Bjørn Erik Pedersen 0024dcfe3e resource: Move opening of the transformed resources after cache check
The old version should be functionally the same, but opening up these readers (potentially files) every time is wasteful if we don't read from them.
2018-07-12 19:36:12 +02:00

504 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package resource
import (
bp ""
var (
_ ContentResource = (*transformedResource)(nil)
_ ReadSeekCloserResource = (*transformedResource)(nil)
func (s *Spec) Transform(r Resource, t ResourceTransformation) (Resource, error) {
return &transformedResource{
Resource: r,
transformation: t,
transformedResourceMetadata: transformedResourceMetadata{MetaData: make(map[string]interface{})},
cache: s.ResourceCache}, nil
type ResourceTransformationCtx struct {
// The content to transform.
From io.Reader
// The target of content transformation.
// The current implementation requires that r is written to w
// even if no transformation is performed.
To io.Writer
// This is the relative path to the original source. Unix styled slashes.
SourcePath string
// This is the relative target path to the resource. Unix styled slashes.
InPath string
// The relative target path to the transformed resource. Unix styled slashes.
OutPath string
// The input media type
InMediaType media.Type
// The media type of the transformed resource.
OutMediaType media.Type
// Data data can be set on the transformed Resource. Not that this need
// to be simple types, as it needs to be serialized to JSON and back.
Data map[string]interface{}
// This is used to publis additional artifacts, e.g. source maps.
// We may improve this.
OpenResourcePublisher func(relTargetPath string) (io.WriteCloser, error)
// AddOutPathIdentifier transforming InPath to OutPath adding an identifier,
// eg '.min' before any extension.
func (ctx *ResourceTransformationCtx) AddOutPathIdentifier(identifier string) {
ctx.OutPath = ctx.addPathIdentifier(ctx.InPath, identifier)
func (ctx *ResourceTransformationCtx) addPathIdentifier(inPath, identifier string) string {
dir, file := path.Split(inPath)
base, ext := helpers.PathAndExt(file)
return path.Join(dir, (base + identifier + ext))
// ReplaceOutPathExtension transforming InPath to OutPath replacing the file
// extension, e.g. ".scss"
func (ctx *ResourceTransformationCtx) ReplaceOutPathExtension(newExt string) {
dir, file := path.Split(ctx.InPath)
base, _ := helpers.PathAndExt(file)
ctx.OutPath = path.Join(dir, (base + newExt))
// PublishSourceMap writes the content to the target folder of the main resource
// with the ".map" extension added.
func (ctx *ResourceTransformationCtx) PublishSourceMap(content string) error {
target := ctx.OutPath + ".map"
f, err := ctx.OpenResourcePublisher(target)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
_, err = f.Write([]byte(content))
return err
// ResourceTransformationKey are provided by the different transformation implementations.
// It identifies the transformation (name) and its configuration (elements).
// We combine this in a chain with the rest of the transformations
// with the target filename and a content hash of the origin to use as cache key.
type ResourceTransformationKey struct {
name string
elements []interface{}
// NewResourceTransformationKey creates a new ResourceTransformationKey from the transformation
// name and elements. We will create a 64 bit FNV hash from the elements, which when combined
// with the other key elements should be unique for all practical applications.
func NewResourceTransformationKey(name string, elements ...interface{}) ResourceTransformationKey {
return ResourceTransformationKey{name: name, elements: elements}
// Do not change this without good reasons.
func (k ResourceTransformationKey) key() string {
if len(k.elements) == 0 {
sb := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(sb)
for _, element := range k.elements {
hash, err := hashstructure.Hash(element, nil)
if err != nil {
sb.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(hash, 10))
return sb.String()
// ResourceTransformation is the interface that a resource transformation step
// needs to implement.
type ResourceTransformation interface {
Key() ResourceTransformationKey
Transform(ctx *ResourceTransformationCtx) error
// We will persist this information to disk.
type transformedResourceMetadata struct {
Target string `json:"Target"`
MediaTypeV string `json:"MediaType"`
MetaData map[string]interface{} `json:"Data"`
type transformedResource struct {
cache *ResourceCache
// This is the filename inside resources/_gen/assets
sourceFilename string
linker permalinker
// The transformation to apply.
transformation ResourceTransformation
// We apply the tranformations lazily.
transformInit sync.Once
transformErr error
// The transformed values
content string
contentInit sync.Once
// The source
type readSeeker struct {
func (r *readSeeker) Close() error {
return nil
func (r *readSeeker) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
panic("Seek is not supported by this io.Reader")
func (r *transformedResource) ReadSeekCloser() (ReadSeekCloser, error) {
if err := r.initContent(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &readSeeker{Reader: strings.NewReader(r.content)}, nil
func (r *transformedResource) transferTransformedValues(another *transformedResource) {
if another.content != "" {
r.contentInit.Do(func() {
r.content = another.content
r.transformedResourceMetadata = another.transformedResourceMetadata
func (r *transformedResource) tryTransformedFileCache(key string) io.ReadCloser {
f, meta, found := r.cache.getFromFile(key)
if !found {
return nil
r.transformedResourceMetadata = meta
r.sourceFilename = f.Name()
return f
func (r *transformedResource) Content() (interface{}, error) {
if err := r.initTransform(true); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := r.initContent(); err != nil {
return "", err
return r.content, nil
func (r *transformedResource) Data() interface{} {
return r.MetaData
func (r *transformedResource) MediaType() media.Type {
if err := r.initTransform(false); err != nil {
return media.Type{}
m, _ :=
return m
func (r *transformedResource) Permalink() string {
if err := r.initTransform(false); err != nil {
return ""
return r.linker.permalinkFor(r.Target)
func (r *transformedResource) RelPermalink() string {
if err := r.initTransform(false); err != nil {
return ""
return r.linker.relPermalinkFor(r.Target)
func (r *transformedResource) initContent() error {
var err error
r.contentInit.Do(func() {
var b []byte
b, err := afero.ReadFile(, r.sourceFilename)
if err != nil {
r.content = string(b)
return err
func (r *transformedResource) transform(setContent bool) (err error) {
openPublishFileForWriting := func(relTargetPath string) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
return openFileForWriting(, r.linker.relTargetPathFor(relTargetPath))
// This can be the last resource in a chain.
