// Copyright 2016-present The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "bytes" "fmt" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/media" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/maps" "github.com/spf13/afero" ) func TestLoadConfig(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) // Add a random config variable for testing. // side = page in Norwegian. configContent := ` PaginatePath = "side" ` mm := afero.NewMemMapFs() writeToFs(t, mm, "hugo.toml", configContent) cfg, _, err := LoadConfig(ConfigSourceDescriptor{Fs: mm, Filename: "hugo.toml"}) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) c.Assert(cfg.GetString("paginatePath"), qt.Equals, "side") } func TestLoadMultiConfig(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) // Add a random config variable for testing. // side = page in Norwegian. configContentBase := ` DontChange = "same" PaginatePath = "side" ` configContentSub := ` PaginatePath = "top" ` mm := afero.NewMemMapFs() writeToFs(t, mm, "base.toml", configContentBase) writeToFs(t, mm, "override.toml", configContentSub) cfg, _, err := LoadConfig(ConfigSourceDescriptor{Fs: mm, Filename: "base.toml,override.toml"}) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) c.Assert(cfg.GetString("paginatePath"), qt.Equals, "top") c.Assert(cfg.GetString("DontChange"), qt.Equals, "same") } func TestLoadConfigFromThemes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) mainConfigTemplate := ` theme = "test-theme" baseURL = "https://example.com/" [frontmatter] date = ["date","publishDate"] [params] MERGE_PARAMS p1 = "p1 main" [params.b] b1 = "b1 main" [params.b.c] bc1 = "bc1 main" [mediaTypes] [mediaTypes."text/m1"] suffixes = ["m1main"] [outputFormats.o1] mediaType = "text/m1" baseName = "o1main" [languages] [languages.en] languageName = "English" [languages.en.params] pl1 = "p1-en-main" [languages.nb] languageName = "Norsk" [languages.nb.params] pl1 = "p1-nb-main" [[menu.main]] name = "menu-main-main" [[menu.top]] name = "menu-top-main" ` themeConfig := ` baseURL = "http://bep.is/" # Can not be set in theme. [frontmatter] expiryDate = ["date"] [params] p1 = "p1 theme" p2 = "p2 theme" [params.b] b1 = "b1 theme" b2 = "b2 theme" [params.b.c] bc1 = "bc1 theme" bc2 = "bc2 theme" [params.b.c.d] bcd1 = "bcd1 theme" [mediaTypes] [mediaTypes."text/m1"] suffixes = ["m1theme"] [mediaTypes."text/m2"] suffixes = ["m2theme"] [outputFormats.o1] mediaType = "text/m1" baseName = "o1theme" [outputFormats.o2] mediaType = "text/m2" baseName = "o2theme" [languages] [languages.en] languageName = "English2" [languages.en.params] pl1 = "p1-en-theme" pl2 = "p2-en-theme" [[languages.en.menu.main]] name = "menu-lang-en-main" [[languages.en.menu.theme]] name = "menu-lang-en-theme" [languages.nb] languageName = "Norsk2" [languages.nb.params] pl1 = "p1-nb-theme" pl2 = "p2-nb-theme" top = "top-nb-theme" [[languages.nb.menu.main]] name = "menu-lang-nb-main" [[languages.nb.menu.theme]] name = "menu-lang-nb-theme" [[languages.nb.menu.top]] name = "menu-lang-nb-top" [[menu.main]] name = "menu-main-theme" [[menu.thememenu]] name = "menu-theme" ` buildForConfig := func(mainConfig, themeConfig string) *sitesBuilder { b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithConfigFile("toml", mainConfig).WithThemeConfigFile("toml", themeConfig) return b.Build(BuildCfg{}) } buildForStrategy := func(t testing.TB, s string) *sitesBuilder { mainConfig := strings.ReplaceAll(mainConfigTemplate, "MERGE_PARAMS", s) return buildForConfig(mainConfig, themeConfig) } c.Run("Merge default", func(c *qt.C) { b := buildForStrategy(c, "") got := b.Cfg.Get("").