Bjørn Erik Pedersen bfb9613a14
Add Goldmark as the new default markdown handler
This commit adds the fast and CommonMark compliant Goldmark as the new default markdown handler in Hugo.

If you want to continue using BlackFriday as the default for md/markdown extensions, you can use this configuration:


Fixes #5963
Fixes #1778
Fixes #6355
2019-11-23 14:12:24 +01:00

318 lines
7.7 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
qt ""
var (
caseMixingSiteConfigTOML = `
Title = "In an Insensitive Mood"
DefaultContentLanguage = "nn"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
AngledQuotes = true
HrefTargetBlank = true
Search = true
Color = "green"
mood = "Happy"
Blue = "blue"
Yellow = "yellow"
title = "Nynorsk title"
languageName = "Nynorsk"
weight = 1
TITLE = "English title"
LanguageName = "English"
Mood = "Thoughtful"
Weight = 2
COLOR = "Pink"
angledQuotes = false
hrefTargetBlank = false
BLUE = "blues"
Yellow = "golden"
caseMixingPage1En = `
TITLE: Page1 En Translation
AngledQuotes: false
Color: "black"
Search: true
mooD: "sad and lonely"
Blue: "bluesy"
Yellow: "sunny"
# "Hi"
{{< shortcode >}}
caseMixingPage1 = `
titLe: Side 1
angledQuotes: true
color: "red"
search: false
MooD: "sad"
blue: "heavenly"
yelloW: "Sunny"
# "Hi"
{{< shortcode >}}
caseMixingPage2 = `
TITLE: Page2 Title
AngledQuotes: false
Color: "black"
search: true
MooD: "moody"
Blue: "sky"
YELLOW: "flower"
# Hi
{{< shortcode >}}
func caseMixingTestsWriteCommonSources(t *testing.T, fs afero.Fs) {
writeToFs(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect1", ""), caseMixingPage1)
writeToFs(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect2", ""), caseMixingPage2)
writeToFs(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect1", ""), caseMixingPage1En)
writeToFs(t, fs, "layouts/shortcodes/shortcode.html", `
Shortcode Page: {{ .Page.Params.COLOR }}|{{ .Page.Params.Colors.Blue }}
Shortcode Site: {{ .Page.Site.Params.COLOR }}|{{ .Site.Params.COLORS.YELLOW }}
writeToFs(t, fs, "layouts/partials/partial.html", `
Partial Page: {{ .Params.COLOR }}|{{ .Params.Colors.Blue }}
Partial Site: {{ .Site.Params.COLOR }}|{{ .Site.Params.COLORS.YELLOW }}
Partial Site Global: {{ site.Params.COLOR }}|{{ site.Params.COLORS.YELLOW }}
writeToFs(t, fs, "config.toml", caseMixingSiteConfigTOML)
func TestCaseInsensitiveConfigurationVariations(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
mm := afero.NewMemMapFs()
caseMixingTestsWriteCommonSources(t, mm)
cfg, _, err := LoadConfig(ConfigSourceDescriptor{Fs: mm, Filename: "config.toml"})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(mm, cfg)
th := newTestHelper(cfg, fs, t)
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "baseof.html"), `
Block Page Colors: {{ .Params.COLOR }}|{{ .Params.Colors.Blue }}
{{ block "main" . }}default{{end}}`)
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "sect2", "single.html"), `
{{ define "main"}}
Page Colors: {{ .Params.CoLOR }}|{{ .Params.Colors.Blue }}
Site Colors: {{ .Site.Params.COlOR }}|{{ .Site.Params.COLORS.YELLOW }}
{{ template "index-color" (dict "name" "Page" "params" .Params) }}
{{ template "index-color" (dict "name" "Site" "params" .Site.Params) }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ partial "partial.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "index-color" }}
{{ $yellow := index .params "COLoRS" "yELLOW" }}
{{ $colors := index .params "COLoRS" }}
{{ $yellow2 := index $colors "yEllow" }}
index1|{{ .name }}: {{ $yellow }}|
index2|{{ .name }}: {{ $yellow2 }}|
{{ end }}
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "single.html"), `
