Vas Sudanagunta 82eefded13 hugolib: Refactor tests for JSON, YAML and TOML equivalency, add coverage
The same code now cycles through equivalent JSON, YAML and TOML data sets,
verifying output both proper and identical. Coverage increased by applying
previous tests for one format to the others.

More DRY. Added tests for numeric and bool value types.
2018-02-12 17:14:40 +01:00

411 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
jww ""
func TestDataDir(t *testing.T) {
equivDataDirs := make([]dataDir, 3)
equivDataDirs[0].addSource("data/test/a.json", `{ "b" : { "c1": "red" , "c2": "blue" } }`)
equivDataDirs[1].addSource("data/test/a.yaml", "b:\n c1: red\n c2: blue")
equivDataDirs[2].addSource("data/test/a.toml", "[b]\nc1 = \"red\"\nc2 = \"blue\"\n")
expected := map[string]interface{}{
"test": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"b": map[string]interface{}{
"c1": "red",
"c2": "blue",
doTestEquivalentDataDirs(t, equivDataDirs, expected)
// Unable to enforce equivalency for int values as
// the JSON, YAML and TOML parsers return
// float64, int, int64 respectively. They all return
// float64 for float values though:
func TestDataDirNumeric(t *testing.T) {
equivDataDirs := make([]dataDir, 3)
equivDataDirs[0].addSource("data/test/a.json", `{ "b" : { "c1": 1.7 , "c2": 2.9 } }`)
equivDataDirs[1].addSource("data/test/a.yaml", "b:\n c1: 1.7\n c2: 2.9")
equivDataDirs[2].addSource("data/test/a.toml", "[b]\nc1 = 1.7\nc2 = 2.9\n")
expected := map[string]interface{}{
"test": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"b": map[string]interface{}{
"c1": 1.7,
"c2": 2.9,
doTestEquivalentDataDirs(t, equivDataDirs, expected)
func TestDataDirBoolean(t *testing.T) {
equivDataDirs := make([]dataDir, 3)
equivDataDirs[0].addSource("data/test/a.json", `{ "b" : { "c1": true , "c2": false } }`)
equivDataDirs[1].addSource("data/test/a.yaml", "b:\n c1: true\n c2: false")
equivDataDirs[2].addSource("data/test/a.toml", "[b]\nc1 = true\nc2 = false\n")
expected := map[string]interface{}{
"test": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"b": map[string]interface{}{
"c1": true,
"c2": false,
doTestEquivalentDataDirs(t, equivDataDirs, expected)
func TestDataDirTwoFiles(t *testing.T) {
equivDataDirs := make([]dataDir, 2)
equivDataDirs[0].addSource("data/test/foo.json", `{ "bar": "foofoo" }`)
equivDataDirs[0].addSource("data/test.json", `{ "hello": [ { "world": "foo" } ] }`)
equivDataDirs[1].addSource("data/test/foo.yaml", "bar: foofoo")
equivDataDirs[1].addSource("data/test.yaml", "hello:\n- world: foo")
// TODO Unresolved Issue #3890
equivDataDirs[2].addSource("data/test/foo.toml", "bar = \"foofoo\"")
equivDataDirs[2].addSource("data/test.toml", "[[hello]]\nworld = \"foo\"")
expected :=
"test": map[string]interface{}{
"hello": []interface{}{
map[string]interface{}{"world": "foo"},
"foo": map[string]interface{}{
"bar": "foofoo",
doTestEquivalentDataDirs(t, equivDataDirs, expected)
func TestDataDirOverriddenValue(t *testing.T) {
equivDataDirs := make([]dataDir, 3)
// filepath.Walk walks the files in lexical order, '/' comes before '.'. Simulate this:
equivDataDirs[0].addSource("data/a.json", `{"a": "1"}`)
equivDataDirs[0].addSource("data/test/v1.json", `{"v1-2": "2"}`)
equivDataDirs[0].addSource("data/test/v2.json", `{"v2": ["2", "3"]}`)
equivDataDirs[0].addSource("data/test.json", `{"v1": "1"}`)
equivDataDirs[1].addSource("data/a.yaml", "a: \"1\"")
equivDataDirs[1].addSource("data/test/v1.yaml", "v1-2: \"2\"")
equivDataDirs[1].addSource("data/test/v2.yaml", "v2:\n- \"2\"\n- \"3\"")
equivDataDirs[1].addSource("data/test.yaml", "v1: \"1\"")
equivDataDirs[2].addSource("data/a.toml", "a = \"1\"")
equivDataDirs[2].addSource("data/test/v1.toml", "v1-2 = \"2\"")
equivDataDirs[2].addSource("data/test/v2.toml", "v2 = [\"2\", \"3\"]")
equivDataDirs[2].addSource("data/test.toml", "v1 = \"1\"")
expected :=
"a": map[string]interface{}{"a": "1"},
"test": map[string]interface{}{
