Bjørn Erik Pedersen e625088ef5
Add render template hooks for links and images
This commit also

* revises the change detection for templates used by content files in server mode.
* Adds a Page.RenderString method

Fixes #6545
Fixes #4663
Closes #6043
2019-12-18 11:44:40 +01:00

1050 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tplimpl
import (
template ""
texttemplate ""
const (
textTmplNamePrefix = "_text/"
var (
_ tpl.TemplateManager = (*templateHandler)(nil)
_ tpl.TemplateHandler = (*templateHandler)(nil)
_ tpl.TemplateDebugger = (*templateHandler)(nil)
_ tpl.TemplateFuncGetter = (*templateHandler)(nil)
_ tpl.TemplateFinder = (*htmlTemplates)(nil)
_ tpl.TemplateFinder = (*textTemplates)(nil)
_ templateLoader = (*htmlTemplates)(nil)
_ templateLoader = (*textTemplates)(nil)
const (
shortcodesPathPrefix = "shortcodes/"
internalPathPrefix = "_internal/"
// The identifiers may be truncated in the log, e.g.
// "executing "main" at <$scaled.SRelPermalin...>: can't evaluate field SRelPermalink in type *resource.Image"
var identifiersRe = regexp.MustCompile(`at \<(.*?)(\.{3})?\>:`)
var embeddedTemplatesAliases = map[string][]string{
"shortcodes/twitter.html": {"shortcodes/tweet.html"},
const baseFileBase = "baseof"
func newTemplateAdapter(deps *deps.Deps) *templateHandler {
common := &templatesCommon{
nameBaseTemplateName: make(map[string]string),
transformNotFound: make(map[string]bool),
identityNotFound: make(map[string][]identity.Manager),
htmlT := &htmlTemplates{
t: template.New(""),
overlays: make(map[string]*template.Template),
templatesCommon: common,
textT := &textTemplates{
textTemplate: &textTemplate{t: texttemplate.New("")},
standalone: &textTemplate{t: texttemplate.New("")},
overlays: make(map[string]*texttemplate.Template),
templatesCommon: common,
h := &templateHandler{
Deps: deps,
layoutsFs: deps.BaseFs.Layouts.Fs,
templateHandlerCommon: &templateHandlerCommon{
shortcodes: make(map[string]*shortcodeTemplates),
templateInfo: make(map[string]tpl.Info),
templateInfoTree: make(map[string]*templateInfoTree),
html: htmlT,
text: textT,
textT.textTemplate.templates = textT
textT.standalone.templates = textT
common.handler = h
return h
type htmlTemplates struct {
t *template.Template
// This looks, and is, strange.
// The clone is used by non-renderable content pages, and these need to be
// re-parsed on content change, and to avoid the
// "cannot Parse after Execute" error, we need to re-clone it from the original clone.
clone *template.Template
cloneClone *template.Template
// a separate storage for the overlays created from cloned master templates.
// note: No mutex protection, so we add these in one Go routine, then just read.
