// Copyright 2022 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless requiredF by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "testing" "github.com/bep/logg" qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/loggers" ) func TestRenderString(t *testing.T) { b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithTemplates("index.html", ` {{ $p := site.GetPage "p1.md" }} {{ $optBlock := dict "display" "block" }} {{ $optOrg := dict "markup" "org" }} RSTART:{{ "**Bold Markdown**" | $p.RenderString }}:REND RSTART:{{ "**Bold Block Markdown**" | $p.RenderString $optBlock }}:REND RSTART:{{ "/italic org mode/" | $p.RenderString $optOrg }}:REND RSTART:{{ "## Header2" | $p.RenderString }}:REND `, "_default/_markup/render-heading.html", "Hook Heading: {{ .Level }}") b.WithContent("p1.md", `--- title: "p1" --- `, ) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", ` RSTART:Bold Markdown:REND RSTART:

Bold Block Markdown

RSTART:italic org mode:REND RSTART:Hook Heading: 2:REND `) } // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/6882 func TestRenderStringOnListPage(t *testing.T) { renderStringTempl := ` {{ .RenderString "**Hello**" }} ` b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithContent("mysection/p1.md", `FOO`) b.WithTemplates( "index.html", renderStringTempl, "_default/list.html", renderStringTempl, "_default/single.html", renderStringTempl, ) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) for _, filename := range []string{ "index.html", "mysection/index.html", "categories/index.html", "tags/index.html", "mysection/p1/index.html", } { b.AssertFileContent("public/"+filename, `Hello`) } } // Issue 9433 func TestRenderStringOnPageNotBackedByAFile(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() logger := loggers.NewDefault() b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithLogger(logger).WithConfigFile("toml", ` disableKinds = ["page", "section", "taxonomy", "term"] `) b.WithTemplates("index.html", `{{ .RenderString "**Hello**" }}`).WithContent("p1.md", "") b.BuildE(BuildCfg{}) b.Assert(logger.LoggCount(logg.LevelWarn), qt.Equals, 0) } func TestRenderStringWithShortcode(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() filesTemplate := ` -- config.toml -- title = "Hugo Rocks!" enableInlineShortcodes = true -- content/p1/index.md -- --- title: "P1" --- ## First -- layouts/shortcodes/mark1.md -- {{ .Inner }} -- layouts/shortcodes/mark2.md -- 1. Item Mark2 1 1. Item Mark2 2 1. Item Mark2 2-1 1. Item Mark2 3 -- layouts/shortcodes/myhthml.html -- Title: {{ .Page.Title }} TableOfContents: {{ .Page.TableOfContents }} Page Type: {{ printf "%T" .Page }} -- layouts/_default/single.html -- {{ .RenderString "Markdown: {{% mark2 %}}|HTML: {{< myhthml >}}|Inline: {{< foo.inline >}}{{ site.Title }}{{< /foo.inline >}}|" }} HasShortcode: mark2:{{ .HasShortcode "mark2" }}:true HasShortcode: foo:{{ .HasShortcode "foo" }}:false ` t.Run("Basic", func(t *testing.T) { b := NewIntegrationTestBuilder( IntegrationTestConfig{ T: t, TxtarString: filesTemplate, }, ).Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", "

Markdown: 1. Item Mark2 1

  1. Item Mark2 2\n
    1. Item Mark2 2-1
    2. \n
  2. \n
  3. Item Mark2 3|", "First", // ToC ` HTML: Title: P1 Inline: Hugo Rocks! HasShortcode: mark2:true:true HasShortcode: foo:false:false Page Type: *hugolib.pageForShortcode`, ) }) t.Run("Edit shortcode", func(t *testing.T) { b := NewIntegrationTestBuilder( IntegrationTestConfig{ T: t, TxtarString: filesTemplate, Running: true, }, ).Build() b.EditFiles("layouts/shortcodes/myhthml.html", "Edit shortcode").Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", `Edit shortcode`, ) }) } // Issue 9959 func TestRenderStringWithShortcodeInPageWithNoContentFile(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- config.toml -- -- layouts/shortcodes/myshort.html -- Page Kind: {{ .Page.Kind }} -- layouts/index.html -- Short: {{ .RenderString "{{< myshort >}}" }} Has myshort: {{ .HasShortcode "myshort" }} Has other: {{ .HasShortcode "other" }} ` b := NewIntegrationTestBuilder( IntegrationTestConfig{ T: t, TxtarString: files, }, ).Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", ` Page Kind: home Has myshort: true Has other: false `) } func TestRenderStringWithShortcodeIssue10654(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- config.toml -- timeout = '300ms' -- content/p1.md -- --- title: "P1" --- {{< toc >}} ## Heading 1 {{< noop >}} {{ not a shortcode {{< /noop >}} } -- layouts/shortcodes/noop.html -- {{ .Inner | $.Page.RenderString }} -- layouts/shortcodes/toc.html -- {{ .Page.TableOfContents }} -- layouts/_default/single.html -- {{ .Content }} ` b := NewIntegrationTestBuilder( IntegrationTestConfig{ T: t, TxtarString: files, }, ).Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", `TableOfContents`) }