--- title: Data inspection linkTitle: Inspection description: Use template functions to inspect values and data structures. categories: [troubleshooting] keywords: [] menu: docs: parent: troubleshooting weight: 40 weight: 40 --- Use the [`jsonify`] function to inspect a data structure: ```go-html-template
{{ jsonify (dict "indent" "  ") .Params }}
``` ```text { "date": "2023-11-10T15:10:42-08:00", "draft": false, "iscjklanguage": false, "lastmod": "2023-11-10T15:10:42-08:00", "publishdate": "2023-11-10T15:10:42-08:00", "tags": [ "foo", "bar" ], "title": "My first post" } ``` {{% note %}} Hugo will throw an error if you attempt to use the construct above to display context that includes a page collection. For example, in a home page template, this will fail: `{{ jsonify (dict "indent" " ") . }}` {{% /note %}} Use the [`debug.Dump`] function to inspect data types: ```go-html-template
{{ debug.Dump .Params }}
``` ```text maps.Params{ "date": time.Time{}, "draft": false, "iscjklanguage": false, "lastmod": time.Time{}, "publishdate": time.Time{}, "tags": []string{ "foo", "bar", }, "title": "My first post", } ``` Use the [`printf`] function (render) or [`warnf`] function (log to console) to inspect simple data structures. The layout string below displays both value and data type. ```go-html-template {{ $value := 42 }} {{ printf "%[1]v (%[1]T)" $value }} → 42 (int) ``` [`jsonify`]: /functions/encoding/jsonify [`debug.Dump`]: /functions/debug/dump [`printf`]: /functions/fmt/printf [`warnf`]: /functions/fmt/warnf