Bjørn Erik Pedersen 241b21b0fd Create a struct with all of Hugo's config options
Primary motivation is documentation, but it will also hopefully simplify the code.


* Lower case the default output format names; this is in line with the custom ones (map keys) and how
it's treated all the places. This avoids doing `stringds.EqualFold` everywhere.

Closes #10896
Closes #10620
2023-05-16 18:01:29 +02:00

72 lines
1.6 KiB

package allconfig_test
import (
qt ""
func TestDirsMount(t *testing.T) {
files := `
-- hugo.toml --
baseURL = ""
disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]
weight = 1
weight = 2
source = 'content/en'
target = 'content'
lang = 'en'
source = 'content/sv'
target = 'content'
lang = 'sv'
-- content/en/ --
title: "p1"
-- content/sv/ --
title: "p1"
-- layouts/_default/single.html --
Title: {{ .Title }}
b := hugolib.NewIntegrationTestBuilder(
hugolib.IntegrationTestConfig{T: t, TxtarString: files},
//b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", "Title: p1")
sites := b.H.Sites
b.Assert(len(sites), qt.Equals, 2)
configs := b.H.Configs
mods := configs.Modules
b.Assert(len(mods), qt.Equals, 1)
mod := mods[0]
b.Assert(mod.Mounts(), qt.HasLen, 8)
enConcp := sites[0].Conf
enConf := enConcp.GetConfig().(*allconfig.Config)
b.Assert(enConcp.BaseURL().String(), qt.Equals, "")
modConf := enConf.Module
b.Assert(modConf.Mounts, qt.HasLen, 2)
b.Assert(modConf.Mounts[0].Source, qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("content/en"))
b.Assert(modConf.Mounts[0].Target, qt.Equals, "content")
b.Assert(modConf.Mounts[0].Lang, qt.Equals, "en")
b.Assert(modConf.Mounts[1].Source, qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("content/sv"))
b.Assert(modConf.Mounts[1].Target, qt.Equals, "content")
b.Assert(modConf.Mounts[1].Lang, qt.Equals, "sv")