overlays map[string]*template.Template
func (t *htmlTemplates) Lookup(name string) (tpl.Template, bool) {
templ := t.lookup(name)
if templ == nil {
return nil, false
return templ, true
func (t *htmlTemplates) LookupVariant(name string, variants tpl.TemplateVariants) (tpl.Template, bool, bool) {
return t.handler.LookupVariant(name, variants)
func (t *htmlTemplates) addLateTemplate(name, tpl string) error {
_, err := t.addTemplateIn(t.clone, name, tpl)
return err
func (t *htmlTemplates) addTemplate(name, tpl string) (*templateContext, error) {
return t.addTemplateIn(t.t, name, tpl)
func (t *htmlTemplates) addTemplateIn(tt *template.Template, name, templstr string) (*templateContext, error) {
templ, err := tt.New(name).Parse(templstr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
typ := resolveTemplateType(name)
c, err := t.handler.applyTemplateTransformersToHMLTTemplate(typ, templ)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for k := range c.templateNotFound {
t.transformNotFound[k] = true
t.identityNotFound[k] = append(t.identityNotFound[k],
for k := range c.identityNotFound {
t.identityNotFound[k] = append(t.identityNotFound[k],
return c, nil
func (t *htmlTemplates) handleMaster(name, overlayFilename, masterFilename string, onMissing func(filename string) (templateInfo, error)) error {
masterTpl := t.lookup(masterFilename)
if masterTpl == nil {
templ, err := onMissing(masterFilename)
if err != nil {
return err
masterTpl, err = t.t.New(overlayFilename).Parse(templ.template)
if err != nil {
return templ.errWithFileContext("parse master failed", err)
templ, err := onMissing(overlayFilename)
if err != nil {
return err
overlayTpl, err := template.Must(masterTpl.Clone()).Parse(templ.template)
if err != nil {
return templ.errWithFileContext("parse failed", err)
// The extra lookup is a workaround, see
// *
// *
overlayTpl = overlayTpl.Lookup(overlayTpl.Name())
if _, err := t.handler.applyTemplateTransformersToHMLTTemplate(templateUndefined, overlayTpl); err != nil {
return err
t.overlays[name] = overlayTpl
t.nameBaseTemplateName[name] = masterFilename
return err
func (t *htmlTemplates) lookup(name string) *template.Template {
// Need to check in the overlay registry first as it will also be found below.
if t.overlays != nil {
if templ, ok := t.overlays[name]; ok {
return templ
if templ := t.t.Lookup(name); templ != nil {
return templ
if t.clone != nil {
return t.clone.Lookup(name)
return nil
func (t htmlTemplates) withNewHandler(h *templateHandler) *htmlTemplates {
t.templatesCommon = t.templatesCommon.withNewHandler(h)
return &t
type nopLookupVariant int
func (l nopLookupVariant) LookupVariant(name string, variants tpl.TemplateVariants) (tpl.Template, bool, bool) {
return nil, false, false
// templateHandler holds the templates in play.
// It implements the templateLoader and tpl.TemplateHandler interfaces.
// There is one templateHandler created per Site.
type templateHandler struct {
ready bool
executor texttemplate.Executer
funcs map[string]reflect.Value
// This is the filesystem to load the templates from. All the templates are
// stored in the root of this filesystem.
layoutsFs afero.Fs
// AddLateTemplate is used to add a template late, i.e. after the
// regular templates have started its execution.
func (t *templateHandler) AddLateTemplate(name, tpl string) error {
h := t.getTemplateHandler(name)
if err := h.addLateTemplate(name, tpl); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// AddTemplate parses and adds a template to the collection.
// Templates with name prefixed with "_text" will be handled as plain
// text templates.
// TODO(bep) clean up these addTemplate variants
func (t *templateHandler) AddTemplate(name, tpl string) error {
h := t.getTemplateHandler(name)
_, err := h.addTemplate(name, tpl)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *templateHandler) Debug() {
fmt.Println("HTML templates:\n", t.html.t.DefinedTemplates())
fmt.Println("\n\nText templates:\n", t.text.t.DefinedTemplates())
func (t *templateHandler) Execute(templ tpl.Template, wr io.Writer, data interface{}) error {
if t.Metrics != nil {
defer t.Metrics.MeasureSince(templ.Name(), time.Now())
execErr := t.executor.Execute(templ, wr, data)
if execErr != nil {
execErr = t.addFileContext(templ.Name(), execErr)
return execErr
func (t *templateHandler) GetFunc(name string) (reflect.Value, bool) {
v, found := t.funcs[name]
return v, found
// LoadTemplates loads the templates from the layouts filesystem.
// A prefix can be given to indicate a template namespace to load the templates
// into, i.e. "_internal" etc.
func (t *templateHandler) LoadTemplates(prefix string) error {
return t.loadTemplates(prefix)
// Lookup tries to find a template with the given name in both template
// collections: First HTML, then the plain text template collection.
func (t *templateHandler) Lookup(name string) (tpl.Template, bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, textTmplNamePrefix) {
// The caller has explicitly asked for a text template, so only look
// in the text template collection.
// The templates are stored without the prefix identificator.
