--- title: URL Management description: Control the structure and appearance of URLs through front matter entries and settings in your site configuration. categories: [content management] keywords: [aliases,redirects,permalinks,urls] menu: docs: parent: content-management weight: 180 toc: true weight: 180 aliases: [/extras/permalinks/,/extras/aliases/,/extras/urls/,/doc/redirects/,/doc/alias/,/doc/aliases/] --- ## Overview By default, when Hugo renders a page, the resulting URL matches the file path within the `content` directory. For example: ```text content/posts/post-1.md → https://example.org/posts/post-1/ ``` You can change the structure and appearance of URLs with front matter values and site configuration options. ## Front matter ### `slug` Set the `slug` in front matter to override the last segment of the path. The `slug` value does not affect section pages. {{< code-toggle file="content/posts/post-1.md" copy=false fm=true >}} title = 'My First Post' slug = 'my-first-post' {{< /code-toggle >}} The resulting URL will be: ```text https://example.org/posts/my-first-post/ ``` ### `url` Set the `url` in front matter to override the entire path. Use this with either regular pages or section pages. With this front matter: {{< code-toggle file="content/posts/post-1.md" copy=false fm=true >}} title = 'My First Article' url = '/articles/my-first-article' {{< /code-toggle >}} The resulting URL will be: ```text https://example.org/articles/my-first-article/ ``` If you include a file extension: {{< code-toggle file="content/posts/post-1.md" copy=false fm=true >}} title = 'My First Article' url = '/articles/my-first-article.html' {{< /code-toggle >}} The resulting URL will be: ```text https://example.org/articles/my-first-article.html ``` In a monolingual site, a `url` value with or without a leading slash is relative to the `baseURL`. In a multilingual site: - A `url` value with a leading slash is relative to the `baseURL`. - A `url` value without a leading slash is relative to the `baseURL` plus the language prefix. Site type|Front matter `url`|Resulting URL :--|:--|:-- monolingual|`/about`|`https://example.org/about/` monolingual|`about`|`https://example.org/about/` multilingual|`/about`|`https://example.org/about/` multilingual|`about`|`https://example.org/de/about/` If you set both `slug` and `url` in front matter, the `url` value takes precedence. ## Site configuration ### Permalinks In your site configuration, set a URL pattern for regular pages within a top-level section. This is recursive, affecting descendant regular pages. {{% note %}} The `permalinks` defined in your site configuration do not apply to section pages. To adjust the URL for section pages, set `url` in front matter. {{% /note %}} #### Examples {#permalinks-examples} With this content structure: ```text content/ ├── posts/ │   ├── _index.md │   ├── post-1.md │   └── post-2.md └── _index.md ``` Create a date-based hierarchy, recursively, for regular pages within the `posts` section: {{< code-toggle file="config" copy=false >}} [permalinks] posts = '/posts/:year/:month/:title/' {{< /code-toggle >}} The structure of the published site will be: ```text public/ ├── posts/ │   ├── 2023/ │   │   └── 03/ │   │   ├── post-1/ │   │   │   └── index.html │   │   └── post-2/ │   │   └── index.html │   └── index.html ├── favicon.ico └── index.html ``` To create a date-based hierarchy for regular pages in the content root: {{< code-toggle file="config" copy=false >}} [permalinks] '/' = '/:year/:month/:title/' {{< /code-toggle >}} {{% note %}} A URL pattern defined for the content root is not recursive. {{% /note %}} Use the same approach with taxonomies. For example, to omit the taxonomy segment of the URL: {{< code-toggle file="config" copy=false >}} [permalinks] 'tags' = '/:title/' {{< /code-toggle >}} Front matter `url` values take precedence over URL patterns defined in `permalinks`. #### Tokens Use these tokens when defining the URL pattern. The `date` field in front matter determines the value of time-related tokens. `:year` : the 4-digit year `:month` : the 2-digit month `:monthname` : the name of the month `:day` : the 2-digit day `:weekday` : the 1-digit day of the week (Sunday = 0) `:weekdayname` : the name of the day of the week `:yearday` : the 1- to 3-digit day of the year `:section` : the content's section `:sections` : the content's sections hierarchy. You can use a selection of the sections using _slice syntax_: `:sections[1:]` includes all but the first, `:sections[:last]` includes all but the last, `:sections[last]` includes only the last, `:sections[1:2]` includes section 2 and 3. Note that this slice access will not throw any out-of-bounds errors, so you don't have to be exact. `:title` : the