--- title: BSD description: Install Hugo on BSD derivatives. categories: [installation] menu: docs: parent: installation weight: 50 toc: true weight: 50 --- {{% readfile file="/installation/common/01-editions.md" %}} {{% readfile file="/installation/common/02-prerequisites.md" %}} {{% readfile file="/installation/common/03-prebuilt-binaries.md" %}} ## Repository packages Most BSD derivatives maintain a repository for commonly installed applications. Please note that these repositories may not contain the [latest release]. [latest release]: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/latest ### DragonFly BSD [DragonFly BSD] includes Hugo in its package repository. This will install the extended edition of Hugo: ```sh sudo pkg install gohugo ``` [DragonFly BSD]: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ ### FreeBSD [FreeBSD] includes Hugo in its package repository. This will install the extended edition of Hugo: ```sh sudo pkg install gohugo ``` [FreeBSD]: https://www.freebsd.org/ ### NetBSD [NetBSD] includes Hugo in its package repository. This will install the extended edition of Hugo: ```sh sudo pkgin install go-hugo ``` [NetBSD]: https://www.netbsd.org/ ### OpenBSD [OpenBSD] includes Hugo in its package repository. This will prompt you to select which edition of Hugo to install: ```sh doas pkg_add hugo ``` [OpenBSD]: https://www.openbsd.org/ {{% readfile file="/installation/common/05-build-from-source.md" %}} ## Comparison ||Prebuilt binaries|Repository packages|Build from source :--|:--:|:--:|:--: Easy to install?|:heavy_check_mark:|:heavy_check_mark:|:heavy_check_mark: Easy to upgrade?|:heavy_check_mark:|varies|:heavy_check_mark: Easy to downgrade?|:heavy_check_mark:|varies|:heavy_check_mark: Automatic updates?|:x:|varies|:x: Latest version available?|:heavy_check_mark:|varies|:heavy_check_mark: