--- title: Params description: Returns a map of resource parameters as defined in front matter. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: [] returnType: map signatures: [RESOURCE.Params] --- Use the `Params` method with [page resources]. It is not applicable to either [global] or [remote] resources. [global]: /getting-started/glossary/#global-resource [page resources]: /getting-started/glossary/#page-resource [remote]: /getting-started/glossary/#remote-resource With this content structure: ```text content/ ├── posts/ │ ├── cats/ │ │ ├── images/ │ │ │ └── a.jpg │ │ └── index.md │ └── _index.md └── _index.md ``` And this front matter: {{< code-toggle file=content/posts/cats.md fm=true >}} title = 'Cats' [[resources]] src = 'images/a.jpg' title = 'Felix the cat' [resources.params] alt = 'Photograph of black cat' temperament = 'vicious' {{< /code-toggle >}} And this template: ```go-html-template {{ with .Resources.Get "images/a.jpg" }}
{{ .Params.alt }}
{{ .Title }} is {{ .Params.temperament }}
{{ end }} ``` Hugo renders: ```html
Photograph of black cat
Felix the cat is vicious
``` See the [page resources] section for more information. [page resources]: /content-management/page-resources