Bjørn Erik Pedersen f4389e48ce
Add some basic security policies with sensible defaults
This ommmit contains some security hardening measures for the Hugo build runtime.

There are some rarely used features in Hugo that would be good to have disabled by default. One example would be the "external helpers".

For `asciidoctor` and some others we use Go's `os/exec` package to start a new process.

These are a predefined set of binary names, all loaded from `PATH` and with a predefined set of arguments. Still, if you don't use `asciidoctor` in your project, you might as well have it turned off.

You can configure your own in the new `security` configuration section, but the defaults are configured to create a minimal amount of site breakage. And if that do happen, you will get clear instructions in the loa about what to do.

The default configuration is listed below. Note that almost all of these options are regular expression _whitelists_ (a string or a slice); the value `none` will block all.

  enableInlineShortcodes = false
    allow = ['^dart-sass-embedded$', '^go$', '^npx$', '^postcss$']

    getenv = ['^HUGO_']

    methods = ['(?i)GET|POST']
    urls = ['.*']
2021-12-16 09:40:22 +01:00

225 lines
5.4 KiB

// Copyright 2020 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package dartsass
import (
const (
// See
stdinPlaceholder = "HUGOSTDIN"
dartSassEmbeddedBinaryName = "dart-sass-embedded"
// Supports returns whether dart-sass-embedded is found in $PATH.
func Supports() bool {
if htesting.SupportsAll() {
return true
return hexec.InPath(dartSassEmbeddedBinaryName)
type transform struct {
optsm map[string]interface{}
c *Client
func (t *transform) Key() internal.ResourceTransformationKey {
return internal.NewResourceTransformationKey(transformationName, t.optsm)
func (t *transform) Transform(ctx *resources.ResourceTransformationCtx) error {
ctx.OutMediaType = media.CSSType
opts, err := decodeOptions(t.optsm)
if err != nil {
return err
if opts.TargetPath != "" {
ctx.OutPath = opts.TargetPath
} else {
baseDir := path.Dir(ctx.SourcePath)
args := godartsass.Args{
URL: stdinPlaceholder,
IncludePaths: t.c.sfs.RealDirs(baseDir),
ImportResolver: importResolver{
baseDir: baseDir,
c: t.c,
OutputStyle: godartsass.ParseOutputStyle(opts.OutputStyle),
EnableSourceMap: opts.EnableSourceMap,
// Append any workDir relative include paths
for _, ip := range opts.IncludePaths {
info, err := t.c.workFs.Stat(filepath.Clean(ip))
if err == nil {
filename := info.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo).Meta().Filename
args.IncludePaths = append(args.IncludePaths, filename)
if ctx.InMediaType.SubType == media.SASSType.SubType {
args.SourceSyntax = godartsass.SourceSyntaxSASS
res, err := t.c.toCSS(args, ctx.From)
if err != nil {
if sassErr, ok := err.(godartsass.SassError); ok {
start := sassErr.Span.Start
context := strings.TrimSpace(sassErr.Span.Context)
filename, _ := urlToFilename(sassErr.Span.Url)
if filename == stdinPlaceholder {
if ctx.SourcePath == "" {
return sassErr
filename = t.c.sfs.RealFilename(ctx.SourcePath)
offsetMatcher := func(m herrors.LineMatcher) bool {
return m.Offset+len(m.Line) >= start.Offset && strings.Contains(m.Line, context)
ferr, ok := herrors.WithFileContextForFile(
herrors.NewFileError("scss", -1, -1, start.Column, sassErr),
if !ok {
return sassErr
return ferr
return err
out := res.CSS
_, err = io.WriteString(ctx.To, out)
if err != nil {
return err
if opts.EnableSourceMap && res.SourceMap != "" {
if err := ctx.PublishSourceMap(res.SourceMap); err != nil {
return err
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(ctx.To, "\n\n/*# sourceMappingURL=%s */", path.Base(ctx.OutPath)+".map")
return err
type importResolver struct {
baseDir string
c *Client
func (t importResolver) CanonicalizeURL(url string) (string, error) {
filePath, isURL := urlToFilename(url)
var prevDir string
var pathDir string
if isURL {
var found bool
prevDir, found = t.c.sfs.MakePathRelative(filepath.Dir(filePath))
if !found {
// Not a member of this filesystem, let Dart Sass handle it.
return "", nil
} else {
prevDir = t.baseDir
pathDir = path.Dir(url)
basePath := filepath.Join(prevDir, pathDir)
name := filepath.Base(filePath)
// Pick the first match.
var namePatterns []string
if strings.Contains(name, ".") {
namePatterns = []string{"_%s", "%s"}
} else if strings.HasPrefix(name, "_") {
namePatterns = []string{"_%s.scss", "_%s.sass"}
} else {
namePatterns = []string{"_%s.scss", "%s.scss", "_%s.sass", "%s.sass"}
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "_")
for _, namePattern := range namePatterns {
filenameToCheck := filepath.Join(basePath, fmt.Sprintf(namePattern, name))
fi, err := t.c.sfs.Fs.Stat(filenameToCheck)
if err == nil {
if fim, ok := fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo); ok {
return "file://" + filepath.ToSlash(fim.Meta().Filename), nil
// Not found, let Dart Dass handle it
return "", nil
func (t importResolver) Load(url string) (string, error) {
filename, _ := urlToFilename(url)
b, err := afero.ReadFile(hugofs.Os, filename)
return string(b), err
// TODO(bep) add tests
func urlToFilename(urls string) (string, bool) {
u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(urls)
if err != nil {
return filepath.FromSlash(urls), false
p := filepath.FromSlash(u.Path)
if u.Host != "" {
// C:\data\file.txt
p = strings.ToUpper(u.Host) + ":" + p
return p, true