Bjørn Erik Pedersen f9978ed164
Image resource refactor
This commit pulls most of the image related logic into its own package, to make it easier to reason about and extend.

This is also a rewrite of the transformation logic used in Hugo Pipes, mostly to allow constructs like the one below:

    {{ ($myimg | fingerprint ).Width }}

Fixes #5903
Fixes #6234
Fixes #6266
2019-08-26 15:00:44 +02:00

964 lines
23 KiB

package hugolib
import (
qt ""
var (
deepEqualsPages = qt.CmpEquals(cmp.Comparer(func(p1, p2 *pageState) bool { return p1 == p2 }))
deepEqualsOutputFormats = qt.CmpEquals(cmp.Comparer(func(o1, o2 output.Format) bool {
return o1.Name == o2.Name && o1.MediaType.Type() == o2.MediaType.Type()
type sitesBuilder struct {
Cfg config.Provider
environ []string
Fs *hugofs.Fs
T testing.TB
depsCfg deps.DepsCfg
logger *loggers.Logger
dumper litter.Options
// Used to test partial rebuilds.
changedFiles []string
// Aka the Hugo server mode.
running bool
H *HugoSites
theme string
// Default toml
configFormat string
configFileSet bool
viperSet bool
// Default is empty.
// TODO(bep) revisit this and consider always setting it to something.
// Consider this in relation to using the BaseFs.PublishFs to all publishing.
workingDir string
addNothing bool
// Base data/content
contentFilePairs []string
templateFilePairs []string
i18nFilePairs []string
dataFilePairs []string
// Additional data/content.
// As in "use the base, but add these on top".
contentFilePairsAdded []string
templateFilePairsAdded []string
i18nFilePairsAdded []string
dataFilePairsAdded []string
func newTestSitesBuilder(t testing.TB) *sitesBuilder {
v := viper.New()
fs := hugofs.NewMem(v)
litterOptions := litter.Options{
HidePrivateFields: true,
StripPackageNames: true,
Separator: " ",
return &sitesBuilder{T: t, C: qt.New(t), Fs: fs, configFormat: "toml", dumper: litterOptions}
func newTestSitesBuilderFromDepsCfg(t testing.TB, d deps.DepsCfg) *sitesBuilder {
c := qt.New(t)
litterOptions := litter.Options{
HidePrivateFields: true,
StripPackageNames: true,
Separator: " ",
b := &sitesBuilder{T: t, C: c, depsCfg: d, Fs: d.Fs, dumper: litterOptions}
workingDir := d.Cfg.GetString("workingDir")
return b.WithViper(d.Cfg.(*viper.Viper))
func (s *sitesBuilder) Running() *sitesBuilder {
s.running = true
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithNothingAdded() *sitesBuilder {
s.addNothing = true
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithLogger(logger *loggers.Logger) *sitesBuilder {
s.logger = logger
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithWorkingDir(dir string) *sitesBuilder {
s.workingDir = filepath.FromSlash(dir)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithEnviron(env ...string) *sitesBuilder {
for i := 0; i < len(env); i += 2 {
s.environ = append(s.environ, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", env[i], env[i+1]))
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithConfigTemplate(data interface{}, format, configTemplate string) *sitesBuilder {
if format == "" {
format = "toml"
templ, err := template.New("test").Parse(configTemplate)
if err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Template parse failed: %s", err)
var b bytes.Buffer
templ.Execute(&b, data)
return s.WithConfigFile(format, b.String())
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithViper(v *viper.Viper) *sitesBuilder {
if s.configFileSet {
s.T.Fatal("WithViper: use Viper or config.toml, not both")
defer func() {
s.viperSet = true
// Write to a config file to make sure the tests follow the same code path.
