--- title: TranslationKey description: Returns the translation key of the given page. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: - methods/page/Translations - methods/page/AllTranslations - methods/page/IsTranslated returnType: string signatures: [PAGE.TranslationKey] --- The translation key creates a relationship between all translations of a given page. The translation key is derived from the file path, or from the `translationKey` parameter if defined in front matter. With this site configuration: {{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} defaultContentLanguage = 'en' [languages.en] contentDir = 'content/en' languageCode = 'en-US' languageName = 'English' weight = 1 [languages.de] contentDir = 'content/de' languageCode = 'de-DE' languageName = 'Deutsch' weight = 2 {{< /code-toggle >}} And this content: ```text content/ ├── de/ │ ├── books/ │ │ ├── buch-1.md │ │ └── book-2.md │ └── _index.md ├── en/ │ ├── books/ │ │ ├── book-1.md │ │ └── book-2.md │ └── _index.md └── _index.md ``` And this front matter: {{< code-toggle file=content/en/books/book-1.md fm=true >}} title = 'Book 1' translationKey = 'foo' {{< /code-toggle >}} {{< code-toggle file=content/de/books/buch-1.md fm=true >}} title = 'Buch 1' translationKey = 'foo' {{< /code-toggle >}} When rendering either either of the pages above: ```go-html-template {{ .TranslationKey }} → page/foo ``` If the front matter of Book 2, in both languages, does not include a translation key: ```go-html-template {{ .TranslationKey }} → page/books/book-2 ```