content's title `:slug` : the content's slug (or title if no slug is provided in the front matter) `:slugorfilename` : the content's slug (or filename if no slug is provided in the front matter) `:filename` : the content's filename (without extension) For time-related values, you can also use the layout string components defined in Go's [time package]. For example: [time package]: https://pkg.go.dev/time#pkg-constants {{< code-toggle file="config" copy=false >}} permalinks: posts: /:06/:1/:2/:title/ {{< /code-toggle >}} ### Appearance The appearance of a URL is either ugly or pretty. Type|Path|URL :--|:--|:-- ugly|content/about.md|`https://example.org/about.html` pretty|content/about.md|`https://example.org/about/` By default, Hugo produces pretty URLs. To generate ugly URLs, change your site configuration: {{< code-toggle file="config" copy=false >}} uglyURLs = true {{< /code-toggle >}} ### Post-processing Hugo provides two mutually exclusive configuration options to alter URLs _after_ it renders a page. #### Canonical URLs {{% note %}} This is a legacy configuration option, superseded by template functions and markdown render hooks, and will likely be [removed in a future release]. [removed in a future release]: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/4733 {{% /note %}} If enabled, Hugo performs a search and replace _after_ it renders the page. It searches for site-relative URLs (those with a leading slash) associated with `action`, `href`, `src`, `srcset`, and `url` attributes. It then prepends the `baseURL` to create absolute URLs. ```text ``` This is an imperfect, brute force approach that can affect content as well as HTML attributes. As noted above, this is a legacy configuration option that will likely be removed in a future release. To enable: {{< code-toggle file="config" copy=false >}} canonifyURLs = true {{< /code-toggle >}} #### Relative URLs {{% note %}} Do not enable this option unless you are creating a serverless site, navigable via the file system. {{% /note %}} If enabled, Hugo performs a search and replace _after_ it renders the page. It searches for site-relative URLs (those with a leading slash) associated with `action`, `href`, `src`, `srcset`, and `url` attributes. It then transforms the URL to be relative to the current page. For example, when rendering `content/posts/post-1`: ```text ``` This is an imperfect, brute force approach that can affect content as well as HTML attributes. As noted above, do not enable this option unless you are creating a serverless site. To enable: {{< code-toggle file="config" copy=false >}} relativeURLs = true {{< /code-toggle >}} ## Aliases Create redirects from old URLs to new URLs with aliases: - An alias with a leading slash is relative to the `baseURL` - An alias without a leading slash is relative to the current directory ### Examples {#alias-examples} Change the file name of an existing page, and create an alias from the previous URL to the new URL: {{< code-toggle file="content/posts/new-file-name.md" copy=false >}} aliases = ['/posts/previous-file-name'] {{< /code-toggle >}} Each of these directory-relative aliases is equivalent to the site-relative alias above: - `previous-file-name` - `./previous-file-name` - `../posts/previous-file-name` You can create more than one alias to the current page: {{< code-toggle file="content/posts/new-file-name.md" copy=false >}} aliases = ['previous-file-name','original-file-name'] {{< /code-toggle >}} In a multilingual site, use a directory-relative alias, or include the language prefix with a site-relative alias: {{< code-toggle file="content/posts/new-file-name.de.md" copy=false >}} aliases = ['/de/posts/previous-file-name'] {{< /code-toggle >}} ### How Aliases Work Using the first example above, Hugo generates the following site structure: ```text public/ ├── posts/ │ ├── new-file-name/ │ │ └── index.html │ ├── previous-file-name/ │ │ └── index.html │ └── index.html └── index.html ``` The alias from the previous URL to the new URL is a client-side redirect: {{< code file="posts/previous-file-name/index.html" copy=false >}} https://example.org/posts/new-file-name/ {{< /code >}} Collectively, the elements in the `head` section: - Tell search engines that the new URL is canonical - Tell search engines not to index the previous URL - Tell the browser to redirect to the new URL Hugo renders alias files before rendering pages. A new page with the previous file name will overwrite the alias, as expected. ### Customize Create a new template (`layouts/alias.html`) to customize the content of the alias files. The template receives the following context: `Permalink` : the link to the page being aliased `Page` : the Page data for the page being aliased