Owen Waller 3521e8b1e5 Updated TestReplaceExtensioni, TestFilename and TestFileAndExt
Updated the test cases in TestReplaceExtension to reflect the intent
of ReplaceExtension which is to accept a path and return only the file
name with a new extension. It's intentionally designed to strip out the
path and only provide the filename

Additional test cases have been added to both TestFilename and
TestFileAndExt to clarify behaviour with relative paths.
2014-11-04 19:19:01 -05:00

550 lines
14 KiB

package helpers
import (
func TestMakePath(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected string
{" Foo bar ", "Foo-bar"},
{"Foo.Bar/foo_Bar-Foo", "Foo.Bar/foo_Bar-Foo"},
{"fOO,bar:foo%bAR", "fOObarfoobAR"},
{"FOo/BaR.html", "FOo/BaR.html"},
{"трям/трям", "трям/трям"},
{"은행", "은행"},
{"Банковский кассир", "Банковский-кассир"},
for _, test := range tests {
output := MakePath(test.input)
if output != test.expected {
t.Errorf("Expected %#v, got %#v\n", test.expected, output)
func TestMakePathToLower(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected string
{" FOO bar ", "foo-bar"},
{"Foo.Bar/fOO_bAr-Foo", ""},
{"FOO,bar:Foo%Bar", "foobarfoobar"},
{"foo/BAR.HTML", "foo/bar.html"},
{"трям/трям", "трям/трям"},
{"은행", "은행"},
for _, test := range tests {
output := MakePathToLower(test.input)
if output != test.expected {
t.Errorf("Expected %#v, got %#v\n", test.expected, output)
func TestMakeTitle(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
input, expected string
data := []test{
{"Make-Title", "Make Title"},
{"MakeTitle", "MakeTitle"},
{"make_title", "make_title"},
for i, d := range data {
output := MakeTitle(d.input)
if d.expected != output {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q got %q", i, d.expected, output)
// Replace Extension is probably poorly named, but the intent of the
// function is to accept a path and return only the file name with a
// new extension. It's intentionally designed to strip out the path
// and only provide the name. We should probably rename the function to
// be more explicit at some point.
func TestReplaceExtension(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
input, newext, expected string
data := []test{
// These work according to the above defination
{"/some/random/path/file.xml", "html", "file.html"},
{"/banana.html", "xml", "banana.xml"},
{"./banana.html", "xml", "banana.xml"},
{"banana/pie/index.html", "xml", "index.xml"},
{"../pies/fish/index.html", "xml", "index.xml"},
// but these all fail
{"filename-without-ext", ".ext", "filename-without-an-ext.ext"},
{"/filename-without-an-ext", "ext", "filename-without-an-ext.ext"},
{"/directory/mydir/", "ext", ".ext"},
{"mydir/", "ext", ".ext"},
for i, d := range data {
output := ReplaceExtension(d.input, d.newext)
if d.expected != output {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q got %q", i, d.expected, output)
func TestDirExists(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
input string
expected bool
data := []test{
{".", true},
{"./", true},
{"..", true},
{"../", true},
{"./..", true},
{"./../", true},
{"/tmp", true},
{"/tmp/", true},
{"/", true},
{"/some-really-random-directory-name", false},
{"/some/really/random/directory/name", false},
{"./some-really-random-local-directory-name", false},
{"./some/really/random/local/directory/name", false},
for i, d := range data {
exists, _ := DirExists(d.input)
if d.expected != exists {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %t got %t", i, d.expected, exists)
func TestIsDir(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
input string
expected bool
data := []test{
{"./", true},
{"/", true},
{"./this-directory-does-not-existi", false},
{"/this-absolute-directory/does-not-exist", false},
for i, d := range data {
exists, _ := IsDir(d.input)
if d.expected != exists {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %t got %t", i, d.expected, exists)
func TestIsEmpty(t *testing.T) {
zeroSizedFile, _ := createZeroSizedFileInTempDir()
defer deleteFileInTempDir(zeroSizedFile)
nonZeroSizedFile, _ := createNonZeroSizedFileInTempDir()
defer deleteFileInTempDir(nonZeroSizedFile)
emptyDirectory, _ := createEmptyTempDir()
defer deleteTempDir(emptyDirectory)
nonEmptyZeroLengthFilesDirectory, _ := createTempDirWithZeroLengthFiles()
defer deleteTempDir(nonEmptyZeroLengthFilesDirectory)
nonEmptyNonZeroLengthFilesDirectory, _ := createTempDirWithNonZeroLengthFiles()
defer deleteTempDir(nonEmptyNonZeroLengthFilesDirectory)
nonExistentFile := os.TempDir() + "/this-file-does-not-exist.txt"
nonExistentDir := os.TempDir() + "/this/direcotry/does/not/exist/"
fileDoesNotExist := fmt.Errorf("%q path does not exist", nonExistentFile)
dirDoesNotExist := fmt.Errorf("%q path does not exist", nonExistentDir)
type test struct {
input string
expectedResult bool
expectedErr error
data := []test{
{zeroSizedFile.Name(), true, nil},
{nonZeroSizedFile.Name(), false, nil},
{emptyDirectory, true, nil},
{nonEmptyZeroLengthFilesDirectory, false, nil},
{nonEmptyNonZeroLengthFilesDirectory, false, nil},
{nonExistentFile, false, fileDoesNotExist},
{nonExistentDir, false, dirDoesNotExist},
for i, d := range data {
exists, err := IsEmpty(d.input)
if d.expectedResult != exists {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected result %t got %t", i, d.expectedResult, exists)
if d.expectedErr != nil {
if d.expectedErr.Error() != err.Error() {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q(%#v) got %q(%#v)", i, d.expectedErr, d.expectedErr, err, err)
} else {
if d.expectedErr != err {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q(%#v) got %q(%#v)", i, d.expectedErr, d.expectedErr, err, err)
func createZeroSizedFileInTempDir() (*os.File, error) {
filePrefix := "_path_test_"
f, e := ioutil.TempFile("", filePrefix) // dir is os.TempDir()
if e != nil {
// if there was an error no file was created.
