--- title: Get description: Returns the value of the given parameter. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: - methods/shortcode/IsNamedParams - methods/shortcode/Params returnType: any signatures: [SHORTCODE.Get PARAM] toc: true --- Specify the parameter by position or by name. When calling a shortcode within markdown, use either positional or named parameters, but not both. {{% note %}} Some shortcodes support positional parameters, some support named parameters, and others support both. Refer to the shortcode's documentation for usage details. {{% /note %}} ## Positional parameters This shortcode call uses positional parameters: {{< code file=content/about.md lang=md >}} {{}} {{< /code >}} To retrieve parameters by position: {{< code file=layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode.html >}} {{ printf "%s %s." (.Get 0) (.Get 1) }} → Hello world. {{< /code >}} ## Named parameters This shortcode call uses named parameters: {{< code file=content/about.md lang=md >}} {{}} {{< /code >}} To retrieve parameters by name: {{< code file=layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode.html >}} {{ printf "%s %s." (.Get "greeting") (.Get "firstName") }} → Hello world. {{< /code >}} {{% note %}} Parameter names are case-sensitive. {{% /note %}}