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, textTmplNamePrefix)
return t.applyTemplateInfo(t.text.Lookup(name))
// Look in both
if te, found := t.html.Lookup(name); found {
return t.applyTemplateInfo(te, true)
return t.applyTemplateInfo(t.text.Lookup(name))
// This currently only applies to shortcodes and what we get here is the
// shortcode name.
func (t *templateHandler) LookupVariant(name string, variants tpl.TemplateVariants) (tpl.Template, bool, bool) {
if !t.ready {
panic("handler not ready")
name = templateBaseName(templateShortcode, name)
s, found := t.shortcodes[name]
if !found {
return nil, false, false
sv, found := s.fromVariants(variants)
if !found {
return nil, false, false
more := len(s.variants) > 1
return tpl.WithInfo(sv.templ,, true, more
// markReady marks the templates as "ready for execution". No changes allowed
// after this is set.
func (t *templateHandler) markReady() error {
defer func() {
t.ready = true
if err := t.postTransform(); err != nil {
return err
if t.html.clone == nil {
t.html.clone = template.Must(t.html.t.Clone())
t.html.cloneClone = template.Must(t.html.clone.Clone())
if t.text.clone == nil {
t.text.clone = texttemplate.Must(t.text.t.Clone())
t.text.cloneClone = texttemplate.Must(t.text.clone.Clone())
return nil
// RebuildClone rebuilds the cloned templates. Used for live-reloads.
func (t *templateHandler) RebuildClone() {
if t.html != nil && t.html.cloneClone != nil {
t.html.clone = template.Must(t.html.cloneClone.Clone())
if t.text != nil && t.text.cloneClone != nil {
t.text.clone = texttemplate.Must(t.text.cloneClone.Clone())
func (h *templateHandler) initTemplateExecuter() {
exec, funcs := newTemplateExecuter(h.Deps)
h.executor = exec
h.funcs = funcs
funcMap := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range funcs {
funcMap[k] = v.Interface()
// Note that these funcs are not the ones getting called
// on execution, but they are needed at parse time.
func (t *templateHandler) getTemplateHandler(name string) templateLoader {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, textTmplNamePrefix) {
return t.text
return t.html
func (t *templateHandler) addFileContext(name string, inerr error) error {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "_internal") {
return inerr
f, realFilename, err := t.fileAndFilename(name)
if err != nil {
return inerr
defer f.Close()
master, hasMaster := t.html.nameBaseTemplateName[name]
ferr := errors.Wrap(inerr, "execute of template failed")
// Since this can be a composite of multiple template files (single.html + baseof.html etc.)
// we potentially need to look in both -- and cannot rely on line number alone.
lineMatcher := func(m herrors.LineMatcher) bool {
if m.Position.LineNumber != m.LineNumber {
return false
if !hasMaster {
return true
identifiers := t.extractIdentifiers(m.Error.Error())
for _, id := range identifiers {
if strings.Contains(m.Line, id) {
return true
return false
fe, ok := herrors.WithFileContext(ferr, realFilename, f, lineMatcher)
if ok || !hasMaster {
return fe
// Try the base template if relevant
f, realFilename, err = t.fileAndFilename(master)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
fe, ok = herrors.WithFileContext(ferr, realFilename, f, lineMatcher)
if !ok {
// Return the most specific.
return ferr
return fe
func (t *templateHandler) addInternalTemplate(name, tpl string) error {
return t.AddTemplate("_internal/"+name, tpl)
func (t *templateHandler) addShortcodeVariant(name string, info tpl.Info, templ tpl.Template) {
base := templateBaseName(templateShortcode, name)
shortcodename, variants := templateNameAndVariants(base)
templs, found := t.shortcodes[shortcodename]
if !found {
templs = &shortcodeTemplates{}
t.shortcodes[shortcodename] = templs
sv := shortcodeVariant{variants: variants, info: info, templ: templ}
i := templs.indexOf(variants)
if i != -1 {
// Only replace if it's an override of an internal template.
