--- title: complement description: Returns the elements of the last collection that are not in any of the others. categories: [functions] menu: docs: parent: functions keywords: [collections] signature: - "complement COLLECTION [COLLECTION]..." - "collections.Complement COLLECTION [COLLECTION]..." relatedfuncs: [intersect,symdiff,union] --- To find the elements within `$c3` that do not exist in `$c1` or `$c2`: ```go-html-template {{ $c1 := slice 3 }} {{ $c2 := slice 4 5 }} {{ $c3 := slice 1 2 3 4 5 }} {{ complement $c1 $c2 $c3 }} → [1 2] ``` {{% note %}} Make your code simpler to understand by using a [chained pipeline]: [chained pipeline]: https://pkg.go.dev/text/template#hdr-Pipelines {{% /note %}} ```go-html-template {{ $c3 | complement $c1 $c2 }} → [1 2] ``` You can also use the `complement` function with page collections. Let's say your site has five content types: ```text content/ ├── blog/ ├── books/ ├── faqs/ ├── films/ └── songs/ ``` To list everything except blog articles (`blog`) and frequently asked questions (`faqs`): ```go-html-template {{ $blog := where site.RegularPages "Type" "blog" }} {{ $faqs := where site.RegularPages "Type" "faqs" }} {{ range site.RegularPages | complement $blog $faqs }} {{ .LinkTitle }} {{ end }} ``` {{% note %}} Although the example above demonstrates the `complement` function, you could use the [`where`] function as well: [`where`]: /functions/where/ {{% /note %}} ```go-html-template {{ range where site.RegularPages "Type" "not in" (slice "blog" "faqs") }} {{ .LinkTitle }} {{ end }} ``` In this example we use the `complement` function to remove [stop words] from a sentence: ```go-html-template {{ $text := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" }} {{ $stopWords := slice "a" "an" "in" "over" "the" "under" }} {{ $filtered := split $text " " | complement $stopWords }} {{ delimit $filtered " " }} → The quick brown fox jumps lazy dog ``` [stop words]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_word