[[tweet]] name = "Heinrich Hartmann" twitter_handle = "@heinrichhartman" quote = "Working with @GoHugoIO is such a joy. Having worked with #Jekyll in the past, the near instant preview is a big win! Did not expect this to make such a huge difference." link = "https://twitter.com/heinrichhartman/status/1199736512264462341" date = 2019-11-12T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Joshua Steven‏‏" twitter_handle = "@jscarto" quote = "Can't overstate how much I enjoy @GoHugoIO. My site is relatively small, but *18 ms* to build the whole thing made template development and proofing a breeze." link = "https://twitter.com/jscarto/status/1039648827815485440" date = 2018-09-12T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Christophe Diericx" twitter_handle = "@spcrngr_" quote = "The more I use gohugo.io, the more I really like it. Super intuitive/powerful static site generator...great job @GoHugoIO" link = "https://twitter.com/spcrngr_/status/870863020905435136" date = 2017-06-03T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "marcoscan" twitter_handle = "@marcoscan" quote = "Blog migrated from @WordPress to @GoHugoIO, with a little refresh of my theme, Vim shortcuts and a full featured deploy script #gohugo" link = "https://twitter.com/marcoscan/status/869661175960752129" date = 2017-05-30T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Sandra Kuipers" twitter_handle = "@SKuipersDesign" quote = "Who knew static site building could be fun 🤔 Learning #gohugo today" link = "https://twitter.com/SKuipersDesign/status/868796256902029312" date = 2017-05-28T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Netlify" twitter_handle = "@Netlify" quote = "Top Ten Static Site Generators of 2017. Congrats to the top 3: 1. @Jekyllrb 2. @GoHugoIO 3. @hexojs" link = "https://twitter.com/Netlify/status/868122279221362688" date = 2017-05-26T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Phil Hawksworth" twitter_handle = "@philhawksworth" quote = "I've been keen on #JAMStack for some time, but @GoHugoIO is wooing me all over again. Great fun to build with. And speeeeedy." link = "https://twitter.com/philhawksworth/status/866684170512326657" date = 2017-05-22T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Aras Pranckevicius" twitter_handle = "@aras_p" quote = "I've probably said it before...but having Hugo rebuild the whole website in 300ms is amazing. gohugo.io, #gohugo" link = "https://twitter.com/aras_p/status/861157286823288832" date = 2017-05-07T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Hans Beck" twitter_handle = "@EnrichedGamesHB" quote = "Diving deeper into @GoHugoIO. A lot of docs there, top work! But I've the impressed that #gohugo is far easier than its feels from the docs!" link = "https://twitter.com/EnrichedGamesHB/status/836854762440130560" date = 2017-03-01T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Alan Richardson" twitter_handle = "@eviltester" quote = "I migrated the @BlackOpsTesting .com website from docpad to Hugo last weekend. http://gohugo.io/ Super Fast HTML Generation @spf13 " link = "https://twitter.com/eviltester/status/553520335115808768" date = 2015-01-09T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Janez Čadež‏" twitter_handle = "@jamziSLO" quote = "Building @garazaFRI website in #hugo. This static site generator is soooo damn fast! #gohugo #golang" link = "https://twitter.com/jamziSLO/status/817720283977183234" date = 2017-01-07T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Execute‏‏" twitter_handle = "@executerun" quote = "Hah, #gohugo. I was working with #gohugo on #linux but now I realised how easy is to set-up it on #windows. Just need to add binary to #path!" link = "https://twitter.com/executerun/status/809753145270272005" date = 2016-12-16T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Baron Schwartz" twitter_handle = "@xaprb" quote = "Hugo is impressively capable. It's a static site generator by @spf13 written in #golang . Just upgraded to latest release; very powerful. " link = "https://twitter.com/xaprb/status/556894866488455169" date = 2015-01-18T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Dave Cottlehuber" twitter_handle = "@dch__" quote = "I just fell in love with #hugo, a static site/blog engine written by @spf13 in #golang + stellar docs" link = "https://twitter.com/dch__/status/460158115498176512" date = 2014-04-26T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "David Caunt" twitter_handle = "@dcaunt" quote = "I had a play with Hugo and it was good, uses Markdown files for content" link = "https://twitter.com/dcaunt/statuses/406466996277374976" date = 2013-11-29T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "David Gay" twitter_handle = "@oddshocks" quote = "Hugo is super-rad." link = "https://twitter.com/oddshocks/statuses/405083217893421056" date = 2013-11-25T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Diti" twitter_handle = "@DitiPengi" quote = "The dev version of Hugo is AWESOME! <3 I promise, I will try to learn go ASAP and help contribute to the project! Just too great!" link = "https://twitter.com/DitiPengi/status/472470974051676160" date = 2014-05-30T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Douglas Stephen " twitter_handle = "@DougStephenJr" quote = "Even as a long-time Octopress fan, I’ve gotta admit that this project Hugo looks very very cool" link = "https://twitter.com/DougStephenJr/statuses/364512471660249088" date = 