--- title: urls.Parse description: Parses a URL into a URL structure. categories: [functions] menu: docs: parent: functions keywords: [urls] signature: ["urls.Parse URL"] --- The `urls.Parse` function parses a URL into a [URL structure](https://godoc.org/net/url#URL). The URL may be relative (a path, without a host) or absolute (starting with a [scheme]). Hugo throws an error when parsing an invalid URL. [scheme]: https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml#uri-schemes-1 ```go-html-template {{ $url := "https://example.org:123/foo?a=6&b=7#bar" }} {{ $u := urls.Parse $url }} {{ $u.IsAbs }} → true {{ $u.Scheme }} → https {{ $u.Host }} → example.org:123 {{ $u.Hostname }} → example.org {{ $u.RequestURI }} → /foo?a=6&b=7 {{ $u.Path }} → /foo {{ $u.Query }} → map[a:[6] b:[7]] {{ $u.Query.a }} → [6] {{ $u.Query.Get "a" }} → 6 {{ $u.Query.Has "b" }} → true {{ $u.Fragment }} → bar ```