"v1": map[string]interface{}{"v1-2": "2"},
"v2": map[string]interface{}{"v2": []interface{}{"2", "3"}},
doTestEquivalentDataDirs(t, equivDataDirs, expected)
// Issue #4361
func TestDataDirJSONArrayAtTopLevelOfFile(t *testing.T) {
var dd dataDir
dd.addSource("data/test.json", `[ { "hello": "world" }, { "what": "time" }, { "is": "lunch?" } ]`)
expected :=
"test": []interface{}{
map[string]interface{}{"hello": "world"},
map[string]interface{}{"what": "time"},
map[string]interface{}{"is": "lunch?"},
doTestDataDir(t, dd, expected)
// TODO Issue #3890 unresolved
func TestDataDirYAMLArrayAtTopLevelOfFile(t *testing.T) {
var dd dataDir
dd.addSource("data/test.yaml", `
- hello: world
- what: time
- is: lunch?
//TODO decide whether desired structure map[interface {}]interface{} as shown
// and as the YAML parser produces, or should it be map[string]interface{}
// all the way down per Issue #4138
expected :=
"test": []interface{}{
map[interface{}]interface{}{"hello": "world"},
map[interface{}]interface{}{"what": "time"},
map[interface{}]interface{}{"is": "lunch?"},
// what we are actually getting as of v0.34
expectedV0_34 :=
_ = expected
doTestDataDir(t, dd, expectedV0_34)
// Issue #892
func TestDataDirMultipleSources(t *testing.T) {
var dd dataDir
dd.addSource("data/test/first.yaml", "bar: 1")
dd.addSource("themes/mytheme/data/test/first.yaml", "bar: 2")
dd.addSource("data/test/second.yaml", "tender: 2")
expected :=
"test": map[string]interface{}{
"first": map[string]interface{}{
"bar": 1,
"second": map[string]interface{}{
"tender": 2,
doTestDataDir(t, dd, expected,
"theme", "mytheme")
// test (and show) the way values from four different sources,
// including theme data, commingle and override
func TestDataDirMultipleSourcesCommingled(t *testing.T) {
var dd dataDir
dd.addSource("data/a.json", `{ "b1" : { "c1": "data/a" }, "b2": "data/a", "b3": ["x", "y", "z"] }`)
dd.addSource("themes/mytheme/data/a.json", `{ "b1": "mytheme/data/a", "b2": "mytheme/data/a", "b3": "mytheme/data/a" }`)
dd.addSource("themes/mytheme/data/a/b1.json", `{ "c1": "mytheme/data/a/b1", "c2": "mytheme/data/a/b1" }`)
dd.addSource("data/a/b1.json", `{ "c1": "data/a/b1" }`)
// Per handleDataFile() comment:
// 1. A theme uses the same key; the main data folder wins
// 2. A sub folder uses the same key: the sub folder wins
expected :=
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"b1": map[string]interface{}{
"c1": "data/a/b1",
"c2": "mytheme/data/a/b1",
"b2": "data/a",
"b3": []interface{}{"x", "y", "z"},
doTestDataDir(t, dd, expected, "theme", "mytheme")
// TODO Issue #4366 unresolved
func _TestDataDirMultipleSourcesCollidingChildArrays(t *testing.T) {
var dd dataDir
dd.addSource("themes/mytheme/data/a/b2.json", `["Q", "R", "S"]`)
dd.addSource("data/a.json", `{ "b1" : "data/a", "b2" : ["x", "y", "z"] }`)
dd.addSource("data/a/b2.json", `["1", "2", "3"]`)
// Per handleDataFile() comment:
// 1. A theme uses the same key; the main data folder wins
// 2. A sub folder uses the same key: the sub folder wins
expected :=
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"b1": "data/a",
"b2": []interface{}{"1", "2", "3"},
doTestDataDir(t, dd, expected, "theme", "mytheme")
// TODO Issue #4366 unresolved
func _TestDataDirMultipleSourcesCollidingTopLevelArrays(t *testing.T) {
var dd dataDir
dd.addSource("themes/mytheme/data/a/b1.json", `["x", "y", "z"]`)
dd.addSource("data/a/b1.json", `["1", "2", "3"]`)
expected :=
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"b1": []interface{}{"1", "2", "3"},
doTestDataDir(t, dd, expected, "theme", "mytheme")
type dataDir struct {
sources [][2]string
func (d *dataDir) addSource(path, content string) {
d.sources = append(d.sources, [2]string{path, content})
func doTestEquivalentDataDirs(t *testing.T, equivDataDirs []dataDir, expected interface{}, configKeyValues ...interface{}) {
for i, dd := range equivDataDirs {
err := doTestDataDirImpl(t, dd, expected, configKeyValues...)