// => no requirement to delete the file
return nil, e
return f, nil
func createNonZeroSizedFileInTempDir() (*os.File, error) {
f, err := createZeroSizedFileInTempDir()
if err != nil {
// no file ??
byteString := []byte("byteString")
err = ioutil.WriteFile(f.Name(), byteString, 0644)
if err != nil {
// delete the file
return nil, err
return f, nil
func deleteFileInTempDir(f *os.File) {
err := os.Remove(f.Name())
if err != nil {
// now what?
func createEmptyTempDir() (string, error) {
dirPrefix := "_dir_prefix_"
d, e := ioutil.TempDir("", dirPrefix) // will be in os.TempDir()
if e != nil {
// no directory to delete - it was never created
return "", e
return d, nil
func createTempDirWithZeroLengthFiles() (string, error) {
d, dirErr := createEmptyTempDir()
if dirErr != nil {
//now what?
filePrefix := "_path_test_"
_, fileErr := ioutil.TempFile(d, filePrefix) // dir is os.TempDir()
if fileErr != nil {
// if there was an error no file was created.
// but we need to remove the directory to clean-up
return "", fileErr
// the dir now has one, zero length file in it
return d, nil
func createTempDirWithNonZeroLengthFiles() (string, error) {
d, dirErr := createEmptyTempDir()
if dirErr != nil {
//now what?
filePrefix := "_path_test_"
f, fileErr := ioutil.TempFile(d, filePrefix) // dir is os.TempDir()
if fileErr != nil {
// if there was an error no file was created.
// but we need to remove the directory to clean-up
return "", fileErr
byteString := []byte("byteString")
fileErr = ioutil.WriteFile(f.Name(), byteString, 0644)
if fileErr != nil {
// delete the file
// also delete the directory
return "", fileErr
// the dir now has one, zero length file in it
return d, nil
func deleteTempDir(d string) {
err := os.RemoveAll(d)
if err != nil {
// now what?
func TestExists(t *testing.T) {
zeroSizedFile, _ := createZeroSizedFileInTempDir()
defer deleteFileInTempDir(zeroSizedFile)
nonZeroSizedFile, _ := createNonZeroSizedFileInTempDir()
defer deleteFileInTempDir(nonZeroSizedFile)
emptyDirectory, _ := createEmptyTempDir()
defer deleteTempDir(emptyDirectory)
nonExistentFile := os.TempDir() + "/this-file-does-not-exist.txt"
nonExistentDir := os.TempDir() + "/this/direcotry/does/not/exist/"
type test struct {
input string
expectedResult bool
expectedErr error
data := []test{
{zeroSizedFile.Name(), true, nil},
{nonZeroSizedFile.Name(), true, nil},
{emptyDirectory, true, nil},
{nonExistentFile, false, nil},
{nonExistentDir, false, nil},
for i, d := range data {
exists, err := Exists(d.input)
if d.expectedResult != exists {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected result %t got %t", i, d.expectedResult, exists)
if d.expectedErr != err {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q got %q", i, d.expectedErr, err)
// TestAbsPathify cannot be tested further because it relies on the
// viper.GetString("WorkingDir") which the test cannot know.
// viper.GetString("WorkingDir") should be passed to AbsPathify as a
// parameter.
func TestAbsPathify(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
input, expected string
data := []test{
{os.TempDir(), os.TempDir()},
{"/banana/../dir/", "/dir"},
for i, d := range data {
expected := AbsPathify(d.input)
if d.expected != expected {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q but go %q", i, d.expected, expected)
func TestFilename(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
input, expected string
data := []test{
{"index.html", "index"},
{"./index.html", "index"},
{"/index.html", "index"},
{"index", "index"},
{"/tmp/index.html", "index"},
{"./filename-no-ext", "filename-no-ext"},
{"/filename-no-ext", "filename-no-ext"},
{"filename-no-ext", "filename-no-ext"},
{"directoy/", ""}, // no filename case??