var buff bytes.Buffer
m := v.AllSettings()
s.Assert(parser.InterfaceToConfig(m, metadecoders.TOML, &buff), qt.IsNil)
return s.WithConfigFile("toml", buff.String())
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithConfigFile(format, conf string) *sitesBuilder {
if s.viperSet {
s.T.Fatal("WithConfigFile: use Viper or config.toml, not both")
s.configFileSet = true
filename := s.absFilename("config." + format)
writeSource(s.T, s.Fs, filename, conf)
s.configFormat = format
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithThemeConfigFile(format, conf string) *sitesBuilder {
if s.theme == "" {
s.theme = "test-theme"
filename := filepath.Join("themes", s.theme, "config."+format)
writeSource(s.T, s.Fs, s.absFilename(filename), conf)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithSourceFile(filenameContent ...string) *sitesBuilder {
for i := 0; i < len(filenameContent); i += 2 {
writeSource(s.T, s.Fs, s.absFilename(filenameContent[i]), filenameContent[i+1])
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) absFilename(filename string) string {
filename = filepath.FromSlash(filename)
if s.workingDir != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(filename, s.workingDir) {
filename = filepath.Join(s.workingDir, filename)
return filename
const commonConfigSections = `
shortname = "disqus_shortname"
id = "ga_id"
disable = false
respectDoNotTrack = true
anonymizeIP = true
simple = true
enableDNT = true
disable = false
disable = false
privacyEnhanced = true
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithSimpleConfigFile() *sitesBuilder {
return s.WithSimpleConfigFileAndBaseURL("")
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithSimpleConfigFileAndBaseURL(baseURL string) *sitesBuilder {
config := fmt.Sprintf("baseURL = %q", baseURL)
config = config + commonConfigSections
return s.WithConfigFile("toml", config)
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithDefaultMultiSiteConfig() *sitesBuilder {
var defaultMultiSiteConfig = `
baseURL = ""
paginate = 1
disablePathToLower = true
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
other = "/somewhere/else/:filename"
angledQuotes = true
tag = "tags"
weight = 10
title = "In English"
languageName = "English"
angledQuotes = false
url = "/"
name = "Home"
weight = 0
weight = 20
title = "Le Français"
languageName = "Français"
plaque = "plaques"
weight = 30
title = "På nynorsk"
languageName = "Nynorsk"
paginatePath = "side"
lag = "lag"
url = "/"
name = "Heim"
weight = 1
weight = 40
title = "På bokmål"
languageName = "Bokmål"
paginatePath = "side"
lag = "lag"
` + commonConfigSections
return s.WithConfigFile("toml", defaultMultiSiteConfig)
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithSunset(in string) {
// Write a real image into one of the bundle above.
src, err := os.Open(filepath.FromSlash("testdata/sunset.jpg"))
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
out, err := s.Fs.Source.Create(filepath.FromSlash(in))
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
_, err = io.Copy(out, src)
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithContent(filenameContent ...string) *sitesBuilder {
s.contentFilePairs = append(s.contentFilePairs, filenameContent...)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithContentAdded(filenameContent ...string) *sitesBuilder {
s.contentFilePairsAdded = append(s.contentFilePairsAdded, filenameContent...)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithTemplates(filenameContent ...string) *sitesBuilder {
s.templateFilePairs = append(s.templateFilePairs, filenameContent...)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithTemplatesAdded(filenameContent ...string) *sitesBuilder {
s.templateFilePairsAdded = append(s.templateFilePairsAdded, filenameContent...)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithData(filenameContent ...string) *sitesBuilder {
s.dataFilePairs = append(s.dataFilePairs, filenameContent...)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithDataAdded(filenameContent ...string) *sitesBuilder {
s.dataFilePairsAdded = append(s.dataFilePairsAdded, filenameContent...)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithI18n(filenameContent ...string) *sitesBuilder {
s.i18nFilePairs = append(s.i18nFilePairs, filenameContent...)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) WithI18nAdded(filenameContent ...string) *sitesBuilder {
s.i18nFilePairsAdded = append(s.i18nFilePairsAdded, filenameContent...)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) EditFiles(filenameContent ...string) *sitesBuilder {
var changedFiles []string
for i := 0; i < len(filenameContent); i += 2 {
filename, content := filepath.FromSlash(filenameContent[i]), filenameContent[i+1]
changedFiles = append(changedFiles, filename)
writeSource(s.T, s.Fs, s.absFilename(filename), content)
s.changedFiles = changedFiles
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) writeFilePairs(folder string, filenameContent []string) *sitesBuilder {
if len(filenameContent)%2 != 0 {
s.Fatalf("expect filenameContent for %q in pairs (%d)", folder, len(filenameContent))
for i := 0; i < len(filenameContent); i += 2 {
filename, content := filenameContent[i], filenameContent[i+1]
target := folder
// TODO(bep) clean up this magic.