if err != "" {
t.Errorf("equivDataDirs[%d]: %s", i, err)
func doTestDataDir(t *testing.T, dd dataDir, expected interface{}, configKeyValues ...interface{}) {
err := doTestDataDirImpl(t, dd, expected, configKeyValues...)
if err != "" {
func doTestDataDirImpl(t *testing.T, dd dataDir, expected interface{}, configKeyValues ...interface{}) (err string) {
var (
cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
for i := 0; i < len(configKeyValues); i += 2 {
cfg.Set(configKeyValues[i].(string), configKeyValues[i+1])
var (
logger = jww.NewNotepad(jww.LevelWarn, jww.LevelWarn, os.Stdout, ioutil.Discard, t.Name(), log.Ldate|log.Ltime)
depsCfg = deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg, Logger: logger}
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", ""), "content")
writeSourcesToSource(t, "", fs, dd.sources...)
expectBuildError := false
if ok, shouldFail := expected.(bool); ok && shouldFail {
expectBuildError = true
// trap and report panics as unmarshaling errors so that test suit can complete
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// Capture the stack trace
buf := make([]byte, 10000)
runtime.Stack(buf, false)
t.Errorf("PANIC: %s\n\nStack Trace : %s", r, string(buf))
s := buildSingleSiteExpected(t, expectBuildError, depsCfg, BuildCfg{SkipRender: true})
if !expectBuildError && !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, s.Data) {
// This disabled code detects the situation described in the WARNING message below.
// The situation seems to only occur for TOML data with integer values.
// Perhaps the TOML parser returns ints in another type.
// Re-enable temporarily to debug fails that should be passing.
// Re-enable permanently if reflect.DeepEqual is simply too strict.
exp := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", expected)
got := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", s.Data)
if exp == got {
t.Logf("WARNING: reflect.DeepEqual returned FALSE for values that appear equal.\n"+
"Treating as equal for the purpose of the test, but this maybe should be investigated.\n"+
"Expected data:\n%v got\n%v\n\nExpected type structure:\n%#[1]v got\n%#[2]v", expected, s.Data)
return fmt.Sprintf("Expected data:\n%v got\n%v\n\nExpected type structure:\n%#[1]v got\n%#[2]v", expected, s.Data)
func TestDataFromShortcode(t *testing.T) {
var (
cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
writeSource(t, fs, "data/hugo.toml", "slogan = \"Hugo Rocks!\"")
writeSource(t, fs, "layouts/_default/single.html", `
* Slogan from template: {{ .Site.Data.hugo.slogan }}
* {{ .Content }}`)
writeSource(t, fs, "layouts/shortcodes/d.html", `{{ .Page.Site.Data.hugo.slogan }}`)
writeSource(t, fs, "content/", `---
Slogan from shortcode: {{< d >}}
buildSingleSite(t, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg}, BuildCfg{})
content := readSource(t, fs, "public/c/index.html")
require.True(t, strings.Contains(content, "Slogan from template: Hugo Rocks!"), content)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(content, "Slogan from shortcode: Hugo Rocks!"), content)