// Rewind and create a processing chain.
var chain []Resource
current := r
for {
rr := current.Resource
chain = append(chain[:0], append([]Resource{rr}, chain[0:]...)...)
if tr, ok := rr.(*transformedResource); ok {
current = tr
} else {
// Append the current transformer at the end
chain = append(chain, r)
first := chain[0]
// Files with a suffix will be stored in cache (both on disk and in memory)
// partitioned by their suffix. There will be other files below /other.
// This partition is also how we determine what to delete on server reloads.
var key, base string
for _, element := range chain {
switch v := element.(type) {
case *transformedResource:
key = key + "_" + v.transformation.Key().key()
case permalinker:
r.linker = v
p := v.relTargetPath()
if p == "" {
panic("target path needed for key creation")
partition := ResourceKeyPartition(p)
base = partition + "/" + p
return fmt.Errorf("transformation not supported for type %T", element)
key = r.cache.cleanKey(base + "_" + helpers.MD5String(key))
cached, found := r.cache.get(key)
if found {
// Acquire a write lock for the named transformation.
// Check the cache again.
cached, found = r.cache.get(key)
if found {
defer r.cache.nlocker.Unlock(key)
defer r.cache.set(key, r)
b1 := bp.GetBuffer()
b2 := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(b1)
defer bp.PutBuffer(b2)
tctx := &ResourceTransformationCtx{
Data: r.transformedResourceMetadata.MetaData,
OpenResourcePublisher: openPublishFileForWriting,
tctx.InMediaType = first.MediaType()
tctx.OutMediaType = first.MediaType()
contentrc, err := contentReadSeekerCloser(first)
if err != nil {
return err
defer contentrc.Close()
tctx.From = contentrc
tctx.To = b1
if r.linker != nil {
tctx.InPath = r.linker.targetPath()
tctx.SourcePath = tctx.InPath
counter := 0
var transformedContentr io.Reader
for _, element := range chain {
tr, ok := element.(*transformedResource)
if !ok {
if counter != 1 {
tctx.InMediaType = tctx.OutMediaType
if counter%2 == 0 {
tctx.From = b1
tctx.To = b2
} else {
if counter != 1 {
// The first reader is the file.
tctx.From = b2
tctx.To = b1
if err := tr.transformation.Transform(tctx); err != nil {
if err == errors.FeatureNotAvailableErr {
// This transformation is not available in this
// Hugo installation (scss not compiled in, PostCSS not available etc.)
// If a prepared bundle for this transformation chain is available, use that.
f := r.tryTransformedFileCache(key)
if f == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: failed to transform %q (%s): %s", strings.ToUpper(tr.transformation.Key().name), tctx.InPath, tctx.InMediaType.Type(), err)
transformedContentr = f
defer f.Close()
// The reader above is all we need.
// Abort.
return err
if tctx.OutPath != "" {
tctx.InPath = tctx.OutPath
tctx.OutPath = ""
if transformedContentr == nil {
r.Target = tctx.InPath
r.MediaTypeV = tctx.OutMediaType.Type()
publicw, err := openPublishFileForWriting(r.Target)
if err != nil {
r.transformErr = err
defer publicw.Close()
publishwriters := []io.Writer{publicw}
if transformedContentr == nil {
// Also write it to the cache
metaw, err := r.cache.writeMeta(key, r.transformedResourceMetadata)
if err != nil {
return err
r.sourceFilename = metaw.Name()
defer metaw.Close()
publishwriters = append(publishwriters, metaw)
if counter > 0 {
transformedContentr = tctx.To.(*bytes.Buffer)
} else {
transformedContentr = contentrc
// Also write it to memory
var contentmemw *bytes.Buffer
if setContent {
contentmemw = bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(contentmemw)
publishwriters = append(publishwriters, contentmemw)
publishw := io.MultiWriter(publishwriters...)
_, r.transformErr = io.Copy(publishw, transformedContentr)
if setContent {
r.contentInit.Do(func() {
r.content = contentmemw.String()
return nil
func (r *transformedResource) initTransform(setContent bool) error {
r.transformInit.Do(func() {
if err := r.transform(setContent); err != nil {
r.transformErr = err"error: failed to transform resource:", err)
return r.transformErr
// contentReadSeekerCloser returns a ReadSeekerCloser if possible for a given Resource.
func contentReadSeekerCloser(r Resource) (ReadSeekCloser, error) {
switch rr := r.(type) {
case ReadSeekCloserResource:
rc, err := rr.ReadSeekCloser()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rc, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot transform content of Resource of type %T", r)