--- title: Site variables description: Many, but not all, site-wide variables are defined in your site's configuration. However, Hugo provides a number of built-in variables for convenient access to global values in your templates. categories: [variables and parameters] keywords: [global,site] menu: docs: parent: variables weight: 10 weight: 10 aliases: [/variables/site-variables/] toc: true --- The following is a list of site-level (aka "global") variables. Many of these variables are defined in your site's [configuration file][config], whereas others are built into Hugo's core for convenient usage in your templates. ## Get the site object from a partial All the methods below, e.g. `.Site.RegularPages` can also be reached via the global [`site`](/functions/site/) function, e.g. `site.RegularPages`, which can be handy in partials where the `Page` object isn't easily available. ## Site variables .Site.AllPages : array of all pages, regardless of their translation. .Site.BaseURL : the base URL for the site as defined in the site configuration. .Site.BuildDrafts : a boolean (default: `false`) to indicate whether to build drafts as defined in the site configuration. .Site.Copyright : a string representing the copyright of your website as defined in the site configuration. .Site.Data : custom data, see [Data Templates](/templates/data-templates/). .Site.DisqusShortname : a string representing the shortname of the Disqus shortcode as defined in the site configuration. .Site.Home : reference to the homepage's [page object](/variables/page/) .Site.IsMultiLingual : whether there are more than one language in this site. See [Multilingual](/content-management/multilingual/) for more information. .Site.Language.Lang : the language code of the current locale (e.g., `en`). .Site.Language.LanguageName : the full language name (e.g. `English`). .Site.Language.Weight : the weight that defines the order in the `.Site.Languages` list. .Site.Language : indicates the language currently being used to render the website. This object's attributes are set in site configurations' language definition. .Site.LanguageCode : a string representing the language tag as defined in the site configuration. .Site.LanguagePrefix : this can be used to prefix URLs to point to the correct language. It will even work when there is only one defined language. See also the functions [absLangURL](/functions/abslangurl/) and [relLangURL](/functions/rellangurl). .Site.Languages : an ordered list (ordered by defined weight) of languages. .Site.LastChange : a string representing the date/time of the most recent change to your site. This string is based on the [`date` variable in the front matter](/content-management/front-matter) of your content pages. .Site.Menus : all the menus in the site. .Site.Pages : array of all content ordered by Date with the newest first. This array contains only the pages in the current language. .Site.RegularPages : a shortcut to the *regular* page collection. `.Site.RegularPages` is equivalent to `where .Site.Pages "Kind" "page"`. .Site.Sections : top-level directories of the site. .Site.Taxonomies : the [taxonomies](/content-management/taxonomies/) for the entire site. Also see section [Access taxonomy data from any template](/variables/taxonomy/#access-taxonomy-data-from-any-template). .Site.Title : a string representing the title of the site. ## Site parameters `.Site.Params` is a container holding the values from the `params` section of your site configuration. ### Example: `.Site.Params` The following `config.[yaml|toml|json]` defines a site-wide parameter for `description`: {{< code-toggle file="hugo" >}} baseURL = "https://yoursite.example.com/" [params] description = "Tesla's Awesome Hugo Site" author = "Nikola Tesla" {{}} You can use `.Site.Params` in a [partial template](/templates/partials/) to call the default site description: {{< code file="layouts/partials/head.html" >}} {{< /code >}} [config]: /getting-started/configuration/