--- title: LanguagePrefix description: Returns the URL language prefix, if any, for the given site. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: - functions/urls/AbsLangURL - functions/urls/RelLangURL returnType: string signatures: [SITE.LanguagePrefix] --- Consider this site configuration: {{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} defaultContentLanguage = 'de' defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false [languages.de] languageCode = 'de-DE' languageDirection = 'ltr' languageName = 'Deutsch' title = 'Projekt Dokumentation' weight = 1 [languages.en] languageCode = 'en-US' languageDirection = 'ltr' languageName = 'English' title = 'Project Documentation' weight = 2 {{< /code-toggle >}} When visiting the German language site: ```go-html-template {{ .Site.LanguagePrefix }} → "" ``` When visiting the English language site: ```go-html-template {{ .Site.LanguagePrefix }} → /en ``` If you change `defaultContentLanguageInSubdir` to `true`, when visiting the German language site: ```go-html-template {{ .Site.LanguagePrefix }} → /de ``` You may use the `LanguagePrefix` method with both monolingual and multilingual sites.