if !isInternal(name) {
templs.variants[i] = sv
} else {
templs.variants = append(templs.variants, sv)
func (t *templateHandler) addTemplateFile(name, baseTemplatePath, path string) error {
t.Log.DEBUG.Printf("Add template file: name %q, baseTemplatePath %q, path %q", name, baseTemplatePath, path)
getTemplate := func(filename string) (templateInfo, error) {
fs := t.Layouts.Fs
b, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, filename)
if err != nil {
return templateInfo{filename: filename, fs: fs}, err
s := removeLeadingBOM(string(b))
realFilename := filename
if fi, err := fs.Stat(filename); err == nil {
if fim, ok := fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo); ok {
realFilename = fim.Meta().Filename()
return templateInfo{template: s, filename: filename, realFilename: realFilename, fs: fs}, nil
// get the suffix and switch on that
ext := filepath.Ext(path)
switch ext {
case ".amber":
helpers.Deprecated("Amber templates are no longer supported.", "Use Go templates or a Hugo version <= 0.60.", true)
return nil
case ".ace":
helpers.Deprecated("ACE templates are no longer supported.", "Use Go templates or a Hugo version <= 0.60.", true)
return nil
if baseTemplatePath != "" {
return t.handleMaster(name, path, baseTemplatePath, getTemplate)
templ, err := getTemplate(path)
if err != nil {
return err
err = t.AddTemplate(name, templ.template)
if err != nil {
return templ.errWithFileContext("parse failed", err)
return nil
func (t *templateHandler) applyTemplateInfo(templ tpl.Template, found bool) (tpl.Template, bool) {
if templ != nil {
if info, found := t.templateInfo[templ.Name()]; found {
return tpl.WithInfo(templ, info), true
return templ, found
func (t *templateHandler) checkState() {
if t.html.clone != nil || t.text.clone != nil {
panic("template is cloned and cannot be modfified")
func (t *templateHandler) clone(d *deps.Deps) *templateHandler {
if !t.ready {
panic("invalid state")
c := &templateHandler{
ready: true,
Deps: d,
layoutsFs: d.BaseFs.Layouts.Fs,
c.templateHandlerCommon = t.templateHandlerCommon.withNewHandler(c)
d.Tmpl = c
d.TextTmpl = c.wrapTextTemplate(c.text.standalone)
c.executor, c.funcs = newTemplateExecuter(d)
return c
func (t *templateHandler) extractIdentifiers(line string) []string {
m := identifiersRe.FindAllStringSubmatch(line, -1)
identifiers := make([]string, len(m))
for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ {
identifiers[i] = m[i][1]
return identifiers
func (t *templateHandler) fileAndFilename(name string) (afero.File, string, error) {
fs := t.layoutsFs
filename := filepath.FromSlash(name)
fi, err := fs.Stat(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
fim := fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo)
meta := fim.Meta()
f, err := meta.Open()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to open template file %q:", filename)
return f, meta.Filename(), nil
func (t *templateHandler) handleMaster(name, overlayFilename, masterFilename string, onMissing func(filename string) (templateInfo, error)) error {
h := t.getTemplateHandler(name)
return h.handleMaster(name, overlayFilename, masterFilename, onMissing)
func (t *templateHandler) loadEmbedded() error {
for _, kv := range embedded.EmbeddedTemplates {
name, templ := kv[0], kv[1]
if err := t.addInternalTemplate(name, templ); err != nil {
return err
if aliases, found := embeddedTemplatesAliases[name]; found {
for _, alias := range aliases {
if err := t.addInternalTemplate(alias, templ); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *templateHandler) loadTemplates(prefix string) error {
walker := func(path string, fi hugofs.FileMetaInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil || fi.IsDir() {
return err
if isDotFile(path) || isBackupFile(path) || isBaseTemplate(path) {
return nil
workingDir := t.PathSpec.WorkingDir
descriptor := output.TemplateLookupDescriptor{
WorkingDir: workingDir,
RelPath: path,
Prefix: prefix,
OutputFormats: t.OutputFormatsConfig,
