Bjørn Erik Pedersen 08fdca9d93 Add Markdown diagrams and render hooks for code blocks
You can now create custom hook templates for code blocks, either one for all (`render-codeblock.html`) or for a given code language (e.g. `render-codeblock-go.html`).

We also used this new hook to add support for diagrams in Hugo:

* Goat (Go ASCII Tool) is built-in and enabled by default; just create a fenced code block with the language `goat` and start draw your Ascii diagrams.
* Another popular alternative for diagrams in Markdown, Mermaid (supported by GitHub), can also be implemented with a simple template. See the Hugo documentation for more information.

Updates #7765
Closes #9538
Fixes #9553
Fixes #8520
Fixes #6702
Fixes #9558
2022-02-24 18:59:50 +01:00

271 lines
6.4 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package highlight
import (
gohtml "html"
// Markdown attributes used by the Chroma hightlighter.
var chromaHightlightProcessingAttributes = map[string]bool{
"anchorLineNos": true,
"guessSyntax": true,
"hl_Lines": true,
"lineAnchors": true,
"lineNos": true,
"lineNoStart": true,
"lineNumbersInTable": true,
"noClasses": true,
"style": true,
"tabWidth": true,
func init() {
for k, v := range chromaHightlightProcessingAttributes {
chromaHightlightProcessingAttributes[strings.ToLower(k)] = v
func New(cfg Config) Highlighter {
return chromaHighlighter{
cfg: cfg,
type Highlighter interface {
Highlight(code, lang string, opts interface{}) (string, error)
HighlightCodeBlock(ctx hooks.CodeblockContext, opts interface{}) (HightlightResult, error)
type chromaHighlighter struct {
cfg Config
func (h chromaHighlighter) Highlight(code, lang string, opts interface{}) (string, error) {
cfg := h.cfg
if err := applyOptions(opts, &cfg); err != nil {
return "", err
var b strings.Builder
if err := highlight(&b, code, lang, nil, cfg); err != nil {
return "", err
return b.String(), nil
func (h chromaHighlighter) HighlightCodeBlock(ctx hooks.CodeblockContext, opts interface{}) (HightlightResult, error) {
cfg := h.cfg
var b strings.Builder
attributes := ctx.(hooks.AttributesOptionsSliceProvider).AttributesSlice()
options := ctx.Options()
if err := applyOptionsFromMap(options, &cfg); err != nil {
return HightlightResult{}, err
// Apply these last so the user can override them.
if err := applyOptions(opts, &cfg); err != nil {
return HightlightResult{}, err
err := highlight(&b, ctx.Code(), ctx.Lang(), attributes, cfg)
if err != nil {
return HightlightResult{}, err
return HightlightResult{
Body: template.HTML(b.String()),
}, nil
func (h chromaHighlighter) RenderCodeblock(w hugio.FlexiWriter, ctx hooks.CodeblockContext) error {
cfg := h.cfg
attributes := ctx.(hooks.AttributesOptionsSliceProvider).AttributesSlice()
if err := applyOptionsFromMap(ctx.Options(), &cfg); err != nil {
return err
return highlight(w, ctx.Code(), ctx.Lang(), attributes, cfg)
var id = identity.NewPathIdentity("chroma", "highlight")
func (h chromaHighlighter) GetIdentity() identity.Identity {
return id
type HightlightResult struct {
Body template.HTML
func (h HightlightResult) Highlighted() template.HTML {
return h.Body
func (h chromaHighlighter) toHighlightOptionsAttributes(ctx hooks.CodeblockContext) (map[string]interface{}, map[string]interface{}) {
attributes := ctx.Attributes()
if attributes == nil || len(attributes) == 0 {
return nil, nil
options := make(map[string]interface{})
attrs := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range attributes {
klow := strings.ToLower(k)
if chromaHightlightProcessingAttributes[klow] {
options[klow] = v
} else {
attrs[k] = v
const lineanchorsKey = "lineanchors"
if _, found := options[lineanchorsKey]; !found {
// Set it to the ordinal.
options[lineanchorsKey] = strconv.Itoa(ctx.Ordinal())
return options, attrs
func highlight(w hugio.FlexiWriter, code, lang string, attributes []attributes.Attribute, cfg Config) error {
var lexer chroma.Lexer
if lang != "" {
lexer = lexers.Get(lang)
if lexer == nil && (cfg.GuessSyntax && !cfg.NoHl) {
lexer = lexers.Analyse(code)
if lexer == nil {
lexer = lexers.Fallback
lang = strings.ToLower(lexer.Config().Name)
if lexer == nil {
wrapper := getPreWrapper(lang)
fmt.Fprint(w, wrapper.Start(true, ""))
fmt.Fprint(w, gohtml.EscapeString(code))
fmt.Fprint(w, wrapper.End(true))
return nil
style := styles.Get(cfg.Style)
if style == nil {
style = styles.Fallback
lexer = chroma.Coalesce(lexer)
iterator, err := lexer.Tokenise(nil, code)
if err != nil {
return err
options := cfg.ToHTMLOptions()
options = append(options, getHtmlPreWrapper(lang))
formatter := html.New(options...)
writeDivStart(w, attributes)
if err := formatter.Format(w, style, iterator); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func getPreWrapper(language string) preWrapper {
return preWrapper{language: language}
func getHtmlPreWrapper(language string) html.Option {
return html.WithPreWrapper(getPreWrapper(language))
type preWrapper struct {
language string
func (p preWrapper) Start(code bool, styleAttr string) string {
var language string
if code {
language = p.language
w := &strings.Builder{}
WritePreStart(w, language, styleAttr)
return w.String()
func WritePreStart(w io.Writer, language, styleAttr string) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `<pre tabindex="0"%s>`, styleAttr)
fmt.Fprint(w, "<code")
if language != "" {
fmt.Fprint(w, ` class="language-`+language+`"`)
fmt.Fprint(w, ` data-lang="`+language+`"`)
fmt.Fprint(w, ">")
const preEnd = "</code></pre>"
func (p preWrapper) End(code bool) string {
return preEnd
func WritePreEnd(w io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprint(w, preEnd)
func writeDivStart(w hugio.FlexiWriter, attrs []attributes.Attribute) {
w.WriteString(`<div class="highlight`)
if attrs != nil {
for _, attr := range attrs {
if attr.Name == "class" {
w.WriteString(" " + attr.ValueString())
_, _ = w.WriteString("\"")
attributes.RenderAttributes(w, true, attrs...)
} else {
_, _ = w.WriteString("\"")
func writeDivEnd(w hugio.FlexiWriter) {