Bjørn Erik Pedersen a03c631c42
Rework template handling for function and map lookups
This is a big commit, but it deletes lots of code and simplifies a lot.

* Resolving the template funcs at execution time means we don't have to create template clones per site
* Having a custom map resolver means that we can remove the AST lower case transformation for the special lower case Params map

Not only is the above easier to reason about, it's also faster, especially if you have more than one language, as in the benchmark below:

name                          old time/op    new time/op    delta
SiteNew/Deep_content_tree-16    53.7ms ± 0%    48.1ms ± 2%  -10.38%  (p=0.029 n=4+4)

name                          old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
SiteNew/Deep_content_tree-16    41.0MB ± 0%    36.8MB ± 0%  -10.26%  (p=0.029 n=4+4)

name                          old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
SiteNew/Deep_content_tree-16      481k ± 0%      410k ± 0%  -14.66%  (p=0.029 n=4+4)

This should be even better if you also have lots of templates.

Closes #6594
2019-12-12 10:04:35 +01:00

335 lines
8.5 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tplimpl
import (
template ""
texttemplate ""
type templateType int
const (
templateUndefined templateType = iota
type templateContext struct {
visited map[string]bool
notFound map[string]bool
lookupFn func(name string) *parse.Tree
// The last error encountered.
err error
typ templateType
// Set when we're done checking for config header.
configChecked bool
// Contains some info about the template
// Store away the return node in partials.
returnNode *parse.CommandNode
func (c templateContext) getIfNotVisited(name string) *parse.Tree {
if c.visited[name] {
return nil
c.visited[name] = true
templ := c.lookupFn(name)
if templ == nil {
// This may be a inline template defined outside of this file
// and not yet parsed. Unusual, but it happens.
// Store the name to try again later.
c.notFound[name] = true
return templ
func newTemplateContext(lookupFn func(name string) *parse.Tree) *templateContext {
return &templateContext{
Info: tpl.Info{Config: tpl.DefaultConfig},
lookupFn: lookupFn,
visited: make(map[string]bool),
notFound: make(map[string]bool)}
func createParseTreeLookup(templ *template.Template) func(nn string) *parse.Tree {
return func(nn string) *parse.Tree {
tt := templ.Lookup(nn)
if tt != nil {
return tt.Tree
return nil
func applyTemplateTransformersToHMLTTemplate(typ templateType, templ *template.Template) (*templateContext, error) {
return applyTemplateTransformers(typ, templ.Tree, createParseTreeLookup(templ))
func applyTemplateTransformersToTextTemplate(typ templateType, templ *texttemplate.Template) (*templateContext, error) {
return applyTemplateTransformers(typ, templ.Tree,
func(nn string) *parse.Tree {
tt := templ.Lookup(nn)
if tt != nil {
return tt.Tree
return nil
func applyTemplateTransformers(typ templateType, templ *parse.Tree, lookupFn func(name string) *parse.Tree) (*templateContext, error) {
if templ == nil {
return nil, errors.New("expected template, but none provided")
c := newTemplateContext(lookupFn)
c.typ = typ
_, err := c.applyTransformations(templ.Root)
if err == nil && c.returnNode != nil {
// This is a partial with a return statement.
c.Info.HasReturn = true
templ.Root = c.wrapInPartialReturnWrapper(templ.Root)
return c, err
const (
partialReturnWrapperTempl = `{{ $_hugo_dot := $ }}{{ $ := .Arg }}{{ with .Arg }}{{ $_hugo_dot.Set ("PLACEHOLDER") }}{{ end }}`
var partialReturnWrapper *parse.ListNode
func init() {
templ, err := texttemplate.New("").Parse(partialReturnWrapperTempl)
if err != nil {
partialReturnWrapper = templ.Tree.Root
func (c *templateContext) wrapInPartialReturnWrapper(n *parse.ListNode) *parse.ListNode {
wrapper := partialReturnWrapper.CopyList()
withNode := wrapper.Nodes[2].(*parse.WithNode)
retn := withNode.List.Nodes[0]
setCmd := retn.(*parse.ActionNode).Pipe.Cmds[0]
setPipe := setCmd.Args[1].(*parse.PipeNode)