Page Title: {{ .Title }}
Site Title: {{ .Site.Title }}
Site Lang Mood: {{ .Site.Language.Params.MOoD }}
Page Colors: {{ .Params.COLOR }}|{{ .Params.Colors.Blue }}|{{ index .Params "ColOR" }}
Site Colors: {{ .Site.Params.COLOR }}|{{ .Site.Params.COLORS.YELLOW }}|{{ index .Site.Params "ColOR" }}
{{ $page2 := .Site.GetPage "/sect2/page2" }}
{{ if $page2 }}
Page2: {{ $page2.Params.ColoR }}
{{ end }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ partial "partial.html" . }}
sites, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create sites: %s", err)
err = sites.Build(BuildCfg{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to build sites: %s", err)
th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "nn", "sect1", "page1", "index.html"),
"Page Colors: red|heavenly|red",
"Site Colors: green|yellow|green",
"Site Lang Mood: Happy",
"Shortcode Page: red|heavenly",
"Shortcode Site: green|yellow",
"Partial Page: red|heavenly",
"Partial Site: green|yellow",
"Partial Site Global: green|yellow",
"Page Title: Side 1",
"Site Title: Nynorsk title",
"Page2: black ",
th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "en", "sect1", "page1", "index.html"),
"Site Colors: Pink|golden",
"Page Colors: black|bluesy",
"Site Lang Mood: Thoughtful",
"Page Title: Page1 En Translation",
"Site Title: English title",
th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "nn", "sect2", "page2", "index.html"),
"Page Colors: black|sky",
"Site Colors: green|yellow",
"Shortcode Page: black|sky",
"Block Page Colors: black|sky",
"Partial Page: black|sky",
"Partial Site: green|yellow",
"index1|Page: flower|",
"index1|Site: yellow|",
"index2|Page: flower|",
"index2|Site: yellow|",
func TestCaseInsensitiveConfigurationForAllTemplateEngines(t *testing.T) {
noOp := func(s string) string {
return s
amberFixer := func(s string) string {
fixed := strings.Replace(s, "{{ .Site.Params", "{{ Site.Params", -1)
fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, "{{ .Params", "{{ Params", -1)
fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, ".Content", "Content", -1)
fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, "{{", "#{", -1)
fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, "}}", "}", -1)
return fixed
for _, config := range []struct {
suffix string
templateFixer func(s string) string
{"amber", amberFixer},
{"html", noOp},
{"ace", noOp},
} {
doTestCaseInsensitiveConfigurationForTemplateEngine(t, config.suffix, config.templateFixer)
func doTestCaseInsensitiveConfigurationForTemplateEngine(t *testing.T, suffix string, templateFixer func(s string) string) {
c := qt.New(t)
mm := afero.NewMemMapFs()
caseMixingTestsWriteCommonSources(t, mm)
cfg, err := LoadConfigDefault(mm)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(mm, cfg)
th := newTestHelper(cfg, fs, t)
t.Log("Testing", suffix)
templTemplate := `
| Page Colors: {{ .Params.CoLOR }}|{{ .Params.Colors.Blue }}
| Site Colors: {{ .Site.Params.COlOR }}|{{ .Site.Params.COLORS.YELLOW }}
| {{ .Content }}
templ := templateFixer(templTemplate)
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", fmt.Sprintf("single.%s", suffix)), templ)
sites, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create sites: %s", err)
err = sites.Build(BuildCfg{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to build sites: %s", err)
th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "nn", "sect1", "page1", "index.html"),
"Page Colors: red|heavenly",
"Site Colors: green|yellow",
"Shortcode Page: red|heavenly",
"Shortcode Site: green|yellow",