return nil
type filesystemsCollector struct {
sourceProject afero.Fs // Source for project folders
sourceModules afero.Fs // Source for modules/themes
overlayMounts afero.Fs
overlayMountsContent afero.Fs
overlayMountsStatic afero.Fs
overlayFull afero.Fs
overlayResources afero.Fs
// Maps component type (layouts, static, content etc.) an ordered list of
// directories representing the overlay filesystems above.
overlayDirs map[string][]hugofs.FileMetaInfo
// Set if in multihost mode
staticPerLanguage map[string]afero.Fs
finalizerInit sync.Once
func (c *filesystemsCollector) addDirs(rfs *hugofs.RootMappingFs) {
for _, componentFolder := range files.ComponentFolders {
c.addDir(rfs, componentFolder)
func (c *filesystemsCollector) addDir(rfs *hugofs.RootMappingFs, componentFolder string) {
dirs, err := rfs.Dirs(componentFolder)
if err == nil {
c.overlayDirs[componentFolder] = append(c.overlayDirs[componentFolder], dirs...)
func (c *filesystemsCollector) finalizeDirs() {
c.finalizerInit.Do(func() {
// Order the directories from top to bottom (project, theme a, theme ...).
for _, dirs := range c.overlayDirs {
func (c *filesystemsCollector) reverseFis(fis []hugofs.FileMetaInfo) {
for i := len(fis)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
opp := len(fis) - 1 - i
fis[i], fis[opp] = fis[opp], fis[i]
type mountsDescriptor struct {
dir string
isMainProject bool
func (b *sourceFilesystemsBuilder) createOverlayFs(collector *filesystemsCollector, mounts []mountsDescriptor) error {
if len(mounts) == 0 {
return nil
err := b.createModFs(collector, mounts[0])
if err != nil {
return err
if len(mounts) == 1 {
return nil
return b.createOverlayFs(collector, mounts[1:])