baseurl = "" MetaDataFormat = "yaml" [params] description = "Documentation of Hugo, a fast and flexible static site generator built with love by spf13 and friends in Go" author = "Steve Francia (spf13) and friends" [taxonomies] tag = "tags" group = "groups" [[menu.main]] name = "Download Hugo" pre = "" url = "" weight = -200 [[menu.main]] name = "Showcase" pre = "" url = "/showcase/" weight = -180 [[menu.main]] name = "Discuss Hugo" pre = "" url = "" weight = -150 [[menu.main]] name = "About Hugo" identifier = "about" pre = "" weight = -110 [[menu.main]] name = "Getting Started" identifier = "getting started" pre = "" weight = -100 [[menu.main]] name = "Content" identifier = "content" pre = "" weight = -90 [[menu.main]] name = "Themes" identifier = "themes" pre = "" weight = -85 [[menu.main]] name = "Templates" identifier = "layout" pre = "" weight = -80 [[menu.main]] name = "Taxonomies" identifier = "taxonomy" pre = "" weight = -70 [[menu.main]] name = "Extras" identifier = "extras" pre = "" weight = -60 [[menu.main]] name = "Community" identifier = "community" pre = "" weight = -50 [[menu.main]] parent = "community" name = "Discussion Forum" url = "" weight = 150 [[menu.main]] name = "Tutorials" identifier = "tutorials" pre = "" weight = -40 [[menu.main]] name = "Troubleshooting" identifier = "troubleshooting" pre = "" weight = -30