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, folder) {
target = ""
if s.workingDir != "" {
target = filepath.Join(s.workingDir, target)
writeSource(s.T, s.Fs, filepath.Join(target, filename), content)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) CreateSites() *sitesBuilder {
if err := s.CreateSitesE(); err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to create sites: %s", err)
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) LoadConfig() error {
if !s.configFileSet {
cfg, _, err := LoadConfig(ConfigSourceDescriptor{
WorkingDir: s.workingDir,
Fs: s.Fs.Source,
Logger: s.logger,
Environ: s.environ,
Filename: "config." + s.configFormat}, func(cfg config.Provider) error {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
s.Cfg = cfg
return nil
func (s *sitesBuilder) CreateSitesE() error {
if !s.addNothing {
if _, ok := s.Fs.Source.(*afero.OsFs); ok {
for _, dir := range []string{
} {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(s.workingDir, dir), 0777); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create %q", dir)
s.writeFilePairs("content", s.contentFilePairsAdded)
s.writeFilePairs("layouts", s.templateFilePairsAdded)
s.writeFilePairs("data", s.dataFilePairsAdded)
s.writeFilePairs("i18n", s.i18nFilePairsAdded)
s.writeFilePairs("i18n", s.i18nFilePairs)
s.writeFilePairs("data", s.dataFilePairs)
s.writeFilePairs("content", s.contentFilePairs)
s.writeFilePairs("layouts", s.templateFilePairs)
if err := s.LoadConfig(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load config")
depsCfg := s.depsCfg
depsCfg.Fs = s.Fs
depsCfg.Cfg = s.Cfg
depsCfg.Logger = s.logger
depsCfg.Running = s.running
sites, err := NewHugoSites(depsCfg)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create sites")
s.H = sites
return nil
func (s *sitesBuilder) BuildE(cfg BuildCfg) error {
if s.H == nil {
return s.H.Build(cfg)
func (s *sitesBuilder) Build(cfg BuildCfg) *sitesBuilder {
return, false)
func (s *sitesBuilder) BuildFail(cfg BuildCfg) *sitesBuilder {
return, true)
func (s *sitesBuilder) changeEvents() []fsnotify.Event {
if len(s.changedFiles) == 0 {
return nil
events := make([]fsnotify.Event, len(s.changedFiles))
// TODO(bep) remove?
for i, v := range s.changedFiles {
events[i] = fsnotify.Event{
Name: v,
Op: fsnotify.Write,
return events
func (s *sitesBuilder) build(cfg BuildCfg, shouldFail bool) *sitesBuilder {
defer func() {
s.changedFiles = nil
if s.H == nil {
err := s.H.Build(cfg, s.changeEvents()...)
if err == nil {
logErrorCount := s.H.NumLogErrors()
if logErrorCount > 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("logged %d errors", logErrorCount)
if err != nil && !shouldFail {
s.Fatalf("Build failed: %s", err)
} else if err == nil && shouldFail {
s.Fatalf("Expected error")
return s
func (s *sitesBuilder) addDefaults() {
var (
contentTemplate = `---
title: doc1
weight: 1
- tag1
date: "2018-02-28"
# doc1
*some "content"*
{{< shortcode >}}
{{< lingo >}}
defaultContent = []string{
"content/sect/", contentTemplate,
"content/sect/", contentTemplate,
"content/sect/", contentTemplate,
"content/sect/", contentTemplate,
listTemplateCommon = "{{ $p := .Paginator }}{{ $p.PageNumber }}|{{ .Title }}|{{ i18n \"hello\" }}|{{ .Permalink }}|Pager: {{ template \"_internal/pagination.html\" . }}|Kind: {{ .Kind }}|Content: {{ .Content }}"
defaultTemplates = []string{
"_default/single.html", "Single: {{ .Title }}|{{ i18n \"hello\" }}|{{.Language.Lang}}|RelPermalink: {{ .RelPermalink }}|Permalink: {{ .Permalink }}|{{ .Content }}|Resources: {{ range .Resources }}{{ .MediaType }}: {{ .RelPermalink}} -- {{ end }}|Summary: {{ .Summary }}|Truncated: {{ .Truncated }}",
"_default/list.html", "List Page " + listTemplateCommon,
"index.html", "{{ $p := .Paginator }}Default Home Page {{ $p.PageNumber }}: {{ .Title }}|{{ .IsHome }}|{{ i18n \"hello\" }}|{{ .Permalink }}|{{ .Site.Data.hugo.slogan }}|String Resource: {{ ( \"Hugo Pipes\" | resources.FromString \"text/pipes.txt\").RelPermalink }}",
"", "{{ $p := .Paginator }}French Home Page {{ $p.PageNumber }}: {{ .Title }}|{{ .IsHome }}|{{ i18n \"hello\" }}|{{ .Permalink }}|{{ .Site.Data.hugo.slogan }}|String Resource: {{ ( \"Hugo Pipes\" | resources.FromString \"text/pipes.txt\").RelPermalink }}",
"_default/terms.html", "Taxonomy Term Page " + listTemplateCommon,
"_default/taxonomy.html", "Taxonomy List Page " + listTemplateCommon,
// Shortcodes
"shortcodes/shortcode.html", "Shortcode: {{ i18n \"hello\" }}",
// A shortcode in multiple languages
"shortcodes/lingo.html", "LingoDefault",
"shortcodes/", "LingoFrench",
// Special templates
"404.html", "404|{{ .Lang }}|{{ .Title }}",
"robots.txt", "robots|{{ .Lang }}|{{ .Title }}",
defaultI18n = []string{
"en.yaml", `
other: "Hello"
"fr.yaml", `
other: "Bonjour"
defaultData = []string{
"hugo.toml", "slogan = \"Hugo Rocks!\"",
if len(s.contentFilePairs) == 0 {
s.writeFilePairs("content", defaultContent)
if len(s.templateFilePairs) == 0 {
s.writeFilePairs("layouts", defaultTemplates)
if len(s.dataFilePairs) == 0 {
s.writeFilePairs("data", defaultData)
if len(s.i18nFilePairs) == 0 {
s.writeFilePairs("i18n", defaultI18n)
func (s *sitesBuilder) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
s.T.Fatalf(format, args...)