FileExists: func(filename string) (bool, error) {
return helpers.Exists(filename, t.Layouts.Fs)
ContainsAny: func(filename string, subslices [][]byte) (bool, error) {
return helpers.FileContainsAny(filename, subslices, t.Layouts.Fs)
tplID, err := output.CreateTemplateNames(descriptor)
if err != nil {
t.Log.ERROR.Printf("Failed to resolve template in path %q: %s", path, err)
return nil
if err := t.addTemplateFile(tplID.Name, tplID.MasterFilename, tplID.OverlayFilename); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err := helpers.SymbolicWalk(t.Layouts.Fs, "", walker); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
return nil
return nil
func (t *templateHandler) getOrCreateTemplateInfo(name string) (identity.Manager, tpl.ParseInfo) {
info, found := t.templateInfo[name]
if found {
return info.(identity.Manager), info.ParseInfo()
return identity.NewManager(identity.NewPathIdentity(files.ComponentFolderLayouts, name)), tpl.DefaultParseInfo
func (t *templateHandler) createTemplateInfo(name string) (identity.Manager, tpl.ParseInfo) {
_, found := t.templateInfo[name]
if found {
panic("already created: " + name)
return identity.NewManager(identity.NewPathIdentity(files.ComponentFolderLayouts, name)), tpl.DefaultParseInfo
func (t *templateHandler) postTransform() error {
for k, v := range t.templateInfoTree {
if != nil {
info := tpl.NewInfo(,,
t.templateInfo[k] = info
if v.typ == templateShortcode {
t.addShortcodeVariant(k, info, v.templ)
for _, s := range []struct {
lookup func(name string) *templateInfoTree
transformNotFound map[string]bool
identityNotFound map[string][]identity.Manager
// html templates
{func(name string) *templateInfoTree {
templ := t.html.lookup(name)
if templ == nil {
return nil
id, info := t.getOrCreateTemplateInfo(name)
return &templateInfoTree{
id: id,
info: info,
tree: templ.Tree,
}, t.html.transformNotFound, t.html.identityNotFound},
// text templates
{func(name string) *templateInfoTree {
templT := t.text.lookup(name)
if templT == nil {
return nil
id, info := t.getOrCreateTemplateInfo(name)
return &templateInfoTree{
id: id,
info: info,
tree: templT.Tree,
}, t.text.transformNotFound, t.text.identityNotFound},
} {
for name := range s.transformNotFound {
templ := s.lookup(name)
if templ != nil {
_, err := applyTemplateTransformers(templateUndefined, templ, s.lookup)
if err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range s.identityNotFound {
tmpl := s.lookup(k)
if tmpl != nil {
for _, im := range v {
return nil
func (t *templateHandler) wrapTextTemplate(tt *textTemplate) tpl.TemplateParseFinder {
return struct {
type templateHandlerCommon struct {
// shortcodes maps shortcode name to template variants
// (language, output format etc.) of that shortcode.
shortcodes map[string]*shortcodeTemplates
// templateInfo maps template name to some additional information about that template.
// Note that for shortcodes that same information is embedded in the
// shortcodeTemplates type.
templateInfo map[string]tpl.Info
// Used to track templates during the AST transformations.
templateInfoTree map[string]*templateInfoTree
// text holds all the pure text templates.
text *textTemplates
html *htmlTemplates
func (t templateHandlerCommon) withNewHandler(h *templateHandler) *templateHandlerCommon {
t.text = t.text.withNewHandler(h)
t.html = t.html.withNewHandler(h)
return &t
type templateLoader interface {
addLateTemplate(name, tpl string) error
addTemplate(name, tpl string) (*templateContext, error)
handleMaster(name, overlayFilename, masterFilename string, onMissing func(filename string) (templateInfo, error)) error
// Shared by both HTML and text templates.
type templatesCommon struct {
handler *templateHandler
// Used to get proper filenames in errors
nameBaseTemplateName map[string]string
// Holds names of the template definitions not found during the first AST transformation
// pass.
transformNotFound map[string]bool
// Holds identities of templates not found during first pass.