(maps.Params) b.Assert(got["params"], qt.DeepEquals, maps.Params{ "b": maps.Params{ "b1": "b1 main", "c": maps.Params{ "bc1": "bc1 main", "bc2": "bc2 theme", "d": maps.Params{"bcd1": string("bcd1 theme")}, }, "b2": "b2 theme", }, "p2": "p2 theme", "p1": "p1 main", }) b.Assert(got["mediatypes"], qt.DeepEquals, maps.Params{ "text/m2": maps.Params{ "suffixes": []interface{}{ "m2theme", }, }, "text/m1": maps.Params{ "suffixes": []interface{}{ "m1main", }, }, }) var eq = qt.CmpEquals( cmp.Comparer(func(m1, m2 media.Type) bool { if m1.SubType != m2.SubType { return false } return m1.FirstSuffix == m2.FirstSuffix }), ) mediaTypes := b.H.Sites[0].mediaTypesConfig m1, _ := mediaTypes.GetByType("text/m1") m2, _ := mediaTypes.GetByType("text/m2") b.Assert(got["outputformats"], eq, maps.Params{ "o1": maps.Params{ "mediatype": m1, "basename": "o1main", }, "o2": maps.Params{ "basename": "o2theme", "mediatype": m2, }, }) b.Assert(got["languages"], qt.DeepEquals, maps.Params{ "en": maps.Params{ "languagename": "English", "params": maps.Params{ "pl2": "p2-en-theme", "pl1": "p1-en-main", }, "menus": maps.Params{ "main": []map[string]interface{}{ { "name": "menu-lang-en-main", }, }, "theme": []map[string]interface{}{ { "name": "menu-lang-en-theme", }, }, }, }, "nb": maps.Params{ "languagename": "Norsk", "params": maps.Params{ "top": "top-nb-theme", "pl1": "p1-nb-main", "pl2": "p2-nb-theme", }, "menus": maps.Params{ "main": []map[string]interface{}{ { "name": "menu-lang-nb-main", }, }, "theme": []map[string]interface{}{ { "name": "menu-lang-nb-theme", }, }, "top": []map[string]interface{}{ { "name": "menu-lang-nb-top", }, }, }, }, }) c.Assert(got["baseurl"], qt.Equals, "https://example.com/") }) c.Run("Merge shallow", func(c *qt.C) { b := buildForStrategy(c, fmt.Sprintf("_merge=%q", "shallow")) got := b.Cfg.Get("").(maps.Params) // Shallow merge, only add new keys to params. b.Assert(got["params"], qt.DeepEquals, maps.Params{ "p1": "p1 main", "b": maps.Params{ "b1": "b1 main", "c": maps.Params{ "bc1": "bc1 main", }, }, "p2": "p2 theme", }) }) c.Run("Merge no params in project", func(c *qt.C) { b := buildForConfig( "baseURL=\"https://example.org\"\ntheme = \"test-theme\"\n", "[params]\np1 = \"p1 theme\"\n", ) got := b.Cfg.Get("").(maps.Params) b.Assert(got["params"], qt.DeepEquals, maps.Params{ "p1": "p1 theme", }) }) c.Run("Merge language no menus or params in project", func(c *qt.C) { b := buildForConfig( ` theme = "test-theme" baseURL = "https://example.com/" [languages] [languages.en] languageName = "English" `, ` [languages] [languages.en] languageName = "EnglishTheme" [languages.en.params] p1="themep1" [[languages.en.menus.main]] name = "menu-theme" `, ) got := b.Cfg.Get("").(maps.Params) b.Assert(got["languages"], qt.DeepEquals, maps.Params{ "en": maps.Params{ "languagename": "English", "menus": maps.Params{ "main": []map[string]interface{}{ { "name": "menu-theme", }, }, }, "params": maps.Params{ "p1": "themep1", }, }, }, ) }) } func TestLoadConfigFromThemeDir(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() mainConfig := ` theme = "test-theme" [params] m1 = "mv1" ` themeConfig := ` [params] t1 = "tv1" t2 = "tv2" ` themeConfigDir := filepath.Join("themes", "test-theme", "config") themeConfigDirDefault := filepath.Join(themeConfigDir, "_default") themeConfigDirProduction := filepath.Join(themeConfigDir, "production") projectConfigDir := "config" b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithConfigFile("toml", mainConfig).WithThemeConfigFile("toml", themeConfig) b.Assert(b.Fs.Source.MkdirAll(themeConfigDirDefault, 0777), qt.IsNil) b.Assert(b.Fs.Source.MkdirAll(themeConfigDirProduction, 0777), qt.IsNil) b.Assert(b.Fs.Source.MkdirAll(projectConfigDir, 0777), qt.IsNil) b.WithSourceFile(filepath.Join(projectConfigDir, "config.toml"), `[params] m2 = "mv2" `) b.WithSourceFile(filepath.Join(themeConfigDirDefault, "config.toml"), `[params] t2 = "tv2d" t3 = "tv3d" `) b.WithSourceFile(filepath.Join(themeConfigDirProduction, "config.toml"), `[params] t3 = "tv3p" `) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) got := b.Cfg.Get("params").(maps.Params) b.Assert(got, qt.DeepEquals, maps.Params{ "t3": "tv3p", "m1": "mv1", "t1": "tv1", "t2": "tv2d", }) } func TestPrivacyConfig(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) tomlConfig := ` someOtherValue = "foo" [privacy] [privacy.youtube] privacyEnhanced = true ` b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithConfigFile("toml", tomlConfig) b.Build(BuildCfg{SkipRender: true}) c.Assert(b.H.Sites[0].Info.Config().Privacy.YouTube.PrivacyEnhanced, qt.Equals, true) } func TestLoadConfigModules(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoThemes#themetoml const ( // Before Hugo 0.56 each theme/component could have its own theme.toml // with some settings, mostly used on the Hugo themes site. // To preserve combability we read these files into the new "modules" // section in config.toml. o1t = ` name = "Component o1" license = "MIT" min_version = 0.38 ` // This is the component's config.toml, using the old theme syntax. o1c = ` theme = ["n2"] ` n1 = ` title = "Component n1" [module] description = "Component n1 description" [module.hugoVersion] min = "0.40.0" max = "0.50.0" extended = true [[module.imports]] path="o1" [[module.imports]] path="n3" ` n2 = ` title = "Component n2" ` n3 = ` title = "Component n3" ` n4 = ` title = "Component n4" ` ) b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) writeThemeFiles := func(name, configTOML, themeTOML string) { b.WithSourceFile(filepath.Join("themes", name, "data", "module.toml"), fmt.Sprintf("name=%q", name)) if configTOML != "" { b.WithSourceFile(filepath.Join("themes", name, "config.toml"), configTOML) } if themeTOML != "" { b.WithSourceFile(filepath.Join("themes", name, "theme.toml"), themeTOML) } } writeThemeFiles("n1", n1, "") writeThemeFiles("n2", n2, "") writeThemeFiles("n3", n3, "") writeThemeFiles("n4", n4, "") writeThemeFiles("o1", o1c, o1t) b.WithConfigFile("toml", ` [module] [[module.imports]] path="n1" [[module.imports]] path="n4" `) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) modulesClient := b.H.Paths.ModulesClient var graphb bytes.Buffer modulesClient.Graph(&graphb) expected := `project n1 n1 o1 o1 n2 n1 n3 project n4 ` c.Assert(graphb.String(), qt.Equals, expected) } func TestLoadConfigWithOsEnvOverrides(t *testing.T) { c := qt.New(t) baseConfig := ` theme = "mytheme" environment = "production" enableGitInfo = true intSlice = [5,7,9] floatSlice = [3.14, 5.19] stringSlice = ["a", "b"] [outputFormats] [outputFormats.ofbase] mediaType = "text/plain" [params] paramWithNoEnvOverride="nooverride" [params.api_config] api_key="default_key" another_key="default another_key" [imaging] anchor = "smart" quality = 75 ` newB := func(t testing.TB) *sitesBuilder { b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithConfigFile("toml", baseConfig) b.WithSourceFile("themes/mytheme/config.toml", ` [outputFormats] [outputFormats.oftheme] mediaType = "text/plain" [outputFormats.ofbase] mediaType = "application/xml" [params] [params.mytheme_section] theme_param="themevalue" theme_param_nooverride="nooverride" [params.mytheme_section2] theme_param="themevalue2" `) return b } c.Run("Variations", func(c *qt.C) { b := newB(c) b.WithEnviron( "HUGO_ENVIRONMENT", "test", "HUGO_NEW", "new", // key not in config.toml "HUGO_ENABLEGITINFO", "false", "HUGO_IMAGING_ANCHOR", "top", "HUGO_IMAGING_RESAMPLEFILTER", "CatmullRom", "HUGO_STRINGSLICE", `["c", "d"]`, "HUGO_INTSLICE", `[5, 8, 9]`, "HUGO_FLOATSLICE", `[5.32]`, // Issue #7829 "HUGOxPARAMSxAPI_CONFIGxAPI_KEY", "new_key", // Delimiters are case sensitive. "HUGOxPARAMSxAPI_CONFIGXANOTHER_KEY", "another_key", // Issue #8346 "HUGOxPARAMSxMYTHEME_SECTIONxTHEME_PARAM", "themevalue_changed", "HUGOxPARAMSxMYTHEME_SECTION2xTHEME_PARAM", "themevalue2_changed", "HUGO_PARAMS_EMPTY", ``, "HUGO_PARAMS_HTML", ``, // Issue #8618 "HUGO_SERVICES_GOOGLEANALYTICS_ID", `gaid`, "HUGO_PARAMS_A_B_C", "abc", ) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) cfg := b.H.Cfg s := b.H.Sites[0] scfg := s.siteConfigConfig.Services c.Assert(cfg.Get("environment"), qt.Equals, "test") c.Assert(cfg.GetBool("enablegitinfo"), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(cfg.Get("new"), qt.Equals, "new") c.Assert(cfg.Get("imaging.anchor"), qt.Equals, "top") c.Assert(cfg.Get("imaging.quality"), qt.Equals, int64(75)) c.Assert(cfg.Get("imaging.resamplefilter"), qt.Equals, "CatmullRom") c.Assert(cfg.Get("stringSlice"), qt.DeepEquals, []interface{}{"c", "d"}) c.Assert(cfg.Get("floatSlice"), qt.DeepEquals, []interface{}{5.32}) c.Assert(cfg.Get("intSlice"), qt.DeepEquals, []interface{}{5, 8, 9}) c.Assert(cfg.Get("params.api_config.api_key"), qt.Equals, "new_key") c.Assert(cfg.Get("params.api_config.another_key"), qt.Equals, "default another_key") c.Assert(cfg.Get("params.mytheme_section.theme_param"), qt.Equals, "themevalue_changed") c.Assert(cfg.Get("params.mytheme_section.theme_param_nooverride"), qt.Equals, "nooverride") c.Assert(cfg.Get("params.mytheme_section2.theme_param"), qt.Equals, "themevalue2_changed") c.Assert(cfg.Get("params.empty"), qt.Equals, ``) c.Assert(cfg.Get("params.html"), qt.Equals, ``) params := cfg.Get("params").(maps.Params) c.Assert(params["paramwithnoenvoverride"], qt.Equals, "nooverride") c.Assert(cfg.Get("params.paramwithnoenvoverride"), qt.Equals, "nooverride") c.Assert(scfg.GoogleAnalytics.ID, qt.Equals, "gaid") c.Assert(cfg.Get("params.a.b"), qt.DeepEquals, maps.Params{ "c": "abc", }) ofBase, _ := s.outputFormatsConfig.GetByName("ofbase") ofTheme, _ := s.outputFormatsConfig.GetByName("oftheme") c.Assert(ofBase.MediaType, qt.Equals, media.TextType) c.Assert(ofTheme.MediaType, qt.Equals, media.TextType) }) // Issue #8709 c.Run("Set in string", func(c *qt.C) { b := newB(c) b.WithEnviron( // imaging.anchor is a string, and it's not possible // to set a child attribute. "HUGO_IMAGING_ANCHOR_FOO", "top", ) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) cfg := b.H.Cfg c.Assert(cfg.Get("imaging.anchor"), qt.Equals, "smart") }) }