func (s *sitesBuilder) AssertFileContentFn(filename string, f func(s string) bool) {
content := s.FileContent(filename)
if !f(content) {
s.Fatalf("Assert failed for %q in content\n%s", filename, content)
func (s *sitesBuilder) AssertHome(matches ...string) {
s.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", matches...)
func (s *sitesBuilder) AssertFileContent(filename string, matches ...string) {
content := s.FileContent(filename)
for _, m := range matches {
lines := strings.Split(m, "\n")
for _, match := range lines {
match = strings.TrimSpace(match)
if match == "" {
if !strings.Contains(content, match) {
s.Fatalf("No match for %q in content for %s\n%s\n%q", match, filename, content, content)
func (s *sitesBuilder) FileContent(filename string) string {
filename = filepath.FromSlash(filename)
if !strings.HasPrefix(filename, s.workingDir) {
filename = filepath.Join(s.workingDir, filename)
return readDestination(s.T, s.Fs, filename)
func (s *sitesBuilder) AssertObject(expected string, object interface{}) {
got := s.dumper.Sdump(object)
expected = strings.TrimSpace(expected)
if expected != got {
diff := helpers.DiffStrings(expected, got)
s.Fatalf("diff:\n%s\nexpected\n%s\ngot\n%s", diff, expected, got)
func (s *sitesBuilder) AssertFileContentRe(filename string, matches ...string) {
content := readDestination(s.T, s.Fs, filename)
for _, match := range matches {
r := regexp.MustCompile("(?s)" + match)
if !r.MatchString(content) {
s.Fatalf("No match for %q in content for %s\n%q", match, filename, content)
func (s *sitesBuilder) CheckExists(filename string) bool {
return destinationExists(s.Fs, filepath.Clean(filename))
func newTestHelper(cfg config.Provider, fs *hugofs.Fs, t testing.TB) testHelper {
return testHelper{
Cfg: cfg,
Fs: fs,
C: qt.New(t),
type testHelper struct {
Cfg config.Provider
Fs *hugofs.Fs
func (th testHelper) assertFileContent(filename string, matches ...string) {
filename = th.replaceDefaultContentLanguageValue(filename)
content := readDestination(th, th.Fs, filename)
for _, match := range matches {
match = th.replaceDefaultContentLanguageValue(match)
th.Assert(strings.Contains(content, match), qt.Equals, true)
func (th testHelper) assertFileContentRegexp(filename string, matches ...string) {
filename = th.replaceDefaultContentLanguageValue(filename)
content := readDestination(th, th.Fs, filename)
for _, match := range matches {
match = th.replaceDefaultContentLanguageValue(match)
r := regexp.MustCompile(match)
th.Assert(r.MatchString(content), qt.Equals, true)
func (th testHelper) assertFileNotExist(filename string) {
exists, err := helpers.Exists(filename, th.Fs.Destination)
th.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
th.Assert(exists, qt.Equals, false)
func (th testHelper) replaceDefaultContentLanguageValue(value string) string {
defaultInSubDir := th.Cfg.GetBool("defaultContentLanguageInSubDir")
replace := th.Cfg.GetString("defaultContentLanguage") + "/"
if !defaultInSubDir {
value = strings.Replace(value, replace, "", 1)
return value
func loadTestConfig(fs afero.Fs, withConfig ...func(cfg config.Provider) error) (*viper.Viper, error) {
v, _, err := LoadConfig(ConfigSourceDescriptor{Fs: fs}, withConfig...)
