Phil Pennock 438c219892 Add canonifyurls config option.
Be able to inhibit AbsURL canonicalization of content, on a site
configuration basis. Advantages of being able to inhibit this include
making it easier to rendering on other hostnames, and being able to
include resources on http or https depending on how this page was
retrieved, avoiding mixed-mode client complaints without adding latency
for plain http.
2014-01-13 10:06:12 -05:00

670 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright © 2013 Steve Francia <>.
// Licensed under the Simple Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
var _ = transform.AbsURL
var DefaultTimer *nitro.B
func MakePermalink(base *url.URL, path *url.URL) *url.URL {
return base.ResolveReference(path)
// Site contains all the information relevant for constructing a static
// site. The basic flow of information is as follows:
// 1. A list of Files is parsed and then converted into Pages.
// 2. Pages contain sections (based on the file they were generated from),
// aliases and slugs (included in a pages frontmatter) which are the
// various targets that will get generated. There will be canonical
// listing. The canonical path can be overruled based on a pattern.
// 3. Indexes are created via configuration and will present some aspect of
// the final page and typically a perm url.
// 4. All Pages are passed through a template based on their desired
// layout based on numerous different elements.
// 5. The entire collection of files is written to disk.
type Site struct {
Config Config
Pages Pages
Tmpl bundle.Template
Indexes IndexList
Source source.Input
Sections Index
Info SiteInfo
Shortcodes map[string]ShortcodeFunc
timer *nitro.B
Target target.Output
Alias target.AliasPublisher
Completed chan bool
RunMode runmode
params map[string]interface{}
type SiteInfo struct {
BaseUrl template.URL
Indexes IndexList
Recent *Pages
LastChange time.Time
Title string
Config *Config
Permalinks PermalinkOverrides
Params map[string]interface{}
type runmode struct {
Watching bool
func (s *Site) Running() bool {
return s.RunMode.Watching
func init() {
DefaultTimer = nitro.Initalize()
func (s *Site) timerStep(step string) {
if s.timer == nil {
s.timer = DefaultTimer
func (s *Site) Build() (err error) {
if err = s.Process(); err != nil {
if err = s.Render(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error rendering site: %s\nAvailable templates:\n", err)
for _, template := range s.Tmpl.Templates() {
fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", template.Name())
return nil
func (s *Site) Analyze() {
s.Alias = &target.HTMLRedirectAlias{
PublishDir: s.absPublishDir(),
func (s *Site) prepTemplates() {
s.Tmpl = bundle.NewTemplate()
func (s *Site) addTemplate(name, data string) error {
return s.Tmpl.AddTemplate(name, data)
func (s *Site) Process() (err error) {
if err = s.initialize(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("initialize & template prep")
if err = s.CreatePages(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("import pages")
if err = s.BuildSiteMeta(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("build indexes")
func (s *Site) setupPrevNext() {
for i, page := range s.Pages {
if i < len(s.Pages)-1 {
page.Next = s.Pages[i+1]
if i > 0 {
page.Prev = s.Pages[i-1]
func (s *Site) Render() (err error) {
if err = s.RenderAliases(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write aliases")
if err = s.RenderIndexes(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write indexes")
s.timerStep("render & write index indexes")
if err = s.RenderLists(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write lists")
if err = s.RenderPages(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write pages")
if err = s.RenderHomePage(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write homepage")
func (s *Site) checkDescriptions() {
for _, p := range s.Pages {
if len(p.Description) < 60 {
fmt.Println(p.FileName + " ")
func (s *Site) initialize() (err error) {
if err = s.checkDirectories(); err != nil {
return err
staticDir := s.Config.GetAbsPath(s.Config.StaticDir + "/")
s.Source = &source.Filesystem{
AvoidPaths: []string{staticDir},
Base: s.absContentDir(),
s.Shortcodes = make(map[string]ShortcodeFunc)
func (s *Site) initializeSiteInfo() {
s.Info = SiteInfo{
BaseUrl: template.URL(s.Config.BaseUrl),
Title: s.Config.Title,