identityNotFound map[string][]identity.Manager
func (t templatesCommon) withNewHandler(h *templateHandler) *templatesCommon {
t.handler = h
return &t
type textTemplate struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
t *texttemplate.Template
templates *textTemplates
func (t *textTemplate) Lookup(name string) (tpl.Template, bool) {
tpl := t.t.Lookup(name)
return tpl, tpl != nil
func (t *textTemplate) Parse(name, tpl string) (tpl.Template, error) {
return t.parseIn(t.t, name, tpl)
func (t *textTemplate) parseIn(tt *texttemplate.Template, name, tpl string) (*texttemplate.Template, error) {
templ, err := tt.New(name).Parse(tpl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := t.templates.handler.applyTemplateTransformersToTextTemplate(templateUndefined, templ); err != nil {
return nil, err
return templ, nil
type textTemplates struct {
standalone *textTemplate
clone *texttemplate.Template
cloneClone *texttemplate.Template
overlays map[string]*texttemplate.Template
func (t *textTemplates) Lookup(name string) (tpl.Template, bool) {
templ := t.lookup(name)
if templ == nil {
return nil, false
return templ, true
func (t *textTemplates) LookupVariant(name string, variants tpl.TemplateVariants) (tpl.Template, bool, bool) {
return t.handler.LookupVariant(name, variants)
func (t *textTemplates) addLateTemplate(name, tpl string) error {
_, err := t.addTemplateIn(t.clone, name, tpl)
return err
func (t *textTemplates) addTemplate(name, tpl string) (*templateContext, error) {
return t.addTemplateIn(t.t, name, tpl)
func (t *textTemplates) addTemplateIn(tt *texttemplate.Template, name, tplstr string) (*templateContext, error) {
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, textTmplNamePrefix)
templ, err := t.parseIn(tt, name, tplstr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
typ := resolveTemplateType(name)
c, err := t.handler.applyTemplateTransformersToTextTemplate(typ, templ)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for k := range c.templateNotFound {
t.transformNotFound[k] = true
return c, nil
func (t *textTemplates) handleMaster(name, overlayFilename, masterFilename string, onMissing func(filename string) (templateInfo, error)) error {
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, textTmplNamePrefix)
masterTpl := t.lookup(masterFilename)
if masterTpl == nil {
templ, err := onMissing(masterFilename)
if err != nil {
return err
masterTpl, err = t.t.New(masterFilename).Parse(templ.template)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse %q:", templ.filename)
t.nameBaseTemplateName[masterFilename] = templ.filename
templ, err := onMissing(overlayFilename)
if err != nil {
return err
overlayTpl, err := texttemplate.Must(masterTpl.Clone()).Parse(templ.template)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse %q:", templ.filename)
overlayTpl = overlayTpl.Lookup(overlayTpl.Name())
if _, err := t.handler.applyTemplateTransformersToTextTemplate(templateUndefined, overlayTpl); err != nil {
return err
t.overlays[name] = overlayTpl
t.nameBaseTemplateName[name] = templ.filename
return err
func (t *textTemplates) lookup(name string) *texttemplate.Template {
// Need to check in the overlay registry first as it will also be found below.
if t.overlays != nil {
if templ, ok := t.overlays[name]; ok {
return templ
if templ := t.t.Lookup(name); templ != nil {
return templ
if t.clone != nil {
return t.clone.Lookup(name)
return nil
func (t textTemplates) withNewHandler(h *templateHandler) *textTemplates {
t.templatesCommon = t.templatesCommon.withNewHandler(h)
return &t
func isBackupFile(path string) bool {
return path[len(path)-1] == '~'
func isBaseTemplate(path string) bool {
return strings.Contains(filepath.Base(path), baseFileBase)
func isDotFile(path string) bool {
return filepath.Base(path)[0] == '.'
func removeLeadingBOM(s string) string {
const bom = '\ufeff'
for i, r := range s {
if i == 0 && r != bom {
return s
if i > 0 {
return s[i:]
return s
// resolves _internal/shortcodes/param.html => param.html etc.
func templateBaseName(typ templateType, name string) string {
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, internalPathPrefix)
switch typ {
case templateShortcode:
return strings.TrimPrefix(name, shortcodesPathPrefix)
panic("not implemented")