--- title: Position description: Returns the filename and position from which the shortcode was called. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: - methods/shortcode/Name - functions/fmt/Errorf returnType: text.Position signatures: [SHORTCODE.Position] --- The `Position` method is useful for error reporting. For example, if your shortcode requires a "greeting" parameter: {{< code file=layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode.html >}} {{ $greeting := "" }} {{ with .Get "greeting" }} {{ $greeting = . }} {{ else }} {{ errorf "The %q shortcode requires a 'greeting' parameter. See %s" .Name .Position }} {{ end }} {{< /code >}} In the absence of a "greeting" parameter, Hugo will throw an error message and fail the build: ```text ERROR The "myshortcode" shortcode requires a 'greeting' parameter. See "/home/user/project/content/about.md:11:1" ``` {{% note %}} The position can be expensive to calculate. Limit its use to error reporting. {{% /note %}}