Recent: &s.Pages,
Config: &s.Config,
Params: s.Config.Params,
Permalinks: s.Config.Permalinks,
// Check if File / Directory Exists
func exists(path string) (bool, error) {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
return false, err
func (s *Site) absLayoutDir() string {
return s.Config.GetAbsPath(s.Config.LayoutDir)
func (s *Site) absContentDir() string {
return s.Config.GetAbsPath(s.Config.ContentDir)
func (s *Site) absPublishDir() string {
return s.Config.GetAbsPath(s.Config.PublishDir)
func (s *Site) checkDirectories() (err error) {
if b, _ := dirExists(s.absLayoutDir()); !b {
return fmt.Errorf("No layout directory found, expecting to find it at " + s.absLayoutDir())
if b, _ := dirExists(s.absContentDir()); !b {
return fmt.Errorf("No source directory found, expecting to find it at " + s.absContentDir())
func (s *Site) CreatePages() (err error) {
if s.Source == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("s.Source not set %s", s.absContentDir()))
if len(s.Source.Files()) < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("No source files found in %s", s.absContentDir())
for _, file := range s.Source.Files() {
page, err := ReadFrom(file.Contents, file.LogicalName)
if err != nil {
return err
page.Site = s.Info
page.Tmpl = s.Tmpl
page.Section = file.Section
page.Dir = file.Dir
//Handling short codes prior to Conversion to HTML
err = page.Convert()
if err != nil {
return err
if s.Config.BuildDrafts || !page.Draft {
s.Pages = append(s.Pages, page)
func (s *Site) BuildSiteMeta() (err error) {
s.Indexes = make(IndexList)
s.Sections = make(Index)
for _, plural := range s.Config.Indexes {
s.Indexes[plural] = make(Index)
for _, p := range s.Pages {
vals := p.GetParam(plural)
weight := p.GetParam(plural + "_weight")
if weight == nil {
weight = 0
if vals != nil {
v, ok := vals.([]string)
if ok {
for _, idx := range v {
x := WeightedPage{weight.(int), p}
s.Indexes[plural].Add(idx, x)
} else {
if s.Config.Verbose {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Invalid %s in %s\n", plural, p.File.FileName)
for k := range s.Indexes[plural] {
for i, p := range s.Pages {
s.Sections.Add(p.Section, WeightedPage{s.Pages[i].Weight, s.Pages[i]})
for k := range s.Sections {
s.Info.Indexes = s.Indexes
if len(s.Pages) == 0 {
s.Info.LastChange = s.Pages[0].Date
// populate pages with site metadata
for _, p := range s.Pages {
p.Site = s.Info
func (s *Site) possibleIndexes() (indexes []string) {
for _, p := range s.Pages {
for k := range p.Params {
if !inStringArray(indexes, k) {
indexes = append(indexes, k)
func inStringArray(arr []string, el string) bool {
for _, v := range arr {
if v == el {
return true
return false
func (s *Site) RenderAliases() error {
for _, p := range s.Pages {
for _, a := range p.Aliases {
plink, err := p.Permalink()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := s.WriteAlias(a, template.HTML(plink)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) RenderPages() (err error) {
for _, p := range s.Pages {
var layout []string
if !p.IsRenderable() {
self := "__" + p.TargetPath()
_, err := s.Tmpl.New(self).Parse(string(p.Content))
if err != nil {
return err
layout = append(layout, self)
} else {
layout = append(layout, p.Layout()...)
layout = append(layout, "_default/single.html")
err := s.render(p, p.TargetPath(), layout...)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) RenderIndexes() error {
for singular, plural := range s.Config.Indexes {
for k, o := range s.Indexes[plural] {
n := s.NewNode()
n.Title = strings.Title(k)
url := helpers.Urlize(plural + "/" + k)
n.Url = url + ".html"
plink := n.Url
n.Permalink = permalink(s, plink)
n.RSSlink = permalink(s, url+".xml")
n.Date = o[0].Page.Date
n.Data[singular] = o
n.Data["Pages"] = o.Pages()
layout := "indexes/" + singular + ".html"
var base string
base = plural + "/" + k
err := s.render(n, base+".html", layout)
if err != nil {
return err
if a := s.Tmpl.Lookup("rss.xml"); a != nil {
// XML Feed
n.Url = helpers.Urlize(plural + "/" + k + ".xml")
n.Permalink = permalink(s, n.Url)
err := s.render(n, base+".xml", "rss.xml")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) RenderIndexesIndexes() (err error) {
layout := "indexes/indexes.html"
if s.Tmpl.Lookup(layout) != nil {
for singular, plural := range s.Config.Indexes {
n := s.NewNode()
n.Title = strings.Title(plural)
url := helpers.Urlize(plural)
n.Url = url + "/index.html"