2013-08-05T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Hugo Rodger-Brown" twitter_handle = "@hugorodgerbrown" quote = "Finally someone builds me my own static site generator" link = "https://twitter.com/hugorodgerbrown/statuses/364417910153818112" date = 2013-05-08T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Hugo Roy" twitter_handle = "@hugoroyd" quote = "Finally the answer to the question my parents have been asking: What does Hugo do?" link = "https://twitter.com/hugoroyd/status/501704796727173120" date = 2014-08-19T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Daniel Miessler" twitter_handle = "@DanielMiessler" quote = "Websites for named vulnerabilities should run on static site generator platforms like Hugo. Read-only + burst traffic = static." link = "https://twitter.com/DanielMiessler/status/704703841673957376" date = 2016-03-01T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Javier Segura" twitter_handle = "@jsegura" quote = "Another site generated with Hugo here! I'm getting in love with it." link = "https://twitter.com/jsegura/status/465978434154659841" date = 2014-05-12T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Jim Biancolo" twitter_handle = "@jimbiancolo" quote = "I’m loving the static site generator renaissance we are currently enjoying. Hugo is new, looks great, written in Go" link = "https://twitter.com/jimbiancolo/statuses/408678420348813314" date = 2013-05-12T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Jip J. Dekker" twitter_handle = "@jipjdekker" quote = "Building a personal website in Hugo. Works like a charm. And written in @golang!" link = "https://twitter.com/jipjdekker/status/413783548735152131" date = 2013-12-19T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Jose Gonzalvo" twitter_handle = "@jgonzalvo" quote = "Checking out Hugo; Loving it so far. Like Jekyll but not so blog-oriented and written in go" link = "https://twitter.com/jgonzalvo/statuses/408177855819173888" date = 2013-12-04T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Josh Matz" twitter_handle = "@joshmatz" quote = "A static site generator without the long build times? Yes, please!" link = "https://twitter.com/joshmatz/statuses/364437436870696960" date = 2013-08-05T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Kieran Healy" twitter_handle = "@kjhealy" quote = "OK, so in today's speed battle of static site generators, @spf13's hugo is kicking everyone's ass, by miles." link = "https://twitter.com/kjhealy/status/437349384809115648" date = 2014-02-22T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Ludovic Chabant" twitter_handle = "@ludovicchabant" quote = "Good work on Hugo, I’m impressed with the speed!" link = "https://twitter.com/ludovicchabant/statuses/408806199602053120" date = 2013-12-06T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Luke Holder" twitter_handle = "@lukeholder" quote = "this is AWESOME. a single little executable and so fast." link = "https://twitter.com/lukeholder/status/430352287936946176" date = 2014-02-03T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Markus Eliasson" twitter_handle = "@markuseliasson" quote = "Hugo is fast, dead simple to setup and well documented" link = "https://twitter.com/markuseliasson/status/501594865877008384" date = 2014-08-19T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "mercime" twitter_handle = "@mercime_one" quote = "Hugo: Makes the Web Fun Again" link = "https://twitter.com/mercime_one/status/500547145087205377" date = 2014-08-16T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Michael Whatcott" twitter_handle = "@mdwhatcott" quote = "One more satisfied #Hugo blogger. Thanks @spf13 and friends!" link = "https://twitter.com/mdwhatcott/status/469980686531571712" date = 2014-05-23T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Nathan Toups" twitter_handle = "@rojoroboto" quote = "I love Hugo! My site is generated with it now http://rjrbt.io" link = "https://twitter.com/rojoroboto/status/423439915620106242" date = 2014-01-15T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Ruben Solvang" twitter_handle = "@messo85" quote = "#Hugo is the new @jekyllrb / @middlemanapp! Faster, easier and runs everywhere." link = "https://twitter.com/messo85/status/472825062027182081" date = 2014-05-31T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "Ryan Martinsen" twitter_handle = "@popthestack" quote = "Also, I re-launched my blog (it looks the same as before) using Hugo, a *fast* static engine. Very happy with it. gohugo.io" link = "https://twitter.com/popthestack/status/549972754125307904" date = 2014-12-30T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "The Lone Cuber" twitter_handle = "@TheLoneCuber" quote = "Jekyll is dead to me these days though... long live Hugo! Hugo is *by far* the best in its field. Thanks for making it happen." link = "https://twitter.com/TheLoneCuber/status/495716684456398848" date = 2014-08-02T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "The Lone Cuber" twitter_handle = "@TheLoneCuber" quote = "Finally, a publishing platform that's a joy to use. #NoMoreBarriers" link = "https://twitter.com/TheLoneCuber/status/495731334711488512" date = 2014-08-02T00:00:00Z [[tweet]] name = "WorkHTML" twitter_handle = "@workhtml" quote = " #Hugo A very good alternative for #wordpress !!! A fast and modern static website engine gohugo.io " link = "https://twitter.com/workhtml/status/563064361301053440" date = 2015-02-04T00:00:00Z