--- title: Deployment with Rsync linktitle: Deployment with Rsync description: If you have access to your web host with SSH, you can use a simple rsync one-liner to incrementally deploy your entire Hugo website. date: 2017-02-01 publishdate: 2017-02-01 categories: [hosting and deployment] keywords: [rsync,deployment] authors: [Adrien Poupin] menu: docs: parent: "hosting-and-deployment" weight: 70 weight: 70 sections_weight: 70 draft: false aliases: [/tutorials/deployment-with-rsync/] toc: true notesforauthors: --- ## Assumptions * A web host running a web server. This could be a shared hosting environment or a VPS. * Access to your web host with SSH * A functional static website built with Hugo The spoiler is that you can deploy your entire website with a command that looks like the following: ```txt hugo && rsync -avz --delete public/ www-data@ftp.topologix.fr:~/www/ ``` As you will see, we'll put this command in a shell script file, which makes building and deployment as easy as executing `./deploy`. ## Copy Your SSH Key to your Host To make logging in to your server more secure and less interactive, you can upload your SSH key. If you have already installed your SSH key to your server, you can move on to the next section. First, install the ssh client. On Debian/Ubuntu/derivates, use the following command: {{< code file="install-openssh.sh" >}} sudo apt-get install openssh-client {{< /code >}} Then generate your ssh key. First, create the `.ssh` directory in your home directory if it doesn't exist: ```txt ~$ cd && mkdir .ssh & cd .ssh ``` Next, execute this command to generate a new keypair called `rsa_id`: ```txt ~/.ssh/$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -C "For SSH" -f rsa_id ``` You'll be prompted for a passphrase, which is an extra layer of protection. Enter the passphrase you'd like to use, and then enter it again when prompted, or leave it blank if you don't want to have a passphrase. Not using a passphrase will let you transfer files non-interactively, as you won't be prompted for a password when you log in, but it is slightly less secure. To make logging in easier, add a definition for your web host to the file `~/.ssh/config` with the following command, replacing `HOST` with the IP address or hostname of your web host, and `USER` with the username you use to log in to your web host when transferring files: ```txt ~/.ssh/$ cat >> config <