n.Permalink = permalink(s, n.Url)
n.Data["Singular"] = singular
n.Data["Plural"] = plural
n.Data["Index"] = s.Indexes[plural]
// keep the following just for legacy reasons
n.Data["OrderedIndex"] = s.Indexes[plural]
err := s.render(n, plural+"/index.html", layout)
if err != nil {
return err
func (s *Site) RenderLists() error {
for section, data := range s.Sections {
n := s.NewNode()
n.Title = strings.Title(inflect.Pluralize(section))
n.Url = helpers.Urlize(section + "/" + "index.html")
n.Permalink = permalink(s, n.Url)
n.RSSlink = permalink(s, section+".xml")
n.Date = data[0].Page.Date
n.Data["Pages"] = data.Pages()
layout := "indexes/" + section + ".html"
err := s.render(n, section, layout, "_default/indexes.html")
if err != nil {
return err
if a := s.Tmpl.Lookup("rss.xml"); a != nil {
// XML Feed
n.Url = helpers.Urlize(section + ".xml")
n.Permalink = template.HTML(string(n.Site.BaseUrl) + n.Url)
err = s.render(n, section+".xml", "rss.xml")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) RenderHomePage() error {
n := s.NewNode()
n.Title = n.Site.Title
n.Url = helpers.Urlize(string(n.Site.BaseUrl))
n.RSSlink = permalink(s, "index.xml")
n.Permalink = permalink(s, "")
n.Data["Pages"] = s.Pages
err := s.render(n, "/", "index.html")
if err != nil {
return err
if a := s.Tmpl.Lookup("rss.xml"); a != nil {
// XML Feed
n.Url = helpers.Urlize("index.xml")
n.Title = "Recent Content"
n.Permalink = permalink(s, "index.xml")
err := s.render(n, ".xml", "rss.xml")
if err != nil {
return err
if a := s.Tmpl.Lookup("404.html"); a != nil {
n.Url = helpers.Urlize("404.html")
n.Title = "404 Page not found"
n.Permalink = permalink(s, "404.html")
return s.render(n, "404.html", "404.html")
return nil
func (s *Site) Stats() {
fmt.Printf("%d pages created \n", len(s.Pages))
for _, pl := range s.Config.Indexes {
fmt.Printf("%d %s index created\n", len(s.Indexes[pl]), pl)
func permalink(s *Site, plink string) template.HTML {
base, err := url.Parse(string(s.Config.BaseUrl))
if err != nil {
path, err := url.Parse(plink)
if err != nil {
return template.HTML(MakePermalink(base, path).String())
func (s *Site) NewNode() *Node {
return &Node{
Data: make(map[string]interface{}),
Site: s.Info,
func (s *Site) render(d interface{}, out string, layouts ...string) (err error) {
layout := s.findFirstLayout(layouts...)
if layout == "" {
if s.Config.Verbose {
fmt.Printf("Unable to locate layout: %s\n", layouts)
transformLinks := transform.NewEmptyTransforms()
if s.Config.CanonifyUrls {
absURL, err := transform.AbsURL(s.Config.BaseUrl)
if err != nil {
return err
transformLinks = append(transformLinks, absURL...)
transformer := transform.NewChain(transformLinks...)
var renderBuffer *bytes.Buffer
if strings.HasSuffix(out, ".xml") {
renderBuffer = s.NewXMLBuffer()
} else {
renderBuffer = new(bytes.Buffer)
err = s.renderThing(d, layout, renderBuffer)
if err != nil {
// Behavior here should be dependent on if running in server or watch mode.
fmt.Println(fmt.Errorf("Rendering error: %v", err))
if !s.Running() {
var outBuffer = new(bytes.Buffer)
if strings.HasSuffix(out, ".xml") {
outBuffer = renderBuffer
} else {
transformer.Apply(outBuffer, renderBuffer)
return s.WritePublic(out, outBuffer)
func (s *Site) findFirstLayout(layouts ...string) (layout string) {
for _, layout = range layouts {
if s.Tmpl.Lookup(layout) != nil {
return ""
func (s *Site) renderThing(d interface{}, layout string, w io.Writer) error {
// If the template doesn't exist, then return, but leave the Writer open
if s.Tmpl.Lookup(layout) == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Layout not found: %s", layout)
//defer w.Close()
return s.Tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, layout, d)
func (s *Site) NewXMLBuffer() *bytes.Buffer {
header := "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"yes\" ?>\n"
return bytes.NewBufferString(header)
func (s *Site) initTarget() {
if s.Target == nil {
s.Target = &target.Filesystem{
PublishDir: s.absPublishDir(),
UglyUrls: s.Config.UglyUrls,
func (s *Site) WritePublic(path string, reader io.Reader) (err error) {
if s.Config.Verbose {
return s.Target.Publish(path, reader)
func (s *Site) WriteAlias(path string, permalink template.HTML) (err error) {
if s.Alias == nil {
s.Alias = &target.HTMLRedirectAlias{
PublishDir: s.absPublishDir(),
if s.Config.Verbose {
return s.Alias.Publish(path, permalink)