// Copyright 2024 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "context" "fmt" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "time" "github.com/gobuffalo/flect" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/identity" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/langs" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/markup/converter" xmaps "golang.org/x/exp/maps" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/related" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/source" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/constants" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/hugo" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/loggers" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/maps" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/paths" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/config" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/helpers" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/output" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/kinds" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/page" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/page/pagemeta" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/resource" "github.com/spf13/cast" ) var cjkRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\p{Han}|\p{Hangul}|\p{Hiragana}|\p{Katakana}`) type pageMeta struct { term string // Set for kind == KindTerm. singular string // Set for kind == KindTerm and kind == KindTaxonomy. resource.Staler pageMetaParams pageMetaFrontMatter // Set for standalone pages, e.g. robotsTXT. standaloneOutputFormat output.Format resourcePath string // Set for bundled pages; path relative to its bundle root. bundled bool // Set if this page is bundled inside another. pathInfo *paths.Path // Always set. This the canonical path to the Page. f *source.File content *cachedContent // The source and the parsed page content. s *Site // The site this page belongs to. } // Prepare for a rebuild of the data passed in from front matter. func (m *pageMeta) setMetaPostPrepareRebuild() { params := xmaps.Clone[map[string]any](m.paramsOriginal) m.pageMetaParams.pageConfig = &pagemeta.PageConfig{ Params: params, } m.pageMetaFrontMatter = pageMetaFrontMatter{} } type pageMetaParams struct { setMetaPostCount int setMetaPostCascadeChanged bool pageConfig *pagemeta.PageConfig // These are only set in watch mode. datesOriginal pagemeta.Dates paramsOriginal map[string]any // contains the original params as defined in the front matter. cascadeOriginal map[page.PageMatcher]maps.Params // contains the original cascade as defined in the front matter. } // From page front matter. type pageMetaFrontMatter struct { configuredOutputFormats output.Formats // outputs defined in front matter. } func (m *pageMetaParams) init(preserveOringal bool) { if preserveOringal { m.paramsOriginal = xmaps.Clone[maps.Params](m.pageConfig.Params) m.cascadeOriginal = xmaps.Clone[map[page.PageMatcher]maps.Params](m.pageConfig.Cascade) } } func (p *pageMeta) Aliases() []string { return p.pageConfig.Aliases } // Deprecated: Use taxonomies instead. func (p *pageMeta) Author() page.Author { hugo.Deprecate(".Page.Author", "Use taxonomies instead.", "v0.98.0") authors := p.Authors() for _, author := range authors { return author } return page.Author{} } // Deprecated: Use taxonomies instead. func (p *pageMeta) Authors() page.AuthorList { hugo.Deprecate(".Page.Authors", "Use taxonomies instead.", "v0.112.0") return nil } func (p *pageMeta) BundleType() string { switch p.pathInfo.BundleType() { case paths.PathTypeLeaf: return "leaf" case paths.PathTypeBranch: return "branch" default: return "" } } func (p *pageMeta) Date() time.Time { return p.pageConfig.Date } func (p *pageMeta) PublishDate() time.Time { return p.pageConfig.PublishDate } func (p *pageMeta) Lastmod() time.Time { return p.pageConfig.Lastmod } func (p *pageMeta) ExpiryDate() time.Time { return p.pageConfig.ExpiryDate } func (p *pageMeta) Description() string { return p.pageConfig.Description } func (p *pageMeta) Lang() string { return p.s.Lang() } func (p *pageMeta) Draft() bool { return p.pageConfig.Draft } func (p *pageMeta) File() *source.File { return p.f } func (p *pageMeta) IsHome() bool { return p.Kind() == kinds.KindHome } func (p *pageMeta) Keywords() []string { return p.pageConfig.Keywords } func (p *pageMeta) Kind() string { return p.pageConfig.Kind } func (p *pageMeta) Layout() string { return p.pageConfig.Layout } func (p *pageMeta) LinkTitle() string { if p.pageConfig.LinkTitle != "" { return p.pageConfig.LinkTitle } return p.Title() } func (p *pageMeta) Name() string { if p.resourcePath != "" { return p.resourcePath } if p.pageConfig.Kind == kinds.KindTerm { return p.pathInfo.Unnormalized().BaseNameNoIdentifier() } return p.Title() } func (p *pageMeta) IsNode() bool { return !p.IsPage() } func (p *pageMeta) IsPage() bool { return p.Kind() == kinds.KindPage } // Param is a convenience method to do lookups in Page's and Site's Params map, // in that order. // // This method is also implemented on SiteInfo. // TODO(bep) interface func (p *pageMeta) Param(key any) (any, error) { return resource.Param(p, p.s.Params(), key) } func (p *pageMeta) Params() maps.Params { return p.pageConfig.Params } func (p *pageMeta) Path() string { return p.pathInfo.Base() } func (p *pageMeta) PathInfo() *paths.Path { return p.pathInfo } // RelatedKeywords implements the related.Document interface needed for fast page searches. func (p *pageMeta) RelatedKeywords(cfg related.IndexConfig) ([]related.Keyword, error) { v, err := p.Param(cfg.Name) if err != nil { return nil, err } return cfg.ToKeywords(v) } func (p *pageMeta) IsSection() bool { return p.Kind() == kinds.KindSection } func (p *pageMeta) Section() string { return p.pathInfo.Section() } func (p *pageMeta) Sitemap() config.SitemapConfig { return p.pageConfig.Sitemap } func (p *pageMeta) Title() string { return p.pageConfig.Title } const defaultContentType = "page" func (p *pageMeta) Type() string { if p.pageConfig.Type != "" { return p.pageConfig.Type } if sect := p.Section(); sect != "" { return sect } return defaultContentType } func (p *pageMeta) Weight() int { return p.pageConfig.Weight } func (p *pageMeta) setMetaPre(pi *contentParseInfo, logger loggers.Logger, conf config.AllProvider) error { frontmatter := pi.frontMatter if frontmatter != nil { pcfg := p.pageConfig if pcfg == nil { panic("pageConfig not set") } // Needed for case insensitive fetching of params values maps.PrepareParams(frontmatter) pcfg.Params = frontmatter // Check for any cascade define on itself. if cv, found := frontmatter["cascade"]; found { var err error cascade, err := page.DecodeCascade(logger, cv) if err != nil { return err } pcfg.Cascade = cascade } // Look for path, lang and kind, all of which values we need early on. if v, found := frontmatter["path"]; found { pcfg.Path = paths.ToSlashPreserveLeading(cast.ToString(v)) pcfg.Params["path"] = pcfg.Path } if v, found := frontmatter["lang"]; found { lang := strings.ToLower(cast.ToString(v)) if _, ok := conf.PathParser().LanguageIndex[lang]; ok { pcfg.Lang = lang pcfg.Params["lang"] = pcfg.Lang } } if v, found := frontmatter["kind"]; found { s := cast.ToString(v) if s != "" { pcfg.Kind = kinds.GetKindMain(s) if pcfg.Kind == "" { return fmt.Errorf("unknown kind %q in front matter", s) } pcfg.Params["kind"] = pcfg.Kind } } } else if p.pageMetaParams.pageConfig.Params == nil { p.pageConfig.Params = make(maps.Params) } p.pageMetaParams.init(conf.Watching()) return nil } func (ps *pageState) setMetaPost(cascade map[page.PageMatcher]maps.Params) error { ps.m.setMetaPostCount++ var cascadeHashPre uint64 if ps.m.setMetaPostCount > 1 { cascadeHashPre = identity.HashUint64(ps.m.pageConfig.Cascade) ps.m.pageConfig.Cascade = xmaps.Clone[map[page.PageMatcher]maps.Params](ps.m.cascadeOriginal) } // Apply cascades first so they can be overridden later. if cascade != nil { if ps.m.pageConfig.Cascade != nil { for k, v := range cascade { vv, found := ps.m.pageConfig.Cascade[k] if !found { ps.m.pageConfig.Cascade[k] = v } else { // Merge for ck, cv := range v { if _, found := vv[ck]; !found { vv[ck] = cv } } } } cascade = ps.m.pageConfig.Cascade } else { ps.m.pageConfig.Cascade = cascade } } if cascade == nil { cascade = ps.m.pageConfig.Cascade } if ps.m.setMetaPostCount > 1 { ps.m.setMetaPostCascadeChanged = cascadeHashPre != identity.HashUint64(ps.m.pageConfig.Cascade) if !ps.m.setMetaPostCascadeChanged { // No changes, restore any value that may be changed by aggregation. ps.m.pageConfig.Dates = ps.m.datesOriginal return nil } ps.m.setMetaPostPrepareRebuild() } // Cascade is also applied to itself. for m, v := range cascade { if !m.Matches(ps) { continue } for kk, vv := range v { if _, found := ps.m.pageConfig.Params[kk]; !found { ps.m.pageConfig.Params[kk] = vv } } } if err := ps.setMetaPostParams(); err != nil { return err } if err := ps.m.applyDefaultValues(); err != nil { return err } // Store away any original values that may be changed from aggregation. ps.m.datesOriginal = ps.m.pageConfig.Dates return nil } func (p *pageState) setMetaPostParams() error { pm := p.m var mtime time.Time var contentBaseName string if p.File() != nil { contentBaseName = p.File().ContentBaseName() if p.File().FileInfo() != nil { mtime = p.File().FileInfo().ModTime() } } var gitAuthorDate time.Time if !p.gitInfo.IsZero() { gitAuthorDate = p.gitInfo.AuthorDate } descriptor := &pagemeta.FrontMatterDescriptor{ PageConfig: pm.pageConfig, BaseFilename: contentBaseName, ModTime: mtime, GitAuthorDate: gitAuthorDate, Location: langs.GetLocation(pm.s.Language()), } // Handle the date separately // TODO(bep) we need to "do more" in this area so this can be split up and // more easily tested without the Page, but the coupling is strong. err := pm.s.frontmatterHandler.HandleDates(descriptor) if err != nil { p.s.Log.Errorf("Failed to handle dates for page %q: %s", p.pathOrTitle(), err) } var buildConfig any var isNewBuildKeyword bool if v, ok := pm.pageConfig.Params["_build"]; ok { buildConfig = v } else { buildConfig = pm.pageConfig.Params["build"] isNewBuildKeyword = true } pm.pageConfig.Build, err = pagemeta.DecodeBuildConfig(buildConfig) if err != nil { var msgDetail string if isNewBuildKeyword { msgDetail = `. We renamed the _build keyword to build in Hugo 0.123.0. We recommend putting user defined params in the params section, e.g.: --- title: "My Title" params: build: "My Build" --- ยด ` } return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode build config in front matter: %s%s", err, msgDetail) } var sitemapSet bool pcfg := pm.pageConfig params := pcfg.Params var draft, published, isCJKLanguage *bool var userParams map[string]any for k, v := range pcfg.Params { loki := strings.ToLower(k) if loki == "params" { vv, err := maps.ToStringMapE(v) if err != nil { return err } userParams = vv delete(pcfg.Params, k) continue } if loki == "published" { // Intentionally undocumented vv, err := cast.ToBoolE(v) if err == nil { published = &vv } // published may also be a date continue } if pm.s.frontmatterHandler.IsDateKey(loki) { continue } switch loki { case "title": pcfg.Title = cast.ToString(v) params[loki] = pcfg.Title case "linktitle": pcfg.LinkTitle = cast.ToString(v) params[loki] = pcfg.LinkTitle case "summary": pcfg.Summary = cast.ToString(v) params[loki] = pcfg.Summary case "description": pcfg.Description = cast.ToString(v) params[loki] = pcfg.Description case "slug": // Don't start or end with a - pcfg.Slug = strings.Trim(cast.ToString(v), "-") params[loki] = pm.Slug() case "url": url := cast.ToString(v) if strings.HasPrefix(url, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(url, "https://") { return fmt.Errorf("URLs with protocol (http*) not supported: %q. In page %q", url, p.pathOrTitle()) } pcfg.URL = url params[loki] = url case "type": pcfg.Type = cast.ToString(v) params[loki] = pcfg.Type case "keywords": pcfg.Keywords = cast.ToStringSlice(v) params[loki] = pcfg.Keywords case "headless": // Legacy setting for leaf bundles. // This is since Hugo 0.63 handled in a more general way for all // pages. isHeadless := cast.ToBool(v) params[loki] = isHeadless if isHeadless { pm.pageConfig.Build.List = pagemeta.Never pm.pageConfig.Build.Render = pagemeta.Never } case "outputs": o := cast.ToStringSlice(v) // lower case names: for i, s := range o { o[i] = strings.ToLower(s) } if len(o) > 0 { // Output formats are explicitly set in front matter, use those. outFormats, err := p.s.conf.OutputFormats.Config.GetByNames(o...) if err != nil { p.s.Log.Errorf("Failed to resolve output formats: %s", err) } else { pm.configuredOutputFormats = outFormats params[loki] = outFormats } } case "draft": draft = new(bool) *draft = cast.ToBool(v) case "layout": pcfg.Layout = cast.ToString(v) params[loki] = pcfg.Layout case "markup": pcfg.Markup = cast.ToString(v) params[loki] = pcfg.Markup case "weight": pcfg.Weight = cast.ToInt(v) params[loki] = pcfg.Weight case "aliases": pcfg.Aliases = cast.ToStringSlice(v) for i, alias := range pcfg.Aliases { if strings.HasPrefix(alias, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(alias, "https://") { return fmt.Errorf("http* aliases not supported: %q", alias) } pcfg.Aliases[i] = filepath.ToSlash(alias) } params[loki] = pcfg.Aliases case "sitemap": pcfg.Sitemap, err = config.DecodeSitemap(p.s.conf.Sitemap, maps.ToStringMap(v)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode sitemap config in front matter: %s", err) } sitemapSet = true case "iscjklanguage": isCJKLanguage = new(bool) *isCJKLanguage = cast.ToBool(v) case "translationkey": pcfg.TranslationKey = cast.ToString(v) params[loki] = pcfg.TranslationKey case "resources": var resources []map[string]any handled := true switch vv := v.(type) { case []map[any]any: for _, vvv := range vv { resources = append(resources, maps.ToStringMap(vvv)) } case []map[string]any: resources = append(resources, vv...) case []any: for _, vvv := range vv { switch vvvv := vvv.(type) { case map[any]any: resources = append(resources, maps.ToStringMap(vvvv)) case map[string]any: resources = append(resources, vvvv) } } default: handled = false } if handled { pcfg.Resources = resources break } fallthrough default: // If not one of the explicit values, store in Params switch vv := v.(type) { case []any: if len(vv) > 0 { allStrings := true for _, vvv := range vv { if _, ok := vvv.(string); !ok { allStrings = false break } } if allStrings { // We need tags, keywords etc. to be []string, not []interface{}. a := make([]string, len(vv)) for i, u := range vv { a[i] = cast.ToString(u) } params[loki] = a } else { params[loki] = vv } } else { params[loki] = []string{} } default: params[loki] = vv } } } for k, v := range userParams { if _, found := params[k]; found { p.s.Log.Warnidf(constants.WarnFrontMatterParamsOverrides, "Hugo front matter key %q is overridden in params section.", k) } params[strings.ToLower(k)] = v } if !sitemapSet { pcfg.Sitemap = p.s.conf.Sitemap } pcfg.Markup = p.s.ContentSpec.ResolveMarkup(pcfg.Markup) if draft != nil && published != nil { pcfg.Draft = *draft p.m.s.Log.Warnf("page %q has both draft and published settings in its frontmatter. Using draft.", p.File().Filename()) } else if draft != nil { pcfg.Draft = *draft } else if published != nil { pcfg.Draft = !*published } params["draft"] = pcfg.Draft if isCJKLanguage != nil { pcfg.IsCJKLanguage = *isCJKLanguage } else if p.s.conf.HasCJKLanguage && p.m.content.pi.openSource != nil { if cjkRe.Match(p.m.content.mustSource()) { pcfg.IsCJKLanguage = true } else { pcfg.IsCJKLanguage = false } } params["iscjklanguage"] = pcfg.IsCJKLanguage return nil } // shouldList returns whether this page should be included in the list of pages. // global indicates site.Pages etc. func (p *pageMeta) shouldList(global bool) bool { if p.isStandalone() { // Never list 404, sitemap and similar. return false } switch p.pageConfig.Build.List { case pagemeta.Always: return true case pagemeta.Never: return false case pagemeta.ListLocally: return !global } return false } func (p *pageMeta) shouldListAny() bool { return p.shouldList(true) || p.shouldList(false) } func (p *pageMeta) isStandalone() bool { return !p.standaloneOutputFormat.IsZero() } func (p *pageMeta) shouldBeCheckedForMenuDefinitions() bool { if !p.shouldList(false) { return false } return p.pageConfig.Kind == kinds.KindHome || p.pageConfig.Kind == kinds.KindSection || p.pageConfig.Kind == kinds.KindPage } func (p *pageMeta) noRender() bool { return p.pageConfig.Build.Render != pagemeta.Always } func (p *pageMeta) noLink() bool { return p.pageConfig.Build.Render == pagemeta.Never } func (p *pageMeta) applyDefaultValues() error { if p.pageConfig.Build.IsZero() { p.pageConfig.Build, _ = pagemeta.DecodeBuildConfig(nil) } if !p.s.conf.IsKindEnabled(p.Kind()) { (&p.pageConfig.Build).Disable() } if p.pageConfig.Markup == "" { if p.File() != nil { // Fall back to file extension p.pageConfig.Markup = p.s.ContentSpec.ResolveMarkup(p.File().Ext()) } if p.pageConfig.Markup == "" { p.pageConfig.Markup = "markdown" } } p.pageConfig.IsGoldmark = p.s.ContentSpec.Converters.IsGoldmark(p.pageConfig.Markup) if