// Replace PLACEHOLDER with the real return value.
// Note that this is a PipeNode, so it will be wrapped in parens.
setPipe.Cmds = []*parse.CommandNode{c.returnNode}
withNode.List.Nodes = append(n.Nodes, retn)
return wrapper
// The truth logic in Go's template package is broken for certain values
// for the if and with keywords. This works around that problem by wrapping
// the node passed to if/with in a getif conditional.
// getif works slightly different than the Go built-in in that it also
// considers any IsZero methods on the values (as in time.Time).
// See
func (c *templateContext) wrapWithGetIf(p *parse.PipeNode) {
if len(p.Cmds) == 0 {
// getif will return an empty string if not evaluated as truthful,
// which is when we need the value in the with clause.
firstArg := parse.NewIdentifier("getif")
secondArg := p.CopyPipe()
newCmd := p.Cmds[0].Copy().(*parse.CommandNode)
// secondArg is a PipeNode and will behave as it was wrapped in parens, e.g:
// {{ getif (len .Params | eq 2) }}
newCmd.Args = []parse.Node{firstArg, secondArg}
p.Cmds = []*parse.CommandNode{newCmd}
// applyTransformations do 3 things:
// 1) Make all .Params.CamelCase and similar into lowercase.
// 2) Wraps every with and if pipe in getif
// 3) Collects some information about the template content.
func (c *templateContext) applyTransformations(n parse.Node) (bool, error) {
switch x := n.(type) {
case *parse.ListNode:
if x != nil {
case *parse.ActionNode:
case *parse.IfNode:
c.applyTransformationsToNodes(x.Pipe, x.List, x.ElseList)
case *parse.WithNode:
c.applyTransformationsToNodes(x.Pipe, x.List, x.ElseList)
case *parse.RangeNode:
c.applyTransformationsToNodes(x.Pipe, x.List, x.ElseList)
case *parse.TemplateNode:
subTempl := c.getIfNotVisited(x.Name)
if subTempl != nil {
case *parse.PipeNode:
for i, cmd := range x.Cmds {
keep, _ := c.applyTransformations(cmd)
if !keep {
x.Cmds = append(x.Cmds[:i], x.Cmds[i+1:]...)
case *parse.CommandNode:
keep := c.collectReturnNode(x)
for _, elem := range x.Args {
switch an := elem.(type) {
case *parse.PipeNode:
return keep, c.err
return true, c.err
func (c *templateContext) applyTransformationsToNodes(nodes ...parse.Node) {
for _, node := range nodes {
func (c *templateContext) hasIdent(idents []string, ident string) bool {
for _, id := range idents {
if id == ident {
return true
return false
// collectConfig collects and parses any leading template config variable declaration.
// This will be the first PipeNode in the template, and will be a variable declaration
// on the form:
// {{ $_hugo_config:= `{ "version": 1 }` }}
func (c *templateContext) collectConfig(n *parse.PipeNode) {
if c.typ != templateShortcode {
if c.configChecked {
c.configChecked = true
if len(n.Decl) != 1 || len(n.Cmds) != 1 {
// This cannot be a config declaration
v := n.Decl[0]
if len(v.Ident) == 0 || v.Ident[0] != "$_hugo_config" {
cmd := n.Cmds[0]
if len(cmd.Args) == 0 {
if s, ok := cmd.Args[0].(*parse.StringNode); ok {
errMsg := "failed to decode $_hugo_config in template"
m, err := maps.ToStringMapE(s.Text)
if err != nil {
c.err = errors.Wrap(err, errMsg)
if err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(m, &c.Info.Config); err != nil {
c.err = errors.Wrap(err, errMsg)
// collectInner determines if the given CommandNode represents a
// shortcode call to its .Inner.
func (c *templateContext) collectInner(n *parse.CommandNode) {
if c.typ != templateShortcode {
if c.Info.IsInner || len(n.Args) == 0 {
for _, arg := range n.Args {
var idents []string
switch nt := arg.(type) {
case *parse.FieldNode:
idents = nt.Ident
case *parse.VariableNode:
idents = nt.Ident
if c.hasIdent(idents, "Inner") {
c.Info.IsInner = true
func (c *templateContext) collectReturnNode(n *parse.CommandNode) bool {
if c.typ != templatePartial || c.returnNode != nil {
return true
if len(n.Args) < 2 {
return true
ident, ok := n.Args[0].(*parse.IdentifierNode)
if !ok || ident.Ident != "return" {
return true
c.returnNode = n
// Remove the "return" identifiers
c.returnNode.Args = c.returnNode.Args[1:]
return false