return v, err
func newTestCfgBasic() (*viper.Viper, *hugofs.Fs) {
mm := afero.NewMemMapFs()
v := viper.New()
v.Set("defaultContentLanguageInSubdir", true)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(hugofs.NewBaseFileDecorator(mm), v)
return v, fs
func newTestCfg(withConfig ...func(cfg config.Provider) error) (*viper.Viper, *hugofs.Fs) {
mm := afero.NewMemMapFs()
v, err := loadTestConfig(mm, func(cfg config.Provider) error {
// Default is false, but true is easier to use as default in tests
cfg.Set("defaultContentLanguageInSubdir", true)
for _, w := range withConfig {
return nil
if err != nil && err != ErrNoConfigFile {
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(hugofs.NewBaseFileDecorator(mm), v)
return v, fs
func newTestSitesFromConfig(t testing.TB, afs afero.Fs, tomlConfig string, layoutPathContentPairs ...string) (testHelper, *HugoSites) {
if len(layoutPathContentPairs)%2 != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Layouts must be provided in pairs")
c := qt.New(t)
writeToFs(t, afs, filepath.Join("content", ".gitkeep"), "")
writeToFs(t, afs, "config.toml", tomlConfig)
cfg, err := LoadConfigDefault(afs)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(afs, cfg)
th := newTestHelper(cfg, fs, t)
for i := 0; i < len(layoutPathContentPairs); i += 2 {
writeSource(t, fs, layoutPathContentPairs[i], layoutPathContentPairs[i+1])
h, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return th, h
func createWithTemplateFromNameValues(additionalTemplates ...string) func(templ tpl.TemplateHandler) error {
return func(templ tpl.TemplateHandler) error {
for i := 0; i < len(additionalTemplates); i += 2 {
err := templ.AddTemplate(additionalTemplates[i], additionalTemplates[i+1])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TODO(bep) replace these with the builder
func buildSingleSite(t testing.TB, depsCfg deps.DepsCfg, buildCfg BuildCfg) *Site {
return buildSingleSiteExpected(t, false, false, depsCfg, buildCfg)
func buildSingleSiteExpected(t testing.TB, expectSiteInitEror, expectBuildError bool, depsCfg deps.DepsCfg, buildCfg BuildCfg) *Site {
b := newTestSitesBuilderFromDepsCfg(t, depsCfg).WithNothingAdded()
err := b.CreateSitesE()
if expectSiteInitEror {
b.Assert(err, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
return nil
} else {
b.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
h := b.H
b.Assert(len(h.Sites), qt.Equals, 1)
if expectBuildError {
b.Assert(h.Build(buildCfg), qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
return nil
b.Assert(h.Build(buildCfg), qt.IsNil)
return h.Sites[0]
func writeSourcesToSource(t *testing.T, base string, fs *hugofs.Fs, sources ...[2]string) {
for _, src := range sources {
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(base, src[0]), src[1])
func getPage(in page.Page, ref string) page.Page {
p, err := in.GetPage(ref)
if err != nil {
return p
func content(c resource.ContentProvider) string {
cc, err := c.Content()
if err != nil {
ccs, err := cast.ToStringE(cc)
if err != nil {
return ccs
func dumpPages(pages {
for i, p := range pages {
var meta interface{}
if p.File() != nil && p.File().FileInfo() != nil {
meta = p.File().FileInfo().Meta()
fmt.Printf("%d: Kind: %s Title: %-10s RelPermalink: %-10s Path: %-10s sections: %s Lang: %s Meta: %v\n",
p.Kind(), p.Title(), p.RelPermalink(), p.Path(), p.SectionsPath(), p.Lang(), meta)
func dumpSPages(pages ...*pageState) {
for i, p := range pages {
fmt.Printf("%d: Kind: %s Title: %-10s RelPermalink: %-10s Path: %-10s sections: %s\n",
p.Kind(), p.Title(), p.RelPermalink(), p.Path(), p.SectionsPath())
func printStringIndexes(s string) {
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
i := 0
for _, line := range lines {
for _, r := range line {
fmt.Printf("%-3s", strconv.Itoa(i))
i += utf8.RuneLen(r)
for _, r := range line {
fmt.Printf("%-3s", string(r))
func isCI() bool {
return os.Getenv("CI") != ""
func isGo111() bool {
return strings.Contains(runtime.Version(), "1.11")
// See
// Not in use.
var parallelEnabled = true
func parallel(t *testing.T) {
if parallelEnabled {
func skipSymlink(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && os.Getenv("CI") == "" {
t.Skip("skip symlink test on local Windows (needs admin)")