--- title: markdownify description: Renders markdown to HTML. keywords: [markdown,content] categories: [functions] menu: docs: parent: functions signature: ["markdownify INPUT"] relatedfuncs: [] --- ```go-html-template {{ .Title | markdownify }} ``` If the resulting HTML is a single paragraph, Hugo removes the wrapping `p` tags to produce inline HTML as required per the example above. To keep the wrapping `p` tags for a single paragraph, use the [`.Page.RenderString`] method, setting the `display` option to `block`. If the resulting HTML is two or more paragraphs, Hugo leaves the wrapping `p` tags in place. [`.Page.RenderString`]: /functions/renderstring/ {{% note %}} Although the `markdownify` function honors [markdown render hooks] when rendering markdown to HTML, use the `.Page.RenderString` method instead of `markdownify` if a render hook accesses `.Page` context. See issue [#9692] for details. [markdown render hooks]: /templates/render-hooks/ [#9692]: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/9692 {{% /note %}}