--- title: Markdown render hooks linkTitle: Render hooks description: Render Hooks allow custom templates to override markdown rendering functionality. categories: [templates] keywords: [markdown] toc: true menu: docs: parent: templates weight: 200 weight: 200 --- Note that this is only supported with the [Goldmark](/getting-started/configuration-markup#goldmark) renderer. You can override certain parts of the default Markdown rendering to HTML by creating templates with base names `render-{kind}` in `layouts/_default/_markup`. You can also create type/section specific hooks in `layouts/[type/section]/_markup`, e.g.: `layouts/blog/_markup`. The hook kinds currently supported are: * `image` * `link` * `heading` * `codeblock`{{< new-in 0.93.0 >}} You can define [Output-Format-](/templates/output-formats) and [language-](/content-management/multilingual/)specific templates if needed. Your `layouts` folder may look like this: ```text layouts/ └── _default/ └── _markup/ ├── render-codeblock-bash.html ├── render-codeblock.html ├── render-heading.html ├── render-image.html ├── render-image.rss.xml └── render-link.html ``` Some use cases for the above: * Resolve link references using `.GetPage`. This would make links portable as you could translate `./my-post.md` (and similar constructs that would work on GitHub) into `/blog/2019/01/01/my-post/` etc. * Add `target=_blank` to external links. * Resolve and [process](/content-management/image-processing/) images. * Add [header links](https://remysharp.com/2014/08/08/automatic-permalinks-for-blog-posts). ## Render hooks for headings, links and images ### Context passed to `render-link` and `render-image` The `render-link` and `render-image` templates will receive this context: Page : The [Page](/variables/page/) being rendered. Destination : The URL. Title : The title attribute. Text : The rendered (HTML) link text. PlainText : The plain variant of the above. ### Context passed to `render-heading` The `render-heading` template will receive this context: Page : The [Page](/variables/page/) being rendered. Level : The header level (1--6) Anchor : An auto-generated html id unique to the header within the page Text : The rendered (HTML) text. PlainText : The plain variant of the above. Attributes (map) : A map of attributes (e.g. `id`, `class`). Note that this will currently always be empty for links. The `render-image` templates will also receive: IsBlock {{< new-in 0.108.0 >}} : Returns true if this is a standalone image and the configuration option [markup.goldmark.parser.wrapStandAloneImageWithinParagraph](/getting-started/configuration-markup/#goldmark) is disabled. Ordinal {{< new-in 0.108.0 >}} : Zero-based ordinal for all the images in the current document. ### Link with title markdown example ```md [Text](https://www.gohugo.io "Title") ``` Here is a code example for how the render-link.html template could look: {{< code file=layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html >}} {{ .Text | safeHTML }} {{< /code >}} ### Image markdown example ```md ![Text](https://gohugo.io/images/hugo-logo-wide.svg "Title") ``` Here is a code example for how the render-image.html template could look: {{< code file=layouts/_default/_markup/render-image.html >}}

{{ .Text }}

{{< /code >}} ### Heading link example Given this template file {{< code file=layouts/_default/_markup/render-heading.html >}} {{ .Text | safeHTML }} {{< /code >}} And this markdown ```md ### Section A ``` The rendered html will be ```html

Section A

``` ## Render hooks for code blocks {{< new-in 0.93.0 >}} You can add a hook template for either all code blocks or for a specific type/language (`bash` in the example below): ```goat { class="black f7" } layouts └── _default └── _markup └── render-codeblock.html └── render-codeblock-bash.html ``` The default behavior for these code blocks is to do [Code Highlighting](/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#highlighting-in-code-fences), but since you can pass attributes to these code blocks, they can be used for almost anything. One example would be the built-in [GoAT Diagrams](/content-management/diagrams/#goat-diagrams-ascii) or this [Mermaid Diagram Code Block Hook](/content-management/diagrams/#mermaid-diagrams) example. The context (the ".") you receive in a code block template contains: Type (string) : The type of code block. This will be the programming language, e.g. `bash`, when doing code highlighting. Attributes (map) : Attributes passed in from Markdown (e.g. `{ attrName1=attrValue1 attrName2="attr Value 2" }`). Options (map) : Chroma highlighting processing options. This will only be filled if `Type` is a known [Chroma Lexer](/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages). Inner (string) : The text between the code fences. Ordinal (integer) : Zero-based ordinal for all code blocks in the current document. Page : The owning `Page`. Position : Useful in error logging as it prints the file name and position (linenumber, column), e.g. `{{ errorf "error in code block: %s" .Position }}`.