p.pageConfig.Title == "" && p.f == nil { switch p.Kind() { case kinds.KindHome: p.pageConfig.Title = p.s.Title() case kinds.KindSection: sectionName := p.pathInfo.Unnormalized().BaseNameNoIdentifier() if p.s.conf.PluralizeListTitles { sectionName = flect.Pluralize(sectionName) } if p.s.conf.CapitalizeListTitles { sectionName = p.s.conf.C.CreateTitle(sectionName) } p.pageConfig.Title = sectionName case kinds.KindTerm: if p.term != "" { if p.s.conf.CapitalizeListTitles { p.pageConfig.Title = p.s.conf.C.CreateTitle(p.term) } else { p.pageConfig.Title = p.term } } else { panic("term not set") } case kinds.KindTaxonomy: if p.s.conf.CapitalizeListTitles { p.pageConfig.Title = strings.Replace(p.s.conf.C.CreateTitle(p.pathInfo.Unnormalized().BaseNameNoIdentifier()), "-", " ", -1) } else { p.pageConfig.Title = strings.Replace(p.pathInfo.Unnormalized().BaseNameNoIdentifier(), "-", " ", -1) } case kinds.KindStatus404: p.pageConfig.Title = "404 Page not found" } } return nil } func (p *pageMeta) newContentConverter(ps *pageState, markup string) (converter.Converter, error) { if ps == nil { panic("no Page provided") } cp := p.s.ContentSpec.Converters.Get(markup) if cp == nil { return converter.NopConverter, fmt.Errorf("no content renderer found for markup %q, page: %s", markup, ps.getPageInfoForError()) } var id string var filename string var path string if p.f != nil { id = p.f.UniqueID() filename = p.f.Filename() path = p.f.Path() } else { path = p.Path() } doc := newPageForRenderHook(ps) documentLookup := func(id uint64) any { if id == ps.pid { // This prevents infinite recursion in some cases. return doc } if v, ok := ps.pageOutput.pco.otherOutputs[id]; ok { return v.po.p } return nil } cpp, err := cp.New( converter.DocumentContext{ Document: doc, DocumentLookup: documentLookup, DocumentID: id, DocumentName: path, Filename: filename, }, ) if err != nil { return converter.NopConverter, err } return cpp, nil } // The output formats this page will be rendered to. func (m *pageMeta) outputFormats() output.Formats { if len(m.configuredOutputFormats) > 0 { return m.configuredOutputFormats } return m.s.conf.C.KindOutputFormats[m.Kind()] } func (p *pageMeta) Slug() string { return p.pageConfig.Slug } func getParam(m resource.ResourceParamsProvider, key string, stringToLower bool) any { v := m.Params()[strings.ToLower(key)] if v == nil { return nil } switch val := v.(type) { case bool: return val case string: if stringToLower { return strings.ToLower(val) } return val case int64, int32, int16, int8, int: return cast.ToInt(v) case float64, float32: return cast.ToFloat64(v) case time.Time: return val case []string: if stringToLower { return helpers.SliceToLower(val) } return v default: return v } } func getParamToLower(m resource.ResourceParamsProvider, key string) any { return getParam(m, key, true) } func (ps *pageState) initLazyProviders() error { ps.init.Add(func(ctx context.Context) (any, error) { pp, err := newPagePaths(ps) if err != nil { return nil, err } var outputFormatsForPage output.Formats var renderFormats output.Formats if ps.m.standaloneOutputFormat.IsZero() { outputFormatsForPage = ps.m.outputFormats() renderFormats = ps.s.h.renderFormats } else { // One of the fixed output format pages, e.g. 404. outputFormatsForPage = output.Formats{ps.m.standaloneOutputFormat} renderFormats = outputFormatsForPage } // Prepare output formats for all sites. // We do this even if this page does not get rendered on // its own. It may be referenced via one of the site collections etc. // it will then need an output format. ps.pageOutputs = make([]*pageOutput, len(renderFormats)) created := make(map[string]*pageOutput) shouldRenderPage := !ps.m.noRender() for i, f := range renderFormats { if po, found := created[f.Name]; found { ps.pageOutputs[i] = po continue } render := shouldRenderPage if render { _, render = outputFormatsForPage.GetByName(f.Name) } po := newPageOutput(ps, pp, f, render) // Create a content provider for the first, // we may be able to reuse it. if i == 0 { contentProvider, err := newPageContentOutput(po) if err != nil { return nil, err } po.setContentProvider(contentProvider) } ps.pageOutputs[i] = po created[f.Name] = po } if err := ps.initCommonProviders(pp); err != nil { return nil, err } return nil, nil }) return nil }