{"directory/.hidden.ext", ".hidden"},
{"./directory/../~/banana/", "gold"},
{"../directory/", "banana"},
{"~/mydir/filename.ext", "filename"},
{"./directory//tmp/filename.ext", "filename"},
for i, d := range data {
output := Filename(d.input)
if d.expected != output {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q got %q", i, d.expected, output)
func TestFileAndExt(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
input, expectedFile, expectedExt string
data := []test{
{"index.html", "index", ".html"},
{"./index.html", "index", ".html"},
{"/index.html", "index", ".html"},
{"index", "index", ""},
{"/tmp/index.html", "index", ".html"},
{"./filename-no-ext", "filename-no-ext", ""},
{"/filename-no-ext", "filename-no-ext", ""},
{"filename-no-ext", "filename-no-ext", ""},
{"directoy/", "", ""}, // no filename case??
{"directory/.hidden.ext", ".hidden", ".ext"},
{"./directory/../~/banana/", "gold", ".fish"},
{"../directory/", "banana", ".man"},
{"~/mydir/filename.ext", "filename", ".ext"},
{"./directory//tmp/filename.ext", "filename", ".ext"},
for i, d := range data {
file, ext := FileAndExt(d.input)
if d.expectedFile != file {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected filename %q got %q.", i, d.expectedFile, file)
if d.expectedExt != ext {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected extension $q got %q.", i, d.expectedExt, ext)
func TestGuessSection(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
input, expected string
data := []test{
{"/", ""},
{"", ""},
{"/content", "/"},
{"content/", "/"},
{"/content/", "/"},
{"/blog", "/blog"},
{"/blog/", "/blog/"},
{"blog", "blog"},
{"content/blog", "/blog"},
{"content/blog/", "/blog/"},
{"/content/blog", "/blog/"},
for i, d := range data {
expected := GuessSection(d.input)
if d.expected != expected {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q got %q", i, d.expected, expected)
func TestPathPrep(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrettifyPath(t *testing.T) {
func TestFindCWD(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
expectedDir string
expectedErr error
cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
data := []test{
{cwd, nil},
for i, d := range data {
dir, err := FindCWD()
if d.expectedDir != dir {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q but got %q", i, d.expectedDir, dir)
if d.expectedErr != err {
t.Error("Test %d failed. Expected %q but got %q", i, d.expectedErr, err)
func TestSafeWriteToDisk(t *testing.T) {
emptyFile, _ := createZeroSizedFileInTempDir()
defer deleteFileInTempDir(emptyFile)
tmpDir, _ := createEmptyTempDir()
defer deleteTempDir(tmpDir)
randomString := "This is a random string!"
reader := strings.NewReader(randomString)
fileExists := fmt.Errorf("%v already exists", emptyFile.Name())
type test struct {
filename string
expectedErr error
now := time.Now().Unix()
nowStr := strconv.FormatInt(now, 10)
data := []test{
{emptyFile.Name(), fileExists},
{tmpDir + "/" + nowStr, nil},
for i, d := range data {
e := SafeWriteToDisk(d.filename, reader)
if d.expectedErr != nil {
if d.expectedErr.Error() != e.Error() {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected error %q but got %q", i, d.expectedErr.Error(), e.Error())
} else {
if d.expectedErr != e {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q but got %q", i, d.expectedErr, e)
contents, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(d.filename)
if randomString != string(contents) {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected contents %q but got %q", i, randomString, string(contents))
reader.Seek(0, 0)
func TestWriteToDisk(t *testing.T) {
emptyFile, _ := createZeroSizedFileInTempDir()
defer deleteFileInTempDir(emptyFile)
tmpDir, _ := createEmptyTempDir()
defer deleteTempDir(tmpDir)
randomString := "This is a random string!"
reader := strings.NewReader(randomString)
type test struct {
filename string
expectedErr error
now := time.Now().Unix()
nowStr := strconv.FormatInt(now, 10)
data := []test{
{emptyFile.Name(), nil},
{tmpDir + "/" + nowStr, nil},
for i, d := range data {
e := WriteToDisk(d.filename, reader)
if d.expectedErr != e {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. WriteToDisk Error Expected %q but got %q", i, d.expectedErr, e)
contents, e := ioutil.ReadFile(d.filename)
if e != nil {
t.Error("Test %d failed. Could not read file %s. Reason: %s\n", i, d.filename, e)
if randomString != string(contents) {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected contents %q but got %q", i, randomString, string(contents